Saturday, September 03, 2016

Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

Ain't got no silver spoon
Ain't no cream of the crop
All I got's a big fat ladle
To take care of this ugly barrel.
I scoop out the gezunk
I scoop out the frunk
The smell's so bad,
my hair's standing on end.
The others left so long ago.

But that's okay
They can have the cream
 Cos the gold's waiting for my ladle
At the bottom of the barrel. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saving the Lost Souls of Punggol LRT

To the soul-collectors of this world:

If you need to collect some souls to hit your quota, try going to Punggol and taking the LRT. You can always find some lost souls going round and round on the LRT because the directions at the station are so badly designed.

You can always spot these lost souls because they go to the doors at every station, unsure whether to alight or not. They don't know whether they're on the wrong train and to take the train on the other side. But the joke's on them because the LRT loop for the West side only goes in one direction. There is no train on the other side. If they alight, the next train goes in the exact same direction. Their only way is to take the entire loop if they want to go back to the interchange.

Today, I tried calling back one lost soul with her kid who alighted. But I was too late as the train doors closed. Gave them a sheepish grin.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Time is the runner with the sexy backside

Incredible that it's been almost 3 years since the last post.

Even more incredible is that the blog still gets visitors everyday. I thank you all.

I hope you find the blog entertaining. I find it extremely entertaining myself. Sometimes, I can't believe I'm the same person who wrote those posts, like wow what a genius. I'm kidding.

But it's inevitable that time passes and the world changes.

Time is that runner with the sexy backside. She seems hot and pretty and perfect from the back. So you really want to run faster and see what she looks like from the front.

And she doesn't seem to be running very fast, especially if you're young. But here's the thing: She doesn't stop running. Ever.

If you're young, smart, and fit and start running early (means you plan ahead and make good use of your time), you may actually catch up with her. After huffing and puffing, you finally run one step ahead or even two steps ahead of her. You turn to look at her, and lay your eyes on your deepest fantasy. For one moment, everything is perfect. The world is as it should be. You are the master of the universe.

But Time doesn't stop running. You do. The moment you lose your concentration, you find that she's ahead and you're chasing her sexy backside again. And so you try, again and again. Until you get tired, or you stop to admire the scenery, or stop at Starbucks for a coffee. Or you decide to apply for an HDB, get married and have kids.

All perfectly rational choices. One day, your kids will be chasing sexy backsides too.

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