Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chilling my way through lawl skool

They say that education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty. I am glad to report that I am in the midst of miserable uncertainty. I am uncertain whether to read up on Finance(6 weeks' backlog), Property Law (4 weeks' backlog) or Corporate Law (8 weeks' backlog, because there was no mid-term test to get me moving). And the finals are about 2 weeks away. Faced with such humorous circumstances, I decided to blog instead. 10 years down the road, I hope I can  will be proud of this momentous decision.

If law has to be a household appliance, I would say it is the vacuum cleaner. A very good vacuum cleaner. And life is like dirt. But my life is so big it clogs up the vacuum cleaner.

If I can chill through law school, I can chill through anything. 

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