Friday, October 21, 2005

Criticize Raffles Critics

We criticise rafflescritics, that makes us rafflescriticcritics, which means we're like protecting Raffles. We should give out flyers and hold forum sessions right beside theirs. But seeing the turnout (what turnout?) for their 'forum', it was more like one of the many private conversations that happen all the time. Well that's too bad.

Now on to their actual blog. Their current hot issue is the prefectorial elections, now let's take a look at some posts.
{RC is against casting of blank votes in this elections. We urge everyone to vote, with your precious votes, for a select bunch of nominees who are of high quality to register a strong support for those who are deserving.}

And they miss the point that almost everyone in the school population knows except them. Into the RIPB goes 'high-quality' candidates. And the RIPB turns them into zombies. In the end, nobody initiates anything. So the bottom line is that the RIPB is useless. That's why smart people will not bother to vote. We consider it a waste of graphite.

{RC's aims:
1. provide an avenue for feedback
2. provide a platform for free speech
3. formulate proposals with popular consensus
4. champion student welfare and rights
5. advocate active studentship
in an open and transparent manner.}

MY GOD! That sounds almost exactly like the RIPB. BIG BIG IRONIES! My fellow sec4s, in the event that you are intending to run for council next year, the above is a speech tailor-made for you. Imagine yourself reading out all the aims above on a podium to thunderous applause!

Now on to the blog layout. They've PEPpered it with quotes from famous people, and I consider that totally unoriginal. Fame and originality are of paramount importance to us. The only people we acknowledge as famous at TCS are ourselves.

I quote from RC which quotes from Martin Luther King Jr(spot the irony):" "The time is always right to do what is right." Ya, I agree totally. RC, here's 2 things you can do.
1) Shut down the blog
2)Pay protection money
or get overrun by RCC

Ironically(yet again), I'm giving their website free publicity here, but that's alright, I'm a nice guy. Maybe this will spawn more rafflescriticscritics.

DEFEND THE GOOD NAME OF RAFFLES. Be part of rafflescriticscritics today.
Ahh ironies! I think I'm turning into Ironman.

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