Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hi, I just need a minute of your time...

Touts. Fucking touts. From shopping surveys to 'charity' tickets to scams. They always say, "Can I have a minute of your time?" Well, my very polite answer is NO! It's a blazing injustice that I give my time for free and they make money off it. That's like charity except that you're donating to corporations who shouldn't be asking for them. For example, each time you help them complete a survey, the company is being paid to conduct a survey. Each time you buy a 'donation ticket', you're paying the company helping to sell those tickets. The touts are taking advantage of everyone's good nature with their insidious schemes.

If they want our time, they should buy it. For example, when you take a taxi instead of bus, you're buying time. Let's say it takes a $12 taxi ride to get from my home to the city and it does so in 15 minutes. The same trip by bus and train takes $2 and 35 minutes. Thus, I pay $10 for 20 minutes. That's 50 cents a minute, enough to make an international call. That's just one of the metrics for the value of time. If they can't afford my time, well, then they should let me sulk my way home peacefully after a hard day of whatever I've been doing that day. And let me eat peacefully at the hawker centre.

Sure, life is tough. But stealing my time is like stealing my money. Do we condone robbers and thieves? No, we say 'good riddance!' and throw them in jail. That's Singapore.

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