Friday, September 02, 2005

My Social Life

well i'm sorry you have to bear with some more nonsense of mine on a friday night, and the one before the holidays as well. blame it all on yuk lun because he simply refuses to come online to post or to talk cock. meaning it's no fault of mine if you get bored reading yet another entry.

this time i will write an essay, like primary school, but at the same time very unlike primary school in the sense that i will have to give analyses and expert opinion. so its also GP. you never know - perhaps the next GP question that comes out reads, "give an account of your social life." aha! then you might be caught out. but i'm prepared, because here goes:

ladies and gentlemen, i have no life. or should i say, i do not have what you all define as "life". what is life? let me quote again from bayley drama feste. "robert, you have the arts. but are you really alive?" i have neither arts nor sciences, so am i thus defined as alive? the doctor (aka adnaan) had sciences, but his having a life was doubted as well. this is because both of them specially dedicate their time to their special work - be it arts and sciences. me? i'm the best. i dedicate my time to nothing.

thus, if dedicate your life to arts = no, and sciences = no, and if you follow the grounds of negativity or kleongity - a double no is still a no. thus do i have a life? no. (shown)

i realise that groups are formed in school. there are many types of groups - you name it, there is it. there's the WTF, the NGO, the NBA, the TCS as well as the INTEGRALS! okay fine they're all the same people but it's kind of like a subset thingy - y (h + j + l) are WTF n NGO n NBA n TCS n Integrals, where n is that stupid thing you use to indicate "and". i mean the mathematical symbol, if you have learnt sets and get what i mean. so set! this is what we are. but outside these fields, do something else exist?

brings us to the philo question: is there an external reality? oh yes there is. yh has his 2b gang as well as his dota people. yuk has his truth (although he denies we all know it la) and the waterpolo mates. oh plus he plays pool haha. me? i'm an island in the stream, water in between. i'm like a yacht without a sail, a clown without a tail (they usually have, don't they). i don't know what i represent. i do have pcb, but in endothermic moments like now i just sit back and watch nothing go on. however, i do find it quite fun just sitting back and watching the world go round. even though i don't literally view it. i'm like oxygen, see. i'm like the atmosphere which reacts with anything and everything. burn sulphur and i'll be there to form sulphur dioxide. i'm there for you to take in and to throw me out with carbon. even if i find my hydrogen, i'd still be broken up by electrolysis. i just keep moving like sin x graph - never ending. so what is the meaning of my social life here?

precisely my point. i have no life!!

today was house carnival 2. and i just realised something new. we lost softball because we thought we would win, and morrison lost rugby because they thought they would win. (but we finished third and they finished last. HAH!) plus morrison's strong favourites in squash finished last when our rubbish team pwn3d them in 1st place. i learnt a lesson from this. don't just enjoy the victories, okay! whenever you hear a story you must analyse it and think about the rationale, why it happens, how you can improve etc. etc. there must be something you can take away from it.

moral of today's house carnival?: MORRISON SUCKS.

okay i'm feeling bored that i'm starting to digress. anyway don't think that this is unrelated. i've worked so freaking hard for bayley i think it's fast becoming my life. which, yet again, people would define as no life. i mean, how cool is it to be a buaya as compared to a house captain? worse still, i'm just a vice captain, a tiny little one that probably half of bayley wouldn't know. and when i say half - i mean the RG half. not that i care, though. as part of the NBA i take pride in this fact. that only 50% of bayleyeans know me and they're all in RI with me. i hate wasting my time buayaing because buayaing requires lots of thought - like whats the next step, which girl is chio? and then you come out with the golden ratio 1:1.618 etc. etc. isn't it so damn tiring! i prefer house meetings where i just shoot my mouth off without thinking. now ah! that is the life.

and this is the life now where i'm just talking without thinking. i tell you, my life is so routine that you cannot possibly imagine a more boring life.

everyday, what do i do? come back bathe eat study abit. then shout at my sister to get off the computer, which is usually a repeated process. then i use the computer only to stone till 2am or so and then i sleep! then next day i wake up complain how unfair life has been to me and HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME!! (the stupid song) and i go to school singing OH IT LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER SLEEPLESS NIGHT!! and really dumb stuff like HOW CAN YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART. and now i've just added playing the recorder into my agenda. speaking of which another conflict occurs.

since i'm talking about social life, i might as well talk a little about family life. since they do essays like "my family" in primary school i might as well talk abit about it. well when i start playing the recorder my sister starts telling me to shut up which i find impossible because the recorder has so many holes its virtually impossible to shut them all up. even though i can cover the 8 that is in the body of the recorder there's still one at the very end and another at the head where the sound is coming out of. so WTF? (where wtf doesn't equal to waterpolo training fellowship)

and i just realised i'm the direct opposite of my sister. but i think we're both currents because we're always arguing. if you study physics, you would know that unlike currents repel. everyday is a world war 100 (people talk about world war 3 but that was over for me) at home because of our differences.

because i play the recorder while she plays maplestory.
and while she draws flowers i draw graphs.
while she has a bf and sets up organisations like HBO (have boyfriend organisation) so that they can all specially discuss their bfs i set up NGO so i can specially discuss about what isn't there. and she can go out for hours after school unlike me. i come back everyday after activities that are no-life related, eg FRENCH CLASSES, CHEM REMEDIAL and WATERPOLO. maybe not so much of the last one, but aiya who cares anyway. and very unfortunately for me my sister borderline passes all the subjects. meaning i fail.

thankfully she fails 2.4.

aiya i don't know what to say la. you all read the above stuff anyway. and since i bothered to type so much stuff here using up so much of my time, i guess it just proves a point. the point that i had been trying to make since the start of the essay.

if you have a remedy please tell me what is it. i'd dearly love to know.

but for now it's back to my recorder.

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