Sunday, May 06, 2007


Finally able to start posting again after my old account is converted to this gmail one. Some interesting things have happened. Some have not, such as me scoring straight As for CTs, or even an A.

On the other hand, happy things have happened, such as the great conclusion of the water polo season! i got a gold medal, do you? Yeh it hangs nicely in my room now, and i would've taken a picture, together with my water polo cap and ball, except that i wouldn't.

*So imagine the picture here*

Retirement is blissful. No more trainings, total freedom with my time, freedom to study, study and study, which is not really freedom. Well act i do miss training now but that can't be helped.

Now, life consists of study and sports (ie the occasional basketball), which is quite healthy actually. If i keep up with this for the rest of my life, i'm probably eligible for the Nobel prize at some point in time.

and meanwhile during this hiatus, new insight has been found and developed. The observation has been made that theres an overwhelming number of girls in h3 chem. Obviously, that observation wasn't made by me, since being in a class of 20 guys and 5 girls, im rather used to it. zy the philosopher asks "All the girls are so smart, who are they gonna marry in the future?" Which then leads to his conclusion the guys of this era should just marry smart girls and be house-husbands and have fun! Which is not a bad idea. but must have enough people then can have fun together.

Well back to studying, i realise why i daydream so much. It's because my mind always wants to get away from studying and therefore thinks about other things. And it's actually at these times that all the imagination and creativity comes in. But as they say, too much of a good thing kills you, cos if you spend all the time imagining, you fail the A levels.

hmm so much for blogging.

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