Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Give this guy a break!

Now I'm going to cut out your typical "Do you know this guy" introduction. Because clearly, you do. And even if you don't, you do anyway because everyone's reporting on this guy's infidelity.

Well, TCS hasn't had it's turn at Tiger Woods yet. So here I go.

It's funny how this dude was the "model professional in the golfing world" until his scandals were thrown into the open for everyone to see. After that people started lamenting that he was a poor role model and how he is a disgrace to golfers, etc.

I don't really get the link, though. How is his having a strong libido got to do with his golfing abilities? In fact if you ask me I think he's a fantastic golfer because even with his sex distractions he still manages to complete don't-know-how-many Grand Slams and all.

Oh wait, are Grand Slams even part of golf? I'm sorry. Truth be told I'm not an avid golf fan, I'm more into soccer but the paparazzi just doesn't seem to give up on Tiger "I love bar hostesses" Woods so I thought I'd just stick my nose into golf.

The uglier truth be told, golf is really just a stupid game. So no matter how many titles or PGAs this guy has won, he doesn't merit as much respect as my mates who play amateur soccer every Sunday. Of course that's only in my opinion, which doesn't count for much; since everyone obviously still enjoys throwing shit at Mr. Woods.

That aside I think I really digress. Being involved in such a stupid game, which is golf, naturally would make a man frustrated. Plus it's been said that Woods put in profuse hours into his training, which was why he became so successful.

But if YOU ask me, which you might not but I'll reply anyway since this is my blog..

If Woods could spend so much time on this stupid game, it's only natural that he's got frustrated with this nonsense. Good that he's woken up his idea, as they would say in the army.

I mean, instead of putting golf balls into holes, he simply decided to put HIS balls in another type of hole. Anything wrong with that?

Americans like to talk about freedom and the human right to do whatever they want. Tiger Woods isn't the first arsehole (no pun intended) to commit adultery and he will not be the last. Just because he's a golfing pro doesn't make him less guilty of this screwed up act; but if there can be so many adulterers in the real world, stop picking on this guy just because he's rich and famous.

So for the paparazzi with nothing better to do: Go pick on someone your own size! Let this guy continue playing his stupid game and stop molesting him the way à la Sentosa woman on New Year's Eve style. It's boring and I'm sick of reading shit about him in the papers every fucking day.

Can someone talk about soccer instead?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sentosa Molest

I would like to thank those who are still reading this blog. It is a beautiful feeling to know that one is being appreciated when the blogging fad has come and gone. Those left standing after the melee are those who love to write, and those who love to read.

Those who have blogged before will know that blogging is hard work. Good writing necessitates that we take only the interesting parts of our lives and thoughts and amplify them in the blog posts, and that does require some cognitive work. And inspiration? Where does that come from?

If I were just some dude in his underwear in front of the computer, the easiest choice would be the online news. Recently, there has been the incident of a bikini-clad girl being molested by 4 dark-skinned individuals at the New Year Countdown Party and a video was actually shot of the whole incident. Given that the online searches on the words "sentosa molest" must have been numerous, a blogger who blogs about recent news can even garner new readers directed by search engines.

Heck, since I'm at it, might as well give my two cents' worth. It reflects very very badly that some blog has set up a facebook group something to the effect of "She did not deserve to be molested". Do you see anything wrong? When the fuck, in what kind of screwed up parallel universe, does someone ever deserve to be molested? Enough said. No need for further discussions on the wall. I believe the group came about because, somehow somewhere someone said anonymously that she deserved to be molested. Opinions like this don't merit a response. Like paedophiles who think children are old enough for sex, sadists who think kittens are for torture experimentation, and employers who think maids are slaves, they are the inevitable undercurrents of any peaceful society. There is no point arguing because the people who hold these views will not come out to the open to be convinced anyway. They will only hold their convictions in their deep dark souls. Once or twice, a tentacle might emerge from the surface. but that's all.

Of course, the people (usually all the girls), are totally justified in questioning why no one helped her. Well, all the decent guys were at home studying duh. And all the decent girls were afraid that their bikinis would've been torn to shreds had they gone to help the poor girl.

Wow in those short paragraphs, I've answered all the questions regarding this entire molestation incident. If you just see the amount of words and opinions generated by one high-profile incident on the web, it's little wonder that no one has time for serious literature anymore. Anyway, if you can't tell by now, one reason I usually don't like talking about controversial news is that they always descend to pointless debate that is neither interesting nor humorous.

Back to the part about inspiration for blogging. There is always a niche. Freaks like Xiaxue can talk incessantly about themselves. Mrbrown has politics. Cowboycaleb is cool. DawnYang has scandals. Introduction to other blogs has enough material for an article in itself. Me? No idea.

I intend to write a short story someday, and then post it here. To make a good blog requires certain effort. For example, you probably deserve a better layout to complement all the text, but no because here we're lazy bums. For example, most blogs will have an icon somewhere to sign up for an rss feed, but nahh, I'll just recommend google reader for you guys. I was introduced to it by a friend who happens to read my blog. If you're using gmail, it's convenient. Hope to get started on the short story soon!

Friday, January 01, 2010

Love is like the ideal elastic; it doesn't break when it stretches, and when the stretching stops, it goes right back into shape

New year, old year, can you really tell the difference? Though I'm sure it does bring a windfall to commercial entities like buses, taxis and clubs. Why do we celebrate the new year? Maybe it's because we haven't actually accomplished anything worth celebrating ourselves, that's why we celebrate artificial things like that.

I was on my way home on the nightrider when I noticed it was actually quiet for once. The mobileTV showed "mobile tv will operate until december 31 2009, thank you for your support". Woohoo something to feel good about!

I'm sure I'll miss the just for laughs show and the taiwanese food shows, but they are no compensation for the inane shit that we have to put up with most of the time. If you aren't a snobbish rich kid who has never taken the bus before, then you've probably been forced to watch a local food show.

And you might have observed that the difference between local foodshow hosts (the ones shown on mobiletv anyway) and good foodshow hosts is that the local ones can't help but get an orgasm when they eat in front of the camera. Once the food is in the mouth, the moaning commences, x 10 the volume if the cook is watching. And the cooks aren't even sexy. And then the host's hand will do that stupid connoisseur motion of squeezing the thumb and index finger together, as if it helps with the orgasm, and when it is finally over, they will say, 'delicious', 'wow', or other forms of limited vocabulary cooked together with zero imagination. Of course, all they succeed in doing to me is to induce a vomit reflex.

And there are worse. There's one time where I watched a show with 3 female hosts (maybe 1 host 2 guests, whatever), so I had to vomit 3 times each time new food was introduced. What the fuck, when you have 3 tasters and 1 type of food, it's obvious the focus is on the people and not the food, so the people had better be chio, but they weren't, so the whole show was ruined.

Let's talk about drama serials next. I must admit that normally, I don't watch them on television, thus most of what I watch comes from mobiletv. Why do normal Singapore serials induce such unpleasant sensations in me? Ok just the tendency to turn away cos it's so bad. Once in a while, there's a serial that's good enough to be exported, but that means that if your life were serials, you would be in jail for 50 years of your 75-year life expectancy. I think I nailed the reason. They're mostly just plain unrealistic. I've never heard real families or people speak in the tone and language used in serials. The stuff the characters say when they get pissed off is just laughable most of the time. And then, when they try to mimic how Singaporeans really speak, they overdo it, but even that is a move in the right direction as it spawned Phua Chu Kang, which I have to admit is funny.

The award-winning ones like Little Nyonya are set in another time and it's more realistic that way because we did not live in that era and will be more flexible in accepting the language and setting of the time. happy new year!

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