Wednesday, August 31, 2005


latest on integrals.

finally i learnt how to play a song that yuk can sing and finally yuk can sing a song i can play. the song is specially dedicated to myself, for it is titled 笨小孩。people who wish to see us in action can just request here and we'll have it live in school friday. since it's the last day of term we might as well relax.

you'll like our integrated music. totally first class.

Buaya Studies (BS) - Part Three

okay this is going to be kind of sad but we are rounding up our buaya studies today. because i suddenly got some inspiration to do some tracking down in school and this time i've got p-roof to back me up, RIGHT YUK LUN?

never mind that - let's get on with what i want to say. this morning was teacher's day celebrations but i came into class early anyway. as the monitor, i felt a strong sense of belonging so i started cleaning up the class and arranging the tables even though i knew it would be messed up later. then i found a clue to solving the mystery of the buaya - for on barney's table there was this huge writing that goes something like "barney concentrate on your studies and stop talking to girls".


when i asked a classmate, who prefers to remain anonymous, to give comments about barney, he replied, "yea well he's been rather depressed after injuring himself trying to show off to girls so he's trying to snap out of it."

in a moment, his past came flashing back. i thought about the night of william tan where he turned up with 3 girls. then my train of thought just continued there - and my train is not like MRT where there's uniform speed and velocity-time graph is constant. no when i start thinking my mind goes whirrrrrrrr- then velocity-time graph gradient goes up to 9 or 10 per s.. which means i've got high acceleration but does it matter anyway. the flashback gave me lots and lots of ideas. apart from barney, who else was buayaing?

lets see. chen kai was there. though he might beg to differ let me quote nicky on chenkai: "he cheats on grace". though of course he's not supposed to see this hahaha.. but that's nothing less than the truth, RIGHT YUK LUN? so anyway we do have these scandalous people hanging around. and if you have a memory as good as mine you'll recall alvin tan, monitor of 4h, sitting beside a certain girl that barney was once involved with. pity very few monitors have the calibre to be part of the NBA like me and yuk here.

OH YES and this girl also happened to be with ming kiat once, sending him an sms, "hi dear.. how's school?" - and for this the whole 4j can testify to that.

my mind then spurred me on to think of who else was there that night, and my mind turned to danny. that one don't need to say la. james was around too - err i'm not saying anything else. andre and yao zhen was somewhere in the background? and before you can say "you bloody idiot" i suddenly recalled that _____ was there as well! but of course due to safety precautions, meaning my own safety, i will not name the person in the blank. but if you'd put them all together, like i did, would you notice something?

barney. chen kai. james. danny. yao zhen. alvin. andre. ________?

DO I SEE A PATTERN? damn it despite having very very low intelligence even i can see logic in it. i bet it has more logic than what you see in 七剑 anyway, judging by the way yuk has written a report on it.

my mind then went into spasm. the a-t graph went into overload and overshot the asymptote. in a flash, we are back in year 2003. now, i've found the origins of buaya. 2D 2003. man i am a genius.

i was so happy in solving the mystery this morning that i went to the astroturf without the register. now that's a true story okay!! moral of the story? don't have. but you should listen to what i have to say next.

all these thus concludes my buaya studies. of course some of you might say yea my essay is just BS - bull shit or BS - biased sources or BS - bloody stupid but i think you all should think about it. i mean, don't you think the article has no fallacies, is reliable, logical and can be understood very easily? it is backed up by SCIENCES okay. i understand i may not be that good at it but who cares la. these BUAYA STUDIES are mine! and thus i shall end off here. remember the origins of buayaism: 2D 2003.

oh wait no wonder. 2D = buckley = green = crocodile = buaya.

right so that makes sense. why didn't i think of it earlier!

from danny with love

whos says we cant plot flowers?


bayley has just won napfa today.

although i would dearly like to claim all the credit for myself.. which should be reasonable as i AM bayley vice cap sports after all.. i will not.

i will be nice and credit the victory to who it belongs to!


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Buaya Studies (BS) - Part Two

i admit part one was a bit.. undetailed. today we shall delve deeper into what makes up a buaya.

from the previous post, you can tell that experience is always welcome. experience in what? in spotting girls, of course. let me quote a line from bayley's drama feste, "you can't take what you don't have". similarly, you can't buaya what you can't see. first requirement: buayas cannot be blind.

now next up - we look at the case studies. what do sean and danny have in common? 1) they're in waterpolo, 2) they love backshots.. but most importantly 3) b0th are COOLIO and YANDAO!! damn that's two points already. to get girls you must first be cool, not COLD. note there is a difference because if you learn chem, COLD = ENDOTHERMIC = BREAK BONDS = BREAKUP! oh my, that wouldn't be a good start to a relationship, would it? you can't break what you don't have!! so cool is the word man. yea cool. this way there would be EQUILIBRIUM and you know nowadays whats with the stuff about female's rights.. equality in society.. no gender stereotyping.. etc. well your gf would love that. so be cool.

as for yandao that one don't need to say. yandao meaning acting dao. because if you act dao then other girls won't be attracted, simple as that. if you are out to buaya and look for girls you must be faithful, because it's logical that girls will not settle for half. and sharing is a taboo. but then again if you're BUAYA IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN HOW YOU BE FAITHFUL! that's why you must learn how to act. so YAN DAO! act dao but don't be dao - always keep an open mind - another key issue to being a buaya.

now that we've found the prerequisites to being a buaya - how about tracing the origins. now this is an especially difficult task because buayas are all over the place, especially in wildlife areas like sungei buloh er and if you want.. the zoo? pretty sure you can find them there. of course they term it "crocodile" - that's the proper term but then again when it comes to illegal activities like looking at girls you'd better use the appropriate language to express it. now i'm not trying to prove a point here or be racist but it is rather evident that using the word "crocodile" would have lost its effect in terming someone a "buaya."

so buaya it shall be. it has its origins in the reptile family. or wait is it the amphibian family? i don't know if it lays its eggs in water since it has been a while since i took SCIENCE lessons (omg those primary school days). so i guess buayas came from crocodiles.. just like huang lu came from dolphins (long story there).

that doesn't sound quite right. oh well, refer to the paragraph above the last then. maybe that's an answer. but for now it's getting late so it's time to recharge myself (i running out of electrons soon) - i guess i'll see you around if you want to see me complete my buaya studies haha.

till next time, man.

an epitaph for YJ

since yejie has so many enemies nowadays, i felt the urge to make some preparations in case he kena assassinated

Here lies a guy who talked
waaaay too much cock
so much so his mouth kena locked
and he starved till he rot.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Buaya Studies (BS) - Part One

in JC i'm thinking of taking up this course - buaya studies. no, no, i dont mean giving up on my beloved NBA; but rather to find out more about these people who take up so much of our time and our lives.

buayas. just what are they? where do they originate from?

as i have an inquiring mind, i tend to think a lot. i ask questions to myself which i answer. of course we will first look at some case studies - as we always have to if we want to do a good analysis of what is going on. well when i think of buaya the first person that comes to mind is DANNY. but he's been receiving alot of cock lately from us so maybe i'll change focus to SEAN TAN instead.

the life of a buaya in SEAN TAN:
- playing chess (chest?) with others
- playing waterpolo (that's not the highlight)
- making friends with RG judokas
- going out with them
- saying hi to girls on the bus which he finds chio
- basically buayaing.

apparently he's got this many points to qualify him as a buaya. actually you don't need that many at times. now since i'm done with SEAN TAN let's go back to DANNY.

the life of a buaya in DANNY:
- lies!
- flowers

proving that buaya does not only come in quantity, or rather quantity is not all that is required in buayaing. its like getting your tuition teacher to write a 10-page essay for you, but whats the point? you might still fail in the end if your tuition teacher is lousy. thus, quality is equally important in buayaing.

this is all i have to say for today. being part of the NBA, i'm afraid i can't give you any first-hand accounts of buayaing but just wait, i'll be bringing you BS part two very soon. haha.


i really don't know what yuk lun is posting. his posts are so in between lies! and the truth that i think he's trying to settle for half. or both. in any case he's a scandalous guy all right, but since i dont have much time today i'll save it for later or some other time. or you could ask me in sch and i'll tell you all about yuk's.. exploits. sigh another breaking fellowship.

but let's move on to brighter stuff!

i'm just going to quote chandru on what he said about geps!

"their IQ is very low.. and they forget things like this! *snaps fingers*"

chandru just makes my day, man. oh yea~~

why I deserve to be in NBA, NGO

er. because i set them up?!


All characters mentioned in the posts are strictly fictional and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. We accept no responsibility whatsoever for any emotional trauma felt by the reader. However, we do claim credit if it happens to entertain you. If you feel our posts to be offensive, there can be several reasons, a)you are stupid b)you are overly imaginative c)you want to kill us all. In any case, do let us know if you are offended by any of our posts and we will try to best to make it more offensive.

YJ by YL

Today is yejie's birthday. Yejie is tall, handsome and attractive. He is da man. No pretences, no metrosexuality, he is the hot-blooded macho man. YJ is also a trendsetter, following nobody's rules besides his own. Hundreds of sec1s and 2s try to imitate his unique style of wearing tight pants to look athletic, but all of them fail miserably, because they lack his big sexy butt and strong muscular legs. He is also full of shit, which is good because it means he won't have diarrhoea. Call YJ today at 93499790 if you are young and sexy and hot and female. Cock guaranteed.

why i deserve to be in NBA, NGO

i was dumped by my girlfriend called isabella christabella ella from rgps p4. she said i wasnt old enough cuz she only goes for older guys. she reportedly asked me for a flower on valentines day and i said go plot r=sin5(t) on polar coordinates (t)=teta. she dint believe. that bitch!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Settle for two

I am a critical thinker. All I think about is criticizing. So here's my view of the bloody bridge.
It is better to settle for two, it must be! That must be why l___l keeps a sword in her cabinet. Then again, I don't mind a good fight, so presenting to you, ladies and gentlemen...

Danny vs Sengkong: Round Two, Fight!

the battle begins Posted by Picasa

the blood settles Posted by Picasa

and the winner emerges!


in my opinion (5 syllables)
haikus are for dumb shits who (7)
can't make poems rhyme (5)

Golden Globe Awards

I just checked the website. Turned out that the hit series Initial D was nominated for best drama award.

Let me tell you more about Initial D. The hit series feature a young tennis prodigy by the name of Michaelangelo De La Cruziero or better known as MD Cruz or M Cruz.

Borned into a family of waterpolo players, young Cruz has no choice but to follow what HIS father wants, which is to play waterpolo. Will he ever get to fulfil his dreams of being a tennis STAR? stay tuned

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Settle for half

i'm very free again. not long after my previous post i decided to read "a view from the bridge" - that's our lit book - FOR FUN. then i thought about settling for half. then i thought about my good friend danny. and HIS good friend whose name starts with L and ends with L. and then i put down my book and came here to blog.

now.. what is settling for half? i realise that i'm kind of an alfieri because i don't take sides, but hmm this is like so pertinent to the future of the world that i have no choice but to interfere and to offer you my point of view. if i dont say it out i might feel uncomfortable for the whole night.

the dilemma: DANNY OR SENG KONG

yes i know you've probably heard all these before and its probably even sounding cliché now. but then again danny's friend starting with L and ending with L cannot possibly let herself (oops) be wholly known! she must settle for half, that she must.

so since danny+ seng kong = 1,
and the assumption that danny = seng kong,
settling for half means: DANNY OR SENG KONG

okay so here we are. let me first make this clear: i've known danny and seng kong for 4 years and i really think that both of them really deserve l____l. but as i've explained earlier you can't handle both - oh you can't handle the truth!! so l____l must settle for half.



let me now present the case on why DANNY should be the chosen half:

danny is a coolio. he's like, in ihtimam's words, danny murphy. he chooses charlton over liverpool and thus is reflecting a very cool outlook. danny is hardworking although he acts like he plays dota. okay yes yes many people know the story about danny giving up l____l for dota/wc but i can tell you its not true!! its a bunch of lies! how can danny play so much when he's training most of the time? danny would not be so silly to give up a girl just solely for computer games. PLEASE. danny has so much more style than that. he has elegance, sleekness and the mark of a champion.

i end off his testimonial with a quote from long kok wank.
"danny is a totally brilliant boy. he freaking pwned me in dota. when he finished, he told me that l____l was calling him and he would never play dota again just for her. i found that especially touching, even though it wasn't me. and he also sent me l____l's pic and i'll always be grateful to him for that. now i can wank my kok and live up to my name."

why SENG KONG should be the chosen half:

many think that seng kong is a malaysian, but i beg to differ. i mean, he is a malaysian but who really cares about that. people say to l____l, "i could tell you things about seng kong that you wouldn't wave to him no more" but that is so childish of them. that is just so wrong. seng kong is not a rodolfo and is not after l____l for any citizenship of any sort (refer to a view from the bridge pg 43). in any case, seng kong is the STRONGEST MAN in the world. that i can safely vouch for it because he trains gym and can lift like the whole stack of weights. lincoln luk trembles when seng kong the great enters. seriously, he's so damn strong that people start to suspect that seng kong is a machine. he also trains damn hard and was the FASTEST man if not for stupid edward who beat him in water and for the more stupid me who beat him on land. but relax, he has slowed down because of a special someone. and that is why seng kong should be the chosen half - he sacrificed his speed for her, and that is something to be respected.

lets end this off with a quote from long kok wank again.
"seng kong is my monitor and he does an excellent job in managing the class. i've never had much trouble from him because he assists me with such great efficiency and plus he is a very helpful boy. you will find in 4b classroom below the noticeboard that someone has scribbled "seng kong loves l____l" and i think that is very true. totally unquestionable. i respect seng kong with all my kok and i will not wank again."

er yes. now for a little bit of negativity:

why DANNY should NOT be the chosen half:
who's he kidding? he's obviously choosing dota over l____l. its a known fact and we all know it. plus he flirts. although he claims he doesn't he tells lies!

quote from seng kong as to why danny should not have l____l:
"whatever la.."

why SENG KONG should NOT be the chosen half:
cos he's got an ulterior motive!! he's a rodolfo!! and because he plays polo with such tremendous might that he might end up treating her with the same amount of strength! P = VI, are you sure you want seng kong who's got an infinite V and a crazy high I?

quote from danny as to why seng kong should not have l____l:
"whatever la.."

for the sake of being neutral. now i'm not about to tell lies! because i'm supposed to give you all an objective point of view so i'm presenting factual arguments now. if you don't like it i don't care you can go report to kenneth low for all i care. i stand for my rights to the fallacial essay-writing technique called "POST COC". thus from all this i think we can derive at some conclusion.

i think danny's case is quite weak, as compared to seng kong's. but danny's criticism is quite weak, as compared to seng kong's. to err is human and to be IMBA is dota. as i do happen to take quite some interest in dota i think i might have to be slightly imba here. so despite all this talk about being a neutron i'm actually a cation. or an anion. in any case i secretly support one of the candidates. you don't have to speculate if it's danny or seng kong because i'm telling you now.

i'm not telling you!

that's so THE DIFFERENTS. a quote from their song, "and her name was.. I CANT TELL YOU!" haha.

i hope that if danny or seng kong reads this they're not gonna kill me? because i meant no harm. like i said i'm a neutral. sigh.. this debate, yet again, is getting nowhere. i dont know if i should state my conclusion.

if you'll remember not too long ago there was this case about timo. and a certain "short, dark judoka". (that directly quoted from "only the truth" newspaper in 4b) well i tried to interfere and take sides but in the end they showed me what settling for half really was. the judoka turned violent and told timo to wring my neck. i was left with half a neck, though nowadays they say medical science is so advanced you can do almost anything. well i did get it back. but for half a day i had to settle for half and that was dangerous.

i tell you, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. i got that one bad.

which is why i started training my 2.4 time in order to avoid these embarrassing situations.

BUT WAIT. what if l___l reads this?

she's a fencer.

meaning she's armed. probably with a LONG LONG sword. and she would hack to kill.

i'm in an extremely dangerous situation now.

two boys at both sides, one fencer in the dead centre wanting me dead.

i'm talking cock. and after this i'd probably be a dead cock.

OKAY OKAY! I'M SORRY!! taking sides is not good after all. i'm not letting myself be wholly known. i'm going to settle for half and just present the argument without the answer. and that's it. the very experience of the last time i tried to take sides just strikes fear in me. i'm not doing this again, no. i'm not supporting anybody to get l____l. i'm minding my own business.

i'm leaving.

(turns around)


Random thoughts

i'm very free now. and if you know me, my "very free" = have alot of work but dont want to do until last minute. then bitch about it and complain that i sleep late because i have tons of work that can never seem to be completed. but its not my fault!! blame it on the teachers who really DO give so much work. or blame it on the time that passes too quickly.

i just read some jokes article on phobia. i think i will have gerascophobia, or in fact am having it. (in case you didnt know - which probably you dont - this is the phobia of growing old). i know i have it because my birthday is coming soon and i dread it like..... i never did before. this time i'll be 16. meaning i can start polluting my mind already. i, being such an innocent talk-cock boy, exposed to the bad bad world? sigh the very thought of it makes me want to talk more cock.

there was another phobia i think i might have. it's called thantophobia and its the fear of death. thantophobia - that sounds like i'd prefer living THAN TO death. or i'd rather fear death THAN TO face it. whoever coined this word must really be feeling cockish THAN TO feeling death-like.

in any case i dont feel comfortable talking about phobias so i'll tell you something stupid about myself.

q: why do i not take KI despite having a reasonably gd standard of english?
a: because i hate chemistry!

(where KI = potassium iodide)

We need some publicity

How abt performing LIVE at arts@atrium?

Featuring RI's homegrown band... THE INTEGRALS!

Our debut album.... I CANT INTEGRATE YOU!!!

either way it works. cuz im e^x.

Dr. Sporty Worty (regular sports column)

In today's column, Dr. Sporty will explain the origins of steeplechase.

Well, steeplechase first started out in England in 1978 with the invention of the running machine by none other than Mr. Steepleworks. His invention, which later resulted in an Olympics Sports, was named after him as the 'steeple'.

Before we ask ourselves what are steeples, have you ever wondered what are the white bars running along the length of the track doing? Well, they are the track that the steeple operates on.

At the start of the race, the steeple is placed on the 'rail'. After the race has started and the last runner has crossed the first 100m, the steeple moves into action. Moving at a constant pace, the steeple will try to overtake as many runners as possible till the last one standing. Of course he is the winner duh! Alternative you can try to lap the steeple, resulting in you winning the race too but sadly not many people are able to do it.

That's it for the week!

Teacher's Day Presents

some presents you might like to get for certain teachers for teacher's day.

FTs of other classes
yong chai may: gas mask. since she's no longer in sg breathing fresh air.
leong kok weng: a computer so he can type out his notes there. and diagrams.
tan chiou yen: more decent dresses.
chan sock chia: VITAMIN C! CALCIUM! anything that can help her to grow.
edward de cruz: shaver.
g. matthews: hangover pills or something so she can stop taking MCs on thurs.
chandru mirpuri: anything. so long it has to do with maths. or PHYSICS.
grace chong: i pass chem. i think she'd be very happy already.
noorizan albar: go pulau tioman and act interested.

finally my 2 class FTs.
neoh terh ling: pregnancy test kit. cos she's going for maternity leave
p. nathan: pregnancy test kit. oops she's already gone for maternity leave

some miscellaneous.
tan puay hock: recording machine. he should listen to what he says in class
desmond tan: a new silent machine gun for the great marksman.
bob koh: "bob the builder" storybook - though you might say he's a headmaster he claims he's a TEACHER AT HEART. so must give him teacher's day present! he's not that bad after all.. isn't he?
andrew lim: yun nam discount vouchers. or beijing 101.
paul lim: slim 10. or better yet give him a training regime. good for health!!
m. d'cruz: a new tennis racket. her favourite sport anyway.
m. pereira (relieving nathan): more transparencies and markers.

that's about it. just some suggestions you might like to take into consideration. no offence meant to any of the teachers. after all it's teacher's day!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

New Waterpolo Order (NWO)

today saw the beginning of the new waterpolo order, better known as NWO. or as some radicals might like to put it, the new waterpolo scam. because i can tell you about all the admin that goes on in raffles waterpolo in one word: SCAM! money goes only one way in raffles waterpolo and that is OUT!

meaning out of our pockets and into initial d's. please note that "initial d" here is used independently and has no specific references to any particular person. it's just a random name that i thought out of since it sounds cool. and maybe the 2nd smartest man in pe dept has been embezzling money out of our waterpolo fund as well. (smartest man is kwan hoi soon)

nevertheless, let me fill you in on the details. the reluctance of the waterpolo executive committee (meaning the 2 teachers in charge) of buying waterpolo balls has gone to such an extent that sec 1s are conned to buy their own balls and use them for training - which naturally means that they pay for it, and the money from the waterpolo fund could be used to fund other stuff. take for example they buy koi that die on the day of our waterpolo matches so we lose like shit. now is that what you call good funding?

the NWO has seemed to take effect immediately, for i had seen many balls of sec 1s marked with diff names. thank goodness we're leaving already. i'm thinking that certain people should go with us to RJC for the very specific reason of taking econs (H2) with us so perhaps they will know how to spend their money better.

lame, unrelated, cock jokes:
q: why did osama not turn up for chem makeup lesson today?
a: cos he had bin laden with many other commitments.

q: what did seng kong do after he stepped on a splinter?
a: he played splinter cell.

q: why did danny not want to tell his secrets in class?
a: because i left my recorder there.

Wallow in my sorrow

i heard these lyrics from the indonesia street kids video. apparently done by DANIEL ONG. and this song is done by simple plan - or so i believe.

i think it applies to me too. the lyrics go like:

"how could this happen to me?
i made my mistakes, i've got nowhere to run.
the night goes on, as i fade away, i'm sick of this life.
i just wanna scream, how could this happen to me?!"

the video was kinda dramatic.

well i think being sunburnt sucks - which is why i decided to use these lyrics on myself. i mean, how could this happen to me just aft one training? when i stretch my back it splinters (into those little bits that seng kong steps on). when i wash my face with water i feel as if someone's slapping an iron into my face. very painful. then when i walk i have to hobble and when i try to pour myself water i drop the tumbler and spill everything.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Physics CCT

The physics class common test transformed my life.......into death

Film Review: La marche de L'Empereurs (Walk of the Penguins)

This, everyone, is a strong candidate for the film of the year. No kidding. An inspiring story that tells of courage amid adversity, about how even when one is pushed to his physical frontiers in the vastness of Antarctica, he can still overcome the odds to survive, because of one thing: love for his child. A love story that knows no bounds. And the actors are simply fantastic. Absolutely natural. And sooo cute. Contenders for the Oscars. And so dedicated that some of them actually died during filming, eaten by a leopard seal. Oh wait I did say they were penguins didn't I? No? Oops.

Q: Why is the penguin thought to be promiscuous?
A: Because it has a new chick every year!

Tolong tolong!

We were greatly inspired by the Interact Club's drive to help Indonesian street children. Being compassionate people with hearts of Au, yj and I have decided to start our own charity, called the Fund for Uganda's Cancerous Kids (FUCK). Please support us by donating generously.

We're expanding!!

well, well, another of our kind has decided to join us. he fits into the equation as well as water fits into a well and how my wells fit into this sentence!

implications: YES that means NBA is expanding!!


cocks and cockesses, will you please welcome the arrival of YI HONG!

Macdonald's talk

many people like to talk at coffeeshops which i find stupid. after all since macs have aircon why dont u talk at macs? might as well right?

well we (clemens, zhi hao, yuk and i) went macs after french oral today. i give u a short extract of the oral, translated.

teacher: i realise that alot of students go to macs to talk, is that true?
me: er not that i know of. but yea some ppl do that.
teacher: do you?
me: no. i mean macs is for eating.
teacher: yes but some study there.
me: NO! that's a waste of time.
teacher: how is it?
me: it's damn noisy there - and i think sometimes gangsters go there. i think people who study and go to macs specially to talk are just wasting their time.
teacher: ah. so you dont really like to go macs do you?
me: no i dont. like i said its a waste of time.

so after french oral we immediately went to macs to sit down. clemens and i spammed 2 ice creams each.

now this is what i hate about macs. now they're supposed to give discounts since they're earning lots of money anyway. but instead of reduction in their prices i got damn shocked when the price of ice cream got OXIDISED! 50 cents instead of 25!! ownage. well basically i'm rather pissed at their stupid prices but ACIDICALLY i am feeling damn sad because i get to save 50 cents less this week. which means i will be 50 cents short of buying my beloved bata shoes. thats quite sad.

anyway we sat down at macs talking cock for damn long. which was IRONic after what i said during the oral, or if you like FE-ic. in any case (endo or exo) i think i'm feeling very kemikal today so thats quite enough. i went home on the bus thinking of the MRT - magnesium ribbon theory but never mind that.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


another one (combined effort by 3 unnamed ppl when they were playing 七步诗):
liesl is a chiobu
danny eat her tofu
screw her like a huang lu
fuck until she 糊涂

no wonder they say ri boys are multi-talented. however u choose to interpret that.

The Meaning of Life

Disclaimer: This essay in no way represents me.

Sitting on the open grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see, i gulp in breaths of fresh fragrant air. Nature is vibrant all around me as antelopes run playfully around, birds chirp sweetly, enveloping me in the theatre of nature. With a contented sigh, I lie back and bask myself in the warm sunshine that gives a benign smile to all in its hug.
My body feels the soft-wetness of the grass, the velvet-like feeling that pleases me so. This is the bed I share with all nature, and I feel at one with it.
I laze in the sun until day turns into night and the clear blue sky is replaced by the romantic starry night. The stars twinkle brightly under the backdrop of the dark enchanting blue cloth that is the sky and I sigh again at the marvellous sight before me.
As dawn breaks, I am awake and I thoughtfully admire the rising sun that is clothed in a brilliant hue of red. Slowly, it rises and another cycle begins. (...and i go crazy from here)
But, isn't something missing? Like other people? Hey, wait a minute, I know why. It's because this is my private property, mine and mine only, and I laugh loudly and wickedly!
I walk towards my gas-guzzling SUV and get in. Then, I drive like a maniac towards the exit of my property. I drive past the sign that proudly proclaims "Private property of YL. Trespassers will be prosecuted"
Soon I reach a castle, something like the ones in fairytales. It's in a bright shade of yellow and white and about the size of five football fields and best of all, IT'S MINE! BWAHAHA!
I drive straight in. Almost immediately, I feel the urge to pass motion, so I go to the marvellous toilet tiled in gold and sit on the toilet made of diamonds.
Next, I switch on the computer to play some games. I play for 24 hours straight and only stop because I cannot keep myself awake. I wake up with bulging eyeballs and deep eyebags and boy do I feel evil.
I board my helicopter and fly past a poor part of the town, and I begin throwing out thousand-dollar bills. Waves of humanity pour forth from the residences and lunge for the few pathetic thousand-dollar bills. Oops, I think I've started a riot. I hate bloodshed, so I fly away in my helicopter.
The next stop is my office, where I am boss. In my 150th floor office, I look through the window onto the world outside and everyone seems like tiny ants. I feel like the king of the world. As I check on my company's latest profits, my ruby-studded watch clangs against the mahogany table. I sink into my massage chair and daydream about my money.
Sometime soon, I'm going for a cruise in my 300-foot yacht. I guess this is pretty much the meaning of life.

lol mrs albar failed me for this



Tuesday, August 23, 2005


看这部电影就好像被人强奸似的,非常不舒服,总希望它早点结束。首先,那些血腥断肢的镜头实在令我作呕。其二,两个村民从天山拿了两把剑就突然变得所向披 靡,这是什么逻辑?还有,整整二十分钟的镜头都是七个主角骑着马走来走去,闷得我口水都流了出来。如我要看马,连到马场看赛马都会比它过瘾!尤其是最后的 部分,很明显的是在拖长电影。七剑中的六剑为了救楚昭南舍弃了武器,但突然间在没有武器的情况下反抗起来,然后又夺回了武器打打杀杀得把他救了出来。早就 用武器救他出来就简单了事了吗,还舍弃什么!这部电影的逻辑连童话故事都不如!总结:《七剑》他妈的狗屁不通,它给我钱看电影才差不多。

Monday, August 22, 2005

Sporting news

guess what. i went to the sports complex this evening.

and guess who i saw? li jiawei! nat'l table tennis no. 1 player and world ranking dunno 8 or what. well she was at the stadium and about to run so i was wondering what was she up to. turned out she was doing 2.4!! hahaha and since i was there i have the privilege of knowing her timing! HELL! that's not something just ANYONE can know, isn't it?

well let me tell you. her timing is 10 mins 35 secs!!

zzz it was boring just watching so i joined in at certain intervals (like william tan) just to pwn the table tennis team (yea la cheapskate but overall i still beat them all anyway). but then again she's not bad - considering all the other players all did around 12-13 mins. bah weak~~ i think we waterpolo boys' slowest timing also not that gay. and to think they are NATIONAL TEAM. tsk.

lame unrelated joke: what do you call malani d'cruz signature?
ans: initial d.

The Sharpshooter

live theatre from the class of 4g.. the sharpshooter! starring the following cast:

tea zhi hao - sharpshooter
lim yejie - pumper
chan yuk lun - bystander
andre xiao - runner (and/or hider)

the plot: finding a superb rocket launcher in the class of 4d, the sharpshooter and the pumper decides to form a 2-man launcher team and makes their way to 4g to show off their skills to their friend the bystander. incidentally the runner was also there so the fun started. the sharpshooter's credentials include hitting 2 clocks, 2 chairs, 1 bottle (guess who's), and many other random objects. however the most interesting would undoubtedly be the finale, where a final attempt by the sharpshooter to fire off a bottle 3/4 full of water was met with failure. there was a springback effect and the sharpshooter ended up chasing the runner all over the place, assisted by the pumper's and the bystander's blocking of both exits of the class 4g. the chase eventually led to nothing as the sharpshooter, though sharp, was not fast. so here we go. hope this is a good enough spoiler.

the rating: 6/6.9 - could have been more perfect had the last attempt succeeded and made a great mess out of the class.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Latest update!!

for those interested in knowing more about the integrals:
i've just learnt how to blow my second song (on the recorder!!) - which is "abc", the first song being "twinkle twinkle little star". i'll be performing tmr class 4j so just come if you're interested!! satisfaction guaranteed.

a side joke: what sort of jobs do you give to professional flute players?
ans: blow jobs!!

Just wondering..

yuuuuuuuk luuuuuun..

people say the singapore pools have alot of money. but how is it that everytime go for training i dont see any? i even remove the tiles to try and spot them but to no avail! WHY!!


the blog flower! Rafflesia! The biggest and stinkiest flower in the whole wide world! woohoo! People who live in the rafflesia must be retarded :))


actually we're talking cocksummit, which means we're talking about the tip of the cock instead of just cock.

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