Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Finally feels like school

Yesterday, at the start of the class, the Prof asked "Who has no problem with this class being pushed back to Thursday?" For the first time in the entire semester, there was 100% class participation as the class stood in solidarity with all hands proudly raised.

And when class was indeed delayed, there was before us a tremendously euphoric scene. Squeals of delight were heard in a law class for the first time. People who had hitherto been strangers rushed to congratulate one another like old friends, and tears of joy flowed like beer at Oktoberfest.

It did not matter that Thursday's class was going to be longer. Thursday's class was Thursday's problem. Heck, even the guy who came to school solely for the cancelled class celebrated like a boss. For all the talk of law students being study machines, at that moment, the shackles were thrown aside, and everyone capably displayed his ability to live in the present.

Finally feels like school.

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