Saturday, December 31, 2005

TCS 2005

As the year closes, let us take a walk down Cock Lane to find out what we've been really up to. All the 里程碑 of this blog, you will find it listed here. The best we've came up with, the trouble we went through - you'll find all of them in this post. Basically, it's just to round off the year so hope you enjoy it.

We've been up and running since 20th August this year, which means we are currently 134 days old. So as you can see, we are still young and won't stop talking cock anytime soon.

And the hit counter has been up for 116 days, registering 13840 hits, which means that we get around 119 hits (rounded down) a day! Thanks for your support, but we'll be pleased if you could support us more. We aim to hit 120 hits a day by next year - oops! That's tomorrow. Well, it doesn't hurt to come and refresh a few times.. does it? I wouldn't know you did anyway. Then we will all be damn happy.

Now to the history of TCS:

I was online with YL on a typical Friday night, just talking trash after some tough training. YL said, "eh I think we really talk a lot of cock, let's set up a blog to post all our conversations, etc." I was rather agreeable to the idea.

And TCS was born from there. We haven't looked back since, though we certainly have caused many others to turn their backs on us. Not our fault - they were too sensitive. A most notable post would be the L___l posts at the beginning, which included a picture of Danny's vandalised table. That picture, deemed too sensitive, has since been removed. I won't post it here either, so stop hoping.

We managed an average of 4 posts a day in the first 2 days. And a week later YH joined us to bolster our forces (and keep up the posts when YL and I seem inadequate). Then these are the people you see today, no actually you don't, you just read our posts. Okay my bad.

YL did a graphic description of how war was supposed to be waged when it comes to love, but ended up jacking himself when someone mystical appeared on the tagboard. Well, that is now water under the bridge and we're glad to move on.

As our readership grows, so did our temper with RP. I vented my frustration openly.

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And more frustration came along when I changed the template and took away the tagboard, the hit counter and everything we needed with it. I ultimately recovered from that, so everything's back up again.

Then the wolf scandal hit TCS, with YL embroiled right in the middle of it. Despite his denials, he was certainly unable to prove his innocence, but then again, neither was the prosecution able to prove his guilt. The trial just drew on and on right across September, then I decided to start blowing the recorder and just leave everything to settle. The case is still left unsolved, and maybe it's better that way.

When I couldn't take it any longer and admitted I was an Undercover Prefect along with YH. We sure punished lots of people, eh.

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Common tests were in October as well, and mugging really made me mad. It so happened that my red Chemistry textbook seemed redder than ever, like this: Image hosted by

So I resigned to playing Pokémon. Image hosted by

Chris Kwan came along somewhere in between to make our readership shoot up.

TCS was also quite instrumental in aiding others in the Chinese "O"s. The study guide was very well-received, and come next March, anyone who have read TCS would most certainly score A1 in their exams. That is our guarantee, and if you don't, it's your own bloody fault. Next time read it more thoroughly please.

The truth about how Buckley finished behind Hullett was told.

The hate campaign begins - and I make no bones about who I dislike.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comTUMNUS!!

and our dear pop star, Image hosted by JAY THE GAY

YH starts to express his doubt about having Grad Dinner at Orchard Hotel, and I must admit the idea was indeed presposterous. YL then left for Guangzhou to shoot birds, and for a long spell he did leave! He came back only just in time to eat some really bad food at Grad Dinner, where our worst fears came true. At least he did post his longest one up here at TCS - what with supermarket counters and queue cutters.

That same month, I got fed up with waiting at home and ran to Orchard in desperation. Coming in handy as well were the time-wasting techniques, and before you knew it, November was over. But a good month to read entries, there are really lots of them - products of too much boredom.

If you were looking for more controversy, December sure provided enough with New Age Robbers coming into the scene to rob you of money. YH started showing off his proficiency in different languages, while I made my way to Malaysia Truly Asia. I hope you know what Asia is like now? (answer below)

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Oh, and not to forget Plaza Tol's advice.

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There you go now. YL who travelled to Thailand also has some valuable insight on the country, so you could learn lots of Geography from your local talk cock guides. We are not that stupid as you think, though maybe I am, I don't know. I hope not, but I might prove to be. Oh well, forget that.

This will be fresh in your memory - for I just introduced Happyland to you a few days ago. Brilliant game, no? And for those who claim that there is hardly any educational value in it, think again! The fruits and candy that you collect have different values, and different points added to your score. That indicates the amount of protein, carbohydrates and glucose in them! So in my opinion this game is very biological and very mathematical - and thus everyone should play it. (Especially those BCME ones)

So how was a trip down Talk Cock Lane? Nice? Stupid? Or just cock?

I hope you've enjoyed 2005 with us.

But don't worry, rest assured we'll be back next year after a break of.. a few hours. We blog everyday, and we don't see why we should stop that anytime soon. We sure look forward to a great 2006 in RJC, and a great time talking cock there. You can take the cock out of the summit, but you can't take the summit out of the cock. Wherever we are, it is Talk Cock Summit.

And before I forget..


To all our faithful readers, this is dedicated to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are all nice picture but he is very very great guy all the best.

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