Monday, October 10, 2005

Effective revision for Maths

As you all know, just a week or two before the CTs come, it is always important to do some revision. For me, I particularly enjoy my Maths revision, because it is always an enjoyable experience. I am here today to share with you some tools required to complete effective revision for Maths. What's more, I've put some visual aid despite some serious problems with my Blogger. (my "Compose" mode just disappeared, damn)

So I sincerely hope that you'll be thankful and at least try to apply it for these CTs. Guaranteed 79% success. That's what I got last CT. But 79% is probably better than 65% (class average), so it would be good for you to just pick up some tips.

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Most essential. Tons and tons of foolscap. Without foolscap you won't get any of your work done, and plus if you've got messy handwriting like me (I don't bother to think before I write) you're gonna need lots of them. Thus you'd best stock up the way I did. Notice that the stack is quite thick? Yes you'd best start buying your foolscap today. Or if you are lazy you can always tear off posters or get rough paper from Chandru. (PS I got a stack today so you can always ask me.)

Now this is multi-purpose! Please take note that this pencil holder is drawn/taken to scale. Pencils have to be short so as to test your patience, because in Maths CTs you might find yourself in a very trying situation when you see a problem you can't solve. Then if you get worked up, all the more the solution evades you! Thus, working with shorter pencils will improve your patience! (shown)

In any case, add an eraser into your pencil holder. Humans make mistakes, and if you make mistakes and have no paper left, an eraser will come in handy. And oh I left a five-cent coin there just for good luck. It's a 2005 coin, meaning that I'm always up-to-date with the latest Maths syllabus! If you don't believe me you can always save the picture I've posted and enlarge it. I can assure you the coin will be clearly seen. Oh and did I mention you can kope these sort of containers from our very own dear Physics Labs? I koped this one as a memory of our last Physics Lab lesson.

PS! Don't kope from Chemistry Lab in case your pencils just fizzles out due to the acid that was previously in it. Or efferverscence might occur halfway during the exam and that would suck. Because you won't have any glowing splints to test for whatever gas is coming out.

Optional for China scholars, Deric Justin Tee and James Miao. I guess it's half-optional for me because I took a test without a calculator. But I'd pretty much like to work with it, thank you. And make sure it has battery! And make sure you don't wash the calculator the day before the test because I'm telling you this from experience - it will spoil if you wash it. So trust me.

Another optional feature. Of course during CTs we'd have to do our papers on the awful green desks but when you can you might as well use glass tables. Glass tables promotes transparency, which in turns gives you clear thinking and a clear mind. As CMG says, "You cannot do Maths when you don't have enough sleep!! Because enough sleep will let you think clearly!" The same applies here. Although having a glass table might not have the exact same desired effect as sleep, it still helps a little. At least the solution might come to you faster. Because it's easier to see through a colourless solution than a chalky one. Similarly, the solution will come faster if you use a table that is colourless (ie made of glass).

This is all from me for today. As I experiment more and as the CTs draw closer I will provide you with more information on how to do well - so do stay tuned!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you guys dark humorists, or just quirkily dumb?

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