Friday, March 31, 2006
Infinite Hotel
by B. David Stacy
This story is not true (in the sense of being real ), for certainly there is no such thing as an infinite hotel . What I have done is taken an idea of David Hilbert's [1862-1943] and put it in a context that students would enjoy, so rest assured that the mathematics is perfectly valid. The point of the story is that the concept of infinity is a very strange and abstract thing. So if you'll just play along with me, I'll tell you about a very weird night I had one time while I was in college, working at the Hotel Ad Infinitum ...
I arrived at work that night, ready to relieve the desk clerk who worked before me on Friday nights. He told me the most unbelievable thing: the hotel was full! Perhaps I should describe the place to you. It was just one great big long hallway; there was a door at the entrance, and when you walked in, the desk was at the left. Then the hall opened before you, endlessly. Along the left hand side of the hall were all the odd numbered rooms {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...} and at the right side were the even numbered rooms {2, 4, 6, 8, ...}. The hallway went on and on, on and on forever! It was hard to imagine that the place was full, but he assured me that it was. I should have known right then and there that something strange was going on, but I had an exam coming up, so I sat down, pulled out my calculus book, and started studying.
A little after one o'clock, a huge stretch limo pulled into the parking lot. A chauffeur got out, and walked in.
"Howdy, I need a room for the night; my boss is sleepy; he had a hard game tonight."
"Baseball player?" That figured; even in those days salaries were out-of-sight! But I told him that the place was full: "That's what the sign says, right?"
"Wrong; back in a minute." He went out to the limo, popped open the trunk, and pulled out a little package about the size of a loaf of banana nut bread; it turned out it was a different kind of bread all together! He brought it in, set it on the desk and slid off its velvet cover and--lo and behold--it was a gold brick!
We'd been studying compound interest in one of my classes, and I knew that the student loans I was taking out were going to cost me a LOT more than I was getting from them. My eyes widened with amazement. I looked up at the driver, who was smiling as he said, "So, you think there's something we can work out?"
You bet there was! I immediately grabbed the intercom, and announced to all the guests: "Please excuse the interruption, but if you're in Room N , would you kindly move to Room N+1 ?"
So, the guy in Room1 went to Room 2, the couple in Room 2 went to Room 3, et cetera. It was a mad flurry of rushing folks, dashing across the infinitely long hallway at the Hotel Ad Infinitum ... amazing! Please note that no one lost out, because there was no end to the hallway, and when everyone was settled, there was no one in Room1, right? So the baseball guy took Room 1, I took the gold brick, and proceeded to write my letter of resignation. Incidentally, this must mean that infinity plus one equals infinity, because I took an infinite number of quests, added the baseball player, and put them all up in the Hotel Ad Infinitum. Amazing, isn't it? I was blown away, but the real weirdness had not yet begun.
While I was trying to figure out how to turn my gold brick into normal money, I heard a tremendous rattling sound, looked out into the parking lot, and suddenly there appeared a beat up old VW van, smoke pouring out of its engine, a little trail of oil following it. The driver turned it off (though it kept running for a bit, sputtering and clicking and gasping) and ran into the hotel. Looking a little wild-eyed, he exclaimed that they needed rooms for the night. They? Rooms?
"Sir, did you notice theNO VACANCYsign outside, all lit up, bright, flashing neon?"
He talked on for quite a bit, got confused a few times, but I managed to sort out the story. Seems Dylan was playing nearby, and the van outside was carrying an infinite number of Dylan freaks, all ready to catch their man in action. Actually, he was my man too, so I was very interested. We talked awhile and it turned out that he had an extra ticket. I was wondering where he had gotten an infinite number plus one Dylan tickets, but I figured what-the-hey? Anyway, he offered to lay the ticket on me if only I could put 'em up for the night. I was ready to quit anyway, so I figured why not, and jumped back on the intercom and announced, "Ah, sorry to interrupt again, folks, but we have an emergency here, and if you're in Room N would you please move to Room 2N."
So the baseball player went to Room 2, the guy in Room 2 went to Room 4, the couple in Room 3 went to Room 6, and so on. Again, no one was put out on the street, since--as you may have guessed--the Hotel Ad Infinitum had no back door! When that was over, all of the original guests, along with the baseball guy, were all on the right-hand side of the hotel, in the even-numbered rooms (of which there are an infinite number) and that left all the odd-numbered rooms vacant. So, I put the Dylan freaks into the odd-numbered rooms, which was sort of appropriate, I suspect! I guess this means that infinity plus infinity equals infinity, since I added an infinite number of Dylan freaks and put them in an infinite hotel which was already full!?!? Wait a minute ...
So there I was, my gold brick, resignation letter, and Dylan ticket in hand, staring at the clock, counting down to my new-found freedom, when all of a sudden--oh no, how could this be--a caravan of buses pulled in, an infinite number of buses, and on each bus, an infinite number of people! An infinite number of infinities! What was happening, as I was soon to find out, was that there was to be an ecumenical council of all the galaxy's religions, and every single religion had sent its own busload, loaded with an infinite number of its faithful! Yes, I was seriously in trouble on this one! Naturally, the driver of the first bus jumped out, came bounding in, and requested "a few" rooms for the night ... uh huh! Sure, an infinite number of infinities, it was clear to me, clear as mud! Of course, I reminded him about the sign and how we were full and all, and he smiled and began asking about the Dylan freaks, about the baseball player (how he knew I had no idea) and then started to remind me of the story of Mary and Joseph trying to get a room at the inn, and suddenly it occurred to me that with an infinite number of religions being represented here (all the religions of the galaxy) that one of them, no doubt, was the "right" one, and that it would not be wise to go down as the guy who wouldn't give them a room for the night and sent them to the manger. I mean, did you ever wonder about that guy that sent Mary and Joseph to the manger? I wonder how he's doing?
Well, in one of my courses, we'd been studying prime numbers {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, ...} and how Euclid, nearly two-thousand years ago, proved that the list of prime numbers is infinitely long. So I got the following idea: I got back on the intercom (last time, I promise) and asked the current guests, "If you're in room N, please move to room 2N."
Thus, the people in the hotel at that time went to rooms 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, .... Then I went outside and explained my plan to the first few bus drivers, and asked them to pass it on. Here's the plan: each bus received its own prime number, starting at three. So the first bus was 3's, the second 5's, the third 7's, the fourth 11';s and so on, one prime for each bus. Then, as for the people on the bus, they all received powers of those primes. For example, the first bus was assigned rooms 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, and so on, powers of 3 (the N-th person on the bus was assigned room 3N). The next bus was assigned powers of five, so they had rooms 5, 25, 125, 625, et cetera, the N-th person being assigned room 5N. There were infinitely many primes, one for each bus, and an infinity of powers of each prime, so everyone had his own room! It took me a while to explain the scheme to everyone--there were a few of them that were math atheists, and it was rough going once or twice, but they all finally settled in.
Then, as I was going over the register, I noticed that no one was in room 6 (= 2x3), nor in room 10 (= 2x5), nor in any room whose number was a product of two or more different primes, since these rooms were not powers of a single prime, and hence had no bus assigned to them. A quick calculation showed that there were, in fact, an infinite number of vacancies! Incredible! I had taken an infinite hotel that was full, added an infinite number of infinities, and when all was done, I still had an infinite number of vacancies!
The point of all this is that infinity is NOT a number, and--though there is a subject called "transfinite arithmetic"--you can't think in terms of doing ordinary arithmetic with infinity. The best way to think about it, is that infinity is a property that some sets possess. Richard Dedekind defined an infinite set to be one which could be put in one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself. It is this strange property that I have played with in the telling of my weird tale.
Incidentally, you might like to know that the hotel closed shortly after that night. Seems there were a lot of lawsuits and stuff, and the last I heard, lawyers -- the number of which is growing without bound -- were convening there. Maybe they'll all be trapped forever, and they won't be bothering common folks any more.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
The argument
If you are still answering my question as to if you can imagine the argument, forget it. You don't have to imagine it because I'm going to post it right here. Of course, my memory might fail me a little, but here's the gist of it. All vulgarities censored (if I please). And methods of censorship may differ - eg I might use "f**k" or "fcuk" to censor the word "bastard". It's up to you to decipher. Here goes. Let's call this guy B, B for Bugger.
Y (that's me): How come _____(some chemistry concept)_____ is like that?
B: It's because _____(some answer which I didn't understand)_____.
Y: Err never mind.
Then he made trouble:
B: You suck.
Y: You're sad.
B: You're some nubcake.
Y: You're some no life who mugs his notes all day long.
B: Slippery slope!
Y: Who the f*** talks about fallacies, you dips**t.
B: You're some loser.
Y: I'm not the loser who actually CARES about PHILO!!
B: At least I got an A.
Y: Err so?!
B: So you suck. Stfu (pronounced "stufu").
Y: I beat you in Chem test, you fag.
(guess you've noticed by now my language is more colourful)
B: So. I didn't say I wasn't a nubcake.
Y: Yes you implied it.
B: I didn't say it.
Y: You're a disgrace to the GEPs.
(Okay that's kind of a clue - btw no offence GEPs)
B: Err so?
Y: You're a noob.
B: Stfu, I beat you in Maths.
Y: No you didn't!
B: Yes I did!
Y: No you didn't!
B: What did you get?
Y: (censored)
B: *speechless*
Y: See, I beat you bloody noob.
B: Whatever lor!
Y: You lost to an EXPRESS joker!
Y: Not whatever. It's YOU GOT PWNED!!
B: Sure.
(a moment of silence)
B: Stfu.
Y: That was random, you b*****d.
B: No it wasn't, it was directed at you.
Y: You're weird, man.
B: You're some loser.
Y: You're bored.
B: Who isn't.
Y: I don't know.
B: See?
Y: See what!
B: You suck.
Y: You're sad.
Maybe one day I should just write a damn script. After all I have a whole host of experience in arguing, be it orally or oratorically (bloody GP argumentative essays). Nowadays I seem more arguable than ever, being so argumentative that everyone seems to think the world hates me (ya like Timo). Maybe it's true, but hell, arguing is a life. Do you not see that lawyers are making loads of money just by arguing with some other mofo lawyers as to whether some guy is guilty or not?
And worse still, it's for the most trivial issues too! Instead of spending time flying kites (which they could very well do as they are ADULTS who do not need to come to school), they choose to lock themselves up in courtrooms helping strangers (like they got nothing better to do). Hence, isn't it a bloody waste of time? I wouldn't waste half my life arguing over something that doesn't even concern me, even if it's for money. Unless it's a hell lot, but NO because lawyers are underpaid. Even though arguing is a life, it doesn't seem like a very good life does it.
I therefore propose that someone stops me from arguing with him the next time I see someone in the canteen or wherever. But first, you'll have to convince me why shouldn't I argue with a certain fagut. If you present your argument well, I will listen to you. Just don't expect me not to put up a fight. I'll argue with you till 1) you convince me or 2) I jack you or 3) I'm so bored that I am lulled to sleep by your stupidity in the argument.
Yes and so much for my effort trying NOT to argue. Even though I'm not arguing with anyone now, nor am I bored by anyone's stupidity, sleep is good (refer to Yuk's post). And so that's it I'm off to catch some sleep.
Random joke by a cross country mate of mine (a bit modified and koped without permission, but it sounds like an old joke so wtf):
Q: Why do optimistic people have higher chances of dying in rainy weather (like today)?
A: Because of their POSITIVE thoughts, the ELECTRONS from the lightning will be attracted to them!
Not funny? Well it isn't my joke anyway HAHAHAHA!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
boys and girls, go to sleep!
1. Don't turn on your computer.
2. Homework is secondary to your health. Tutorials, lectures, assignments, watever. Don't let them kill you. It's not worth it.
3. Take sleeping pill. The more the merrier. Take 50 tablets for eternal sleep.
4. Close your eyes and lie on bed.
5. Don't read anything else besides TCS. This place contains all you need to know about school, home, life, the world and the universe. No point reading anything else. Like that sure can sleep early.
Ya that's all. I'm sorry, but hor I need to sleep early. So too bad. My health more important.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wait a minute, why am I laughing at all of you when I'm experiencing the same difficulties! Since we're 同舟共济 (same boat all die), I can only offer you certain solutions next time. Oh no, not disgusting ionic solutions from the Chemistry lab, but practical ones outside Chem Prac which you can most certainly use. In getting your parents to sign without looking at the marks.
1) Photocopy, alter and GO!
Take the question paper and just photocopy it. Alter the marks, and make sure you do it in black and white so you can fake your parents to say that you really photocopied the whole thing. And of course you give yourself a pass. Duh.
2) Soak offending bit in water or preferably some chemical
Well you still need your parents to sign so you must make sure the "Parent's Signature" line is still intact.. and then you get rid of the marks part. Just normal water would do, but if you want to play safe you could try dipping the offending part of the page (ie your marks) into conc. HCl. That should do the trick. And if your parents ask where are your marks - you could always say that it's all in the Chemistry.. solutions.
3) Forge
One of the oldest tricks in the book - but effective nevertheless. I still see people using it up till today, and with its success rate it's no wonder. Unless you get called up for Parent-Teacher meeting, this method is foolproof, teacherproof and scoldingproof. Because the teachers have no proof you did it!
4) Cut and paste
The dangerous and risky but worth a try method if you're really desperate. Just take another piece of paper, write the mark on it, and then paste it nicely on your test paper over the mark. The triangle must be cut to perfection so that it fits exactly. And you cannot use blu-tack, it has to be glue. Only thing is after that you might have some trouble removing it but what the heck, you save yourself a scolding so have fun.
These methods will most certainly definitely undeniably work.. ceteris paribus. Meaning if your parents don't flip over the page to check and add up your marks. If they do GG to you and well I can't say it's my fault.
In case any of you are saying that I'm a bad influence (which I'm not)..
I'm only joking.
(Edit: Not applicable if your Chem tutor is Wong Tze Yang.)
Monday, March 27, 2006
Protest of the protest overruled!
Anyway who even bothers with Bio? Sex diseases are so Sec 2.. come on even I know it (at least I passed Sec 2 General Science!) And there's always Focus On The Family - No Apologies stuff to remind me about STDs.. and I'm very sure my knowledge of sex diseases can either be equal or more than any Bio student. But then again since I don't take Bio you can't prove otherwise!
I can't run to Geylang especially since I was already late for class. You will all understand that. Speaking of being retards.. it's not my fault that I accurately represent what we really are. See, you can't compare Bio with me but you can compare Chem!!
Oh and speaking of which, THE BAD INFLUENCE which caused YL's marginal failure has FAILED HIMSELF. Clap clap clap!! But when comparing the degree of retardity (retardness sounds so retarded), I realise that maybe YL is worse off. After all since I pwned him in Maths (like super convincingly) and YL returned the favour in French test (just as convincingly), Chem remains the disputed battleground that either of us can win!

Haha I know you don't see any electrons on it, but then I'm so proud to be able to say I'm able to draw a graph on what would happen if you remove electrons one by one from it! (Okay it doesn't make sense at all but I did it anyway.) FULL MARKS OKAY.
Come on YL can you beat me in drawing graphs? As a no-lifer I fiddle with Graphmatica every night and hell, it's damn useful! Next time you need help with graphs just approach me. Better yet, try TI-84 Plus GC or even Graphmatica. I guarantee you can pass your Chem (even though I didn't, I'm excused because I'm a retard.)
So what point am I trying to prove? Nothing really, just that it's nothing shameful to be a retard. And that in the battle of the retards I beat YL 2-1 and so it says a lot about who is being the more retarded of being retards. Haha!
We kind of argued this on the way to French, and guess what, we were both en retard (= late).
Protest Put Down!
Optician: This pair of specs *pointing to some flashy spectacle frame* very nice leh.
Me: Cut the crap la! Give me the cheapest one! Stop trying to cheat my money!
And there u have it.
And I am not a punk. See I never smoke, never drink alcohol, never take drugs, never murder pple, never even serve detention before and I was certainly never caught playing pikachu volleyball in the RI library before, unlike YJ. Who's the daring punk who dares to challenge the librarians. Not me. We welcome....... YJ THE punk.
Anyway i wouldn't go to geylang. As a hardworking biology student, I know all the perils of Geylang, such as hiv syphilis chlamydia gonorrhea genital herpes etc etc etc, though I couldn't say the same of YJ because he doesn't take biology. How sad.
Anyway back to that horny Malay guy. YJ could have just told him how to go to Geylang the YJ way. By running. By the time he run to Geylang he got no more energy to do any naughty things liao. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. But YJ dowan and says he dunno, make us seem like some retards like that and disgrace our school. Sigh
I protest!
Even if I talk cock, I don't lie.
Here is the true version, which really YL could have saved me the trouble of posting. As you all know, I'm a busy no-lifer, being busy with no life activities. So I'll attempt to correct his mistakes.
First, I wasn't posing at all because I was wearing LONG PANTS. How on earth do you pose with long pants? Unless that old Malay man had X-ray vision (which I doubt or he might have asked YL to a corner already), he couldn't have possibly seen shit. Even if I was posing, it certainly did not warrant an "again". I don't pose.
Anyway the old man was actually talking to YL. Wearing a pair of koolio specs, it was hard to tell who he was actually talking to. Plus YL was so sexy that his whole class so totally loves him!!! (Am I not right, 07S03R?) So it was obviously YL he was talking to and not me.
Oh and with that shaggy short hair and punky looks, YL would seem like the naughty boy to pop down to Geylang every so often. I guess that explains everything.
Hope this clears the air.
How to get to Geylang from Bishan
No wait. YJ was posing again, showing off his muscular legs. Like how many times must I tell him to stop doing that, but noooo, he doesn't listen to me. And then along comes this old Malay man who comes towards us. I thought he was going to sell us tissue paper, but nooo again, his eyes were fluttering towards YJ's legs. YUCKSSS! Then with drool on his mouth, he asks YJ, " Eh brudddderrrr, how to go to geylang from here?" !!!!! YJ what have you done! how can you turn him on so much that he wanna go geylang immediately! I stood there stoned in horror as the drama unfolded...
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Internal Conflict
Well, here's what he said about some of the people:
Sengkong: " Eh Sengkong has alot of strength and is very fit. But in waterpolo fitness is not important. Skills are much more important, something which i have alot."
Yihong: " Eh yihong is not a bad player. Just that even James Miao (who plays outfield) is a better keeper than him. Dont know why he play keeper also. Like transparent like that."
Danny: "Eh Danny ah, not he's so lousy that he's not even worth mentioning."
James: "Aiyah James Miao so light. The ball dropped right infront of him he will sure get pushed away by pple."
Jeremy: "This guy, whole day only know how to apply sunblock. No use one."
Chenkai: " Only Chen Kai and I are like the good players of the team lah. The rest are like damn far away from us."
When asked who's better: " Aiyah Chenkai is good when he is on form. But he is only on form sometimes unlike me who's like on form all the time."
That particular person also claims to be in the U18 National Youth Team and is the captain as well.
I thought we were a team.
We were a family.
How could you do this to all of us!?
What happened to the team spirit?
What happened to the respect for the rest of your team?
You aint no waterpoloer no more!!
Haha guess who that person is.
{ by the way it's a joke okay. no internal conflict! JOKE! JOKE!!!}
Anyway on my way back last friday i heard this interesting conversation between two guys.
-i picked up the converstation halfway so im not sure how it started.
1. You call the girl right. Cannot call everyday one lah.
1.You call then you say like eh is it fine for me to call you tmr? If not i will call you in two days time.
1.If you everyday call then the girl will be like what the fcuk why the hell i give my number to this irritating bastard.
1. So you call like me right, if she dont want you to call then she will say she's busy. Then u must be like a gentleman dey.
1. Eh im cool with it so i guess i will call you in two day's time?
2. Dont bluff lah. Last time you taught me how to date girls you got me into trouble man.
1. Wont one lah. That time i was at the void deck then suddenly some girl just walk over. Then ask me to go with her and i was like wtf. Then she kissed me and said sorry it was a dare and i was like wtf. Like fcuk i didnt even see the face of the girl im kissing like fcuk. Like wtf man. Fcuk!
-suddenly they start to growl and teach each other how to make black metal music sounds.
1. Wah lao is that the muthafker whom we saw at the bus stop just now? fcuk!
1. He looks fcking irritating lurhh.
2. Which fcuk?
1. That fcuk.
2. Wrong fcuk lah.
1. Ah fcuk man.
2. Ah fcuk you man.
-talks more about that guy whom they saw at the bus stop.
1. Wah lao eh today so many muthafkers wearing that fking jacket.
1. This fcuk
1. That fcuk
1. Knn fcuk
1. Fcuk man.
Eh i warned you about the vulgarities. But this is what happen when your vocabulary is limited.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Reflect and review
Actually I was very busy just now, watching the Liverpool vs Everton match and trying to analyse how lousy Everton was. Oh and I was trying to count the number of fans in the stand to improve my Maths. So I couldn't have blogged earlier, sorry. As for last night, I was busy catching up on Gunbound time (ya I play Gunbound so what) that I would have played during the holidays. So I'm sorry I couldn't update.
But not so sorry to the extent that I won't play anymore Gunbound. Oh no.
I term this business (busy-ness) "holiday hangover" - and how long does it last into the term is none of your business. Others get drunk on beer but actually you don't need alcohol to be drunk. If you don't believe me just drop me a message on MSN and I'll teach you some quick-drunk methods. The one above is one of them.
Hmm looks like my test results aren't going to get any better. I'm getting back Chemistry on Monday and if I fail I'm going to drown my sorrows in iced lemon tea aka soapwater. After all since failing Chemistry is all about not knowing acids and stuff like that, I could just drink soapwater and claim that I don't know that their pH is less than 7. Then if anything happens it's none of my business.
Oh and talk about business - Monday also signals the start of ECONS REMEDIAL! Whoa first remedial of the year. I wouldn't say it's early because one term has passed before I got started on remedial. So yay that's something to be proud of!!!! I'm a proud member of RGB - the Remedial Gang Boy. Every single year I get pulled into remedial classes, and then I come out a better student.
Yes so I am gonna whoop some arse during this term. Watch out okay.
Here is my resolution for the coming weeks of Term 2..: 1024 x 768
Do you suppose I'm going to change it just because I'm in remedial class? -.-" What has remedials got to do with my resolution anyway? Anyway on second thoughts resolution could mean like, water being moved from liquid state to solid state and then back to liquid state again. So from a solution, it becomes a solid, then back to a solution again. Aha, then the water has been resolutioned! Bonding myself with Chemistry, I see no other path than to improve.
Coming up next week also is COUNCIL'S INTERVIEW!! Zomg I can't believe they still accepted me despite that essay I submitted (you all saw it didn't you). Then again I was telling the truth so I guess they were rather impressed with my sincerity. Which is good since I love the school and without having the chance to serve in the 26th Student's Council, I think I will die (okay maybe not). My point is, next week's my interview and I'm not looking to screw it up.
Then again, what can they possibly ask in a Council interview? For those who have taken it, you are not supposed to reveal your questions because of DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS so you'd better not. As for those who have not and need some help from a fellow not-yet-interviewed person, I have with me a ten-year series Council Interview questions. Very useful. It's compiled from my ten-year knowledge of the Council, whatever impression and meaning that I got out from that word - "council".
Hope you find it useful. If you get past the interview stage, thank me. If you have already taken the interview and later you get past the interview stage, I assume you have some way of looking into the future and reading my ten-year series. It's okay really, I don't mind.
1996: Why do you want to join the Council?
Model answer: Because it's 1996 and I love the school, I want to serve, it's my passion to serve, because if I don't get in I'll die, and because I've been dreaming of joining Council since 1986, which means it's 10 years and that's a nice number so won't you let me in please???
1997: Why do you want to join the Council?
Model answer: Because it's 1997 and I love the school, I want to serve, it's my passion to serve, because if I don't get in I'll die, and because I've been dreaming of joining Council since 1987, which means it's 10 years and that's a nice number so won't you let me in please???
1998: Why do you want to join the Council?
Model answer: Because it's 1998 and I love the school, I want to serve, it's my passion to serve, because if I don't get in I'll die, and because I've been dreaming of joining Council since 1988, which means it's 10 years and that's a nice number so won't you let me in please???
I think you get a rough idea now. Of course the model answer is kind of undeveloped but then again when you see a ten-year series you are supposed to PRACTISE! And anyway this is what most ten-year series are like, boring and monotonous and basically bloody 千篇一律。Meaning literally one thousand pages, one law.
Imagine fitting one law into one thousand pages -.-" that's like using Copperplate Gothic font, size 20^06 now don't tell me to work that out, it was a totally random figure. And don't tell me that my Chinese is bad, I know that my translation is not 100% but if I don't translate it some n00bs won't understand so you must know that this is for the benefit of everyone. I don't like racism.
So anyway, use the model answers to your discretion. It's applicable to all councils - including your local Town Council. Maybe next time when you have a job interview with them you could try using that. No harm since you're basically still serving - only different people.
Yep so that's it. Good luck to all those running for interviews unless you're in my way. Then you better not have good luck because I'm an arsehole and believe me, I don't have that much luck left to give out to you. After all, you can tell I'm down on my luck after failing almost every single subject I take. Having very little luck (supply), you demand more luck from me? Well sorry then we will never reach an equilibrium point.
And if you really think you cannot pull off the interview, think of Economics. It might save you at the end of the day.
You have a few days to raise up $10000. I doubt any councillor can resist that.
P.S. Assuming I do get into Council and assuming that I would be interviewing juniors next year, you could try the last tactic I mentioned. I won't resist your money, but I also won't be able to resist kicking you out!! Did I mention that $10000 might be sufficient to earn me tuition for every subject? No? Well I've said it now. Goodnight.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Yes you didn't hear me wrong. Nothing.
Okay wait I just demonstrated my stoopideeti by saying "hear me wrong" - look, how can you hear me when you're just reading this rubbish I type? Even if you turn on your speaker I haven't figured out how to upload sounds onto the blog - which again is further evidence of my stoopideeti. Shit, I'm starting to think the world revolves round my stoopideeti. Which yet again further proves I am stoopid because upon checking the Net I realise that it is Earth that revolves round the sun, not around me.
Of course, it's okay being stoopid once or twice. In fact, it's kind of useful. I did something real stoopid during the period of Chinese New Year and I had some amazing discoveries. So although I will mention about the disadvantages of stoopideeti later, I must first elaborate on the advantages. (balanced view)
Well during CNY I came back on the first day tired after my Cross Country training. So without as much as a thought I just went to shower. Okay then I went online to blog about the Cross Country experience. And then I realised something was amiss! Where were my red packets?
Then it occurred to me. The ultimate stoopid thing that could have happened - the red packets were soaking along with my NEW PANTS! Now if you do not understand the full (fool) extent of that stoopid thing I did, let me tell you the consequences.
1) The red packets were soaked and soggy.
2) The red packets contain money, which was also soaked and soggy!
3) The colour of the red packets will run onto the pants.
4) My pants are new and already I've ruined it with red stains?!
5) If I wear my pants again people are going to think I'm female.
So for these six reasons I am screwing myself up. To prove that I really did soak the whole load of red packets, I present you my research findings.

And it turns out that this particular note that I received was certainly not a counterfeit. After all you can see all the safety features there.. WATERmark, UV stamp, whatever. By the way, that was not the only note that got soaked to the skin (see I'm saying stoopid things again), because I had at least five or six other notes that suffered the same fate.
It was then where I became thankful for plastic notes. They were hardly affected.

Next time they should really make $10 plastic notes and $2 paper notes.. tsk look how much money I've lost because who's going to accept the $10 crap with decolourisation (a bit). And before you read further I just realised two stoopid things: 1) there are only five reasons, not six (look up there) and 2) they should just make all plastic notes and save stoopid people like me the trouble!
Sigh.. I think I'm really making a fool out of myself. Okay but at least one good thing came out from it and that being that I know my notes aren't fake. Umm well next time you might like to try it to test if your notes are authentic. Haha yes.
So now, back to more recent topics. I'm sure you are very interested on how far my stoopideeti goes, because if you have been failing tests I'm HERE TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER! Talk Cock Summit does not only seek to entertain, we also seek to console those who have performed badly in our tests because no matter how badly you manage to do, we manage to do badlier.
YL and I are classic examples. Maybe YL isn't, but I certainly am. After all, YL's civics tutorial group is full of muggerssssss (that's what HE claims) and he's bottom. Well I believe him. My CTG doesn't have that much muggers and yet I am almost bottom! Therefore if you compare us, I believe that I am stoopidier but let's leave that out and bring in the figgers.
My subjects: Maths, Chem, Econs, French
YL's subjects: Maths, Chem, Bio, French
What I failed: Chem (assumed), Econs, French + GP LOL!
YL failed: Maths and Chem
And I believe I am kind of a bad influence to YL because I always try to convince him not to mug. Being of Anti-Mugging Club (AMC) and Anti-Tutorial Movement (ATM) origin, I am almost equivalent to any retard and am the current delinquent of RJC. Yet no one pities me because I deserve my lousy marks by not mugging. What's more YL's failures are borderline while mine is umm.. undefined.
Tsk and you thought I can only talk cock? WRONG I can also FAIL TESTS.
Shit now I realised I got nothing else to say. That's stoopideeti for you - trying to bring out figgers to prove a point but in the end forgetting what I had to prove. Nevertheless, failure is the mother of success and despite my stoopideeti I believe I will succeed one day. Anyway from so many instances in this blog plus my failure list has already shown my stoopideeti and now I'm just going to umm.. come up with an improvement plan.
So here goes my plans for different subjects.
MATHEMATICS (barely passed!)
1) Learn how to use Graphic Calculator. (Oh by the way there's an excellent article on this on ya advertisement but VERY USEFUL, I feel smarter after reading it so do drop by.)
2) Let's see.. draw graphs with pencils. (pen ink difficult to change!)
3) Practice makes perfect! But they never said how much practice so in actual fact a stoopid person like me could take fifty years before I can get full marks in a Maths test. By which time will there still be tests?
CHEMISTRY (assumed fail)
1) Mug Periodic Table.
3) Don't use Graphic Calculator to do calculations.
4) Okay number 3 is quite Fe-y since I said in the Mathematics sector to use it. It's up to your own discretion.
ECONOMICS (failed)
1) Think of money, think of money, think of money.
2) Mug demand and supply notes and for consumer surplus, DO NOT draw arrows and claim that represents surplus. No that isn't the case.
3) Draw bigger graphs because teacher doesn't like small graphs.
1) Je ne sais pas.
2) Aucune idée.
3) Aidez-moi!
GP (failed REAL BAD also!)
1) Go to the army and become a general. Then I might own the paper.
2) Read more Enid Blyton books (P.S. I claim to be an expert in Enid Blyton literature but after my GP grades I'm starting to think otherwise.)
3) Bring in economic concepts and start bribing the teacher.
Well ya for those who take these subjects I hope they help you. Because I certainly need a lot of it.
And my stoopideeti is getting to me, my thoughts are getting incoherent. I'd better get off from here before I prove to be a complete moron. That is if I haven't proved it already.
Okay but before I go let's have a STOOPID joke from me!
Q: Why does the person leading our country have menses?
No offence to whoever might take offence. I'm assuming only the PM would and no, I don't think he'll read my blog. And if you're thinking of tagging on the tagboard under his name, especially Paul Yap or Seetow, could you please not do it thank you.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
China Chee Bye(Part 2)
Whirwhirwhir the lift goes down, and it seems a journey just like any other. But hell no. The lift stops at some storey which I have forgotten, and in comes the China CheeBye (ccb). Let me first describe the ccb. Actually I can't remember much but one sentence suffices. He has "i am a ccb" written all over his face complete with that ccb look and ccb hands and ccb legs and ccb clothes. What a ccb.
Anyway, as soon as the ccb steps into the lift, the lift goes 'deedeedeedee' because the lift didn't like the ccb either and because he was so fat. But the ccb, being a ccb, decided to remain where he was and gave this ccb look at all of us. Then he proceeded to look at the level indicator of the lift with his ccb eyes as if wondering why the lift wouldn't go down.
A gurgling sound filled the entire lift. It was the sound of our blood boiling. But being the nice people that we are, eventually james and sk went out to take the next lift. We thought we couldn't be more angry. Until we got down to the first floor and the ccb immediately took the same lift up again! Wtf! Ccb!
Enough of that angsty stuff. I have made a startling discovery! That is that some people have negative weights. Some day, I was at Plaza Sing and I took the lift. It was crowded but everyone squeezed in without problem. One floor up, someone got out. And the lift went 'deedeedeedee' such that I had to get out. Actually I wanted to take a closer look at that mysterious person who had the negative weight. But he was gone. Vanished into thin air. So weird. Anyhow, that's extreme dieting for you.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Shit Happens
It was a bright sunny morning. The magnolia clouds dotted the sky. The bright sunlight pierced through the curtains. The air stank of the exhaust from the cars. The birds were chirping.
Training in the morning ended. The polo team came back to the hotel.
A sharp pain overcame Danny. It hit him straight in the stomach. He needed to answer the call of nature.
A sharp pain overcame Shit King too. It hit him straight in the stomach too. He too needed to answer the call of nature.
Unfortunately Danny and Shit King are room mates.
Danny grabbed the keys and rushed into their room first and conquered the toilet.
Shit King, having no where else to shit, soon turned to Jeremy and I.
With a pleading look on this face, we couldnt really reject him you know.
After all, what if he shits at the corridors?
So, Jeremy and I graciously let him into our room and offered him out toilet.
Having nothing else to do, we made our way to Sherwin's and Chenkai's room to play cards.
It was all peaceful.
So peaceful.
And then....the phone rang.
I picked up the phone.
Oh my son! Shit King stucked our toilet with his gigantic shit.
I ran back to our room as fast as my legs could carry me.
Then Shit King was already along the corridors shouting to me, " Eh your toilet! It's overflowing!"
To our horror when we reached our room, we saw pieces of shit floating around the floor in a puddle of urine. [ Nah it wasnt that bad. It was just water on the floor. But a little bit of excitement and a little bit of lies wont kill.]
And for the rest of the trip, Jeremy and I had to sleep in the cupboard and using towels to block the smell from coming in. What an uncomfortable trip! [We made that up too.]
Thus we can conclude that Shit King's shit is gigantic. Cause normally if it's like one long piece of shit, you can still flush it down yeah? But Shit King's shit must have been the size of like 3 pieces of shit stuck together so big that it actually chokes the toilet bowl!
But when you are feeling sad and feeling down, all you need to know is that... SHIT HAPPENS.
{ For a first hand story telling of the whole incident complete with sound effects and facial expressions, please approach Jeremy Kwang-Ge who will gladly recount the events of that day with you.}
Monday, March 20, 2006
The China Chronicles Part 2
In the meantime, please bear with me as i attempt to entertain you with more interesting chronicles.
Due to the lack of pictures this trip, we will have to do with words.
Rule 1. Whoever can drive in China, can drive anywhere in the world.
I am serious yo! In china, the drivers are the men! In Singapore all you have to look out for is what is infront of you and what's behind you. In China, you have to look out for the car infront of you, you have to look out for the cars behind you. You have to look out for the cars beside you trying to overtake you. You have to look out for pedestrain on the road who may be as close as 10 cm away from you when you zoom past them. You have to look out for the people peddling goods on the street and be careful not to knock them down. You have to look out for the people sleeping under the bridge and on the road. You have to look out for people moving goods twice their size with only a run down trolley and one silly rope to attach all the stacked up boxes. Plus more importantly, you have to look out for cyclist who think that their bicycles are as powerful as the motorcycles on the road!
To further prove the point that if you can drive in China you can drive anywhere, our bus driver reversed into the MAIN ROAD straight. Like you know orchard road that kinda road and then a bus suddenly reverses from far east shopping centre? Oh yeah we are all still alive dont worry. The driver is good.
Rule 2. Whoever said China is not cold is wrong.
China is holy mama oh my son COLD. First day when we arrived we were still docked in our normal singaporean wear of tshirts and shorts. The weather was cooling and it was about how it would normally be in an air conditioned class room. The second day, the wind got stronger and some of the poloers began to take out their jackets. By the third day, temperatures fell to 8 degress or less. The whole team wore jeans and shoes and many many many many thisrts and sweaters. I guess i have already proven my point the previous post. But then i just want to warn whoever that is going to china TSHIRTS and SHORTS are not enough. When they mean cold, they mean COLD.
Baskit, it was so cold that the air above the swimming pool condensed to form mist.
Rule 3. China food is cheap.
A not-too-bad meal in a chinese restaurant will cost around 5-6 sing bucks and trust me it is extremely worth it. You will probably spend about the same amount in Singapore just to get that kind of food ( 20-30 yuan). Go eat in china!
I think i ran out of stuff to say about china.
But never mind. Take a look at this. Blogger in chinese.
My whole blogger is now in chinese.
Okay i will blog about the infamous ' SHIT HAPPENS' tmr.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
First to Bata then to school
So last night I went out to celebrate and neglected my TCS duties. I'm sorry. But you know what? Actually I'm not sorry at all, because I went to get some stuff for myself!! As you can see from the title, it's FIRST TO BATA then TO SCHOOL. It would then seem inappropriate not to drop by Bata before making my rounds to school (ugh) tomorrow.
And.. I bought this shoe for $9.95, at half the normal price!
Look at it, and tell me it's damn nice please.

I won't blame you if you say it isn't, because I myself do not think so. But just tell me it's damn nice anyway to make me feel better. It's such a bargain for $9.95 man. Every week in school I save up a $1 coin, and at the end of the term I had ten of those coins. Then I used them to pay for my shoes next term! Just how cool is that man. The shopkeeper didn't seem too pleased with getting $1 coins but you know, who really cares.
Anyway if you haven't noticed by now why I got it at half the normal price, is because I only bought one shoe! Ya it's the left side, which side's ankle is not sprained. That's why I get to wear funny shoes with that leg. For my right leg, I guess I'd have to make do with my old pair of shoes. Oh and anyway if I haven't told you, I found some sticky stuff inside my old left shoe out of the blue. I felt rather disgusted which was why I decided to go buy a new pair, I mean a new left shoe.
And I'm pleased with my new buy, though the shopkeeper seemed reluctant to part with one shoe. However I convinced him that this model looked like some shit you'd expect out of a cartoon show, so he eventually gave in to my request.
Tomorrow I'm going to dazzle everyone with my coolio shoes man.
And here's wishing everyone good luck before the gates of hell open tomorrow. Then you can keep the good luck because things won't get real bad until they DO open. When school goes into full swing (ie with you in it), then you'd most probably need more good luck than I can ever give you.
Before I leave here's a joke from Paul Yap. I modified it though to suit the situation. Here goes:
Q: Why does the area around the school seem so clean?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Live from SummitCock

"Good evening everybady, this is Ree Plaisment from SummitCock (SC), S you can C from the logo behind. Now very unfortunatly, YJ isn't here vith us tonat, becarz that silly old sod has gun ta drown his sorrows elsevere, knowen that school reopens on Munday! In any case, fret nut, becarz I'll be yar reeplaisment for tonat! Let us see the headline neuz, actually sadly our only neuz for the day.
Well recently it has been radur hazy, hasn't it? Rumours have claimed that the fire isn't really coming frum Indonesia after all. We have substantial evidens to prove that the causs of all this haze is FRUM THE KEMIKAL LABS OF RAFFERS JUNYA KOLEJ!! Here iss arwer file picture.
No darbt, the fire duss form some very interesting vurds, but S I am from SC and nut the country that whatever this vurd is deryft from, I have no idea what it says. But as somevun has boddered to submit this foto to me, I assume that it iss causing the haze in Singapore. Well 'en, the relevant authorities will see that RJK (Kolej, remember) will pay for this demej to the environmen.
And surry for the lack of konten, but narten seems to be going on nowadays. Especially vith that seelly YJ who desides to wait till the holidays are almost over befur desiding to start on this thing called 'homework'. Of carz, knowing that he has littel chance of kompleting it, he then desided to just go out to drown his sorrows. Just that unfortunatly, he's below 18 so it has to go into Aspartamik drink called Koka-Kola. It's some organik kemistri but (censored) it, I furgut which kemikal wos that.
Anyway, just take this as a temporary break from YJ. I bet he's been talken so much (censored) that you have been bored anyway. Hope you will vaste sarm time desiferen what I'f been sayen. Oh and the weather will be bad for the next few days - and unfortunatly school will reopen then. School sarkes, good night."
Friday, March 17, 2006
The China Chronicles - mice love rice.
And then we also learn that China is the world largest producer of rice. That, again, is true.
China produces enough rice to feed their 1.3 billion pple and plenty of other chinese and rice eating pple in the whole world.
And then we also learn that chinese eat rice. So James Miao discovered his chinese roots in China despite being an african for the past 16 years. The lure of rice was simply too much for James Miao to resist. Or put it in another way, James Miao discovered his african roots for chinese rice in China.
Every morning when James Miao wakes up, he knows he needs to outrun the fastest cheetah.
Give James Miao a bowl of rice, he will eat it up.
Give James Miao a big big big pot of rice, he will still eat it up.
Give James Miao a bowl of rice, he will eat for a day.
Here's how the dinner conversation always go:
Waitress: Here's the dishes.
Waitress: Do you want a bowl of rice each?
-while eating
James: Waitress! MORE RICE!
-still eating
-when everyone has finished eating
-James approaches the other table
James: Got any rice left?
Everytime the waitress serves the rice. We will scoop some rice into the little rice bowl that we all have when u go to a chinese restaurant and the rest will go to James Miao who without fail will finish everything up.
That's about the amount of rice James finishes every meal haha. Those really big big big pot you know. Not the small one.
This has led to the discovery of a newest sports training method which we call rice-loading. There are several advantages that this new method brings about.
1. Eating more rice results in an increase in weight.
Example: James could mark some fat guy twice his weight without being flinged off due to the amount of rice he ate. However during one moring trng before his usual rice loading, James was performing terribly. He was pushed away several times by the opponent.
2. Eating rice makes you immune to cold.
This was James Miao in sec3. He might have changed. But take note of what he was wearing. That's some cheapo one layer cotton long sleeve shirt. Wearing something similar or even something thinner, James Miao prowled the streets of Guangzhou in temperatures of less than 8 degree celcius when the rest of the team was docked out in the thickest tshirts,tshirts,tshirts,sweaters,sweaters and more sweaters and lots of jackets.
X: James u not cold ah?
James: No lah!
- the rest of us were freezing.
3. Eating rice makes u jump higher, swim faster and play better.
James was made Man-of-the-Match after his heroics performance which included scoring as many as 1/3 of all the goals and intercepting several passes and rejecting several shots.
You think this guy can jump high? Nah, he didnt even jump to his trunks. James prolly jumped so high that u can see his d33k.
Conclusion: James loves rice. Like mice love rice.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Brrr (part 1)

Thank God there's always Sherwin Sim.
Another good way to keep warm to make someone get fever. Then you just got yourself a personal heater.
The last way is to eat rice. Rice energy is infinite. james miao has personally proven that. While everyone was wearing double or triple layer clothing, he was in a thin long sleeve shirt. When asked whether he felt the slightest chill, he replied definitively, "no!". To follow in his footsteps, you have to eat at least five bowls of rice for every meal. In fact, the main reason he still doesn't have a girlfriend is because of his intense love for rice, so intense that all the girls got jealous.
But despite all this, it still took tremendous willpower to get into the pool. It doesn't help that the people that pple who just jumped in scream as they make contact with the cool water. But on the bright side, it makes you swim faster.
Ironically, I'm having a cold now, here in hot Singapore.
Q: what stuff can you pass without moving your arms and legs?
A: motion
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Some people damn free
That some people are damn free.
I was just flipping the papers for something interesting to read (after carefully analysing the Premiership table, of course). You must understand that after reading the figures off the table there isn't much motivation for me to carry on reading the papers. After all, my reading diet comprises of just the Premiership table. It's like you eat one plate of chicken rice for dinner and you're full. So do you eat some more? No right?
Similarly, I didn't know why I bothered to read on. Perhaps it was because I felt a bit hungry after Premiership table. There wasn't anything much to digest in the first place - since there had only been one match played on Sunday, that being Arsenal against Liverpool. That would be equivalent to let's say, half a plate of chicken rice. And as there was still space in my brain (like stomach), I went to read on.
Aiya I think you get the idea.
The New Paper yesterday had this article - I'm not sure on which page, but it doesn't really matter since I'm putting it here anyway. Like your bloody lecturer flashing you some stuff on the slide and saying later "it's all in your notes" and jacks you like mad because you've been copying down the shit on the slide fervently. Lecturers are sadistic, I tell you. But before I start on another story I'd better not digress too much.
Here's the article you should read:

100kg man attacks Tampines coffeeshop patrons. Now what on earth makes this so interesting, I don't know and after reading the article I still don't. After all, what's the big deal about some fat shit whacking the hell out of old men? (I assume old men are free enough to sit at coffeeshops.) I mean, don't you see a similar scene everyday at RJC? Like at your class table there's some obese fagut who has come back from buying his food and finds out that there's no space at the table. Though of course there is enough for one AVERAGE-SIZED person. So he'll whack one guy on the back to say something like, "hey make way" and stuff.
And there is the entire possibility that the fat arsehole's birthday falls after the guy whom he whacked on the back. Thus the guy sitting down would be an old man, for he is already older than the fat guy. We are constantly told by teachers that "you are not young kids anymore" - so.. eh? If we are not young kids, then that must make us old men! Hence point proven. There is nothing special about fat faguts whacking up old men. (No offence to fat faguts.)
Then back to the article - we start thinking about what could be so special? Tampines coffeeshop? I'm sure that there is certainly more than one coffeeshop in Tampines, which makes the article very.. stupid. Why the heck are they reporting on mundane stuff? It's like they got nothing better to do? They are a damn newspaper, for goodness' sake. I know TCS also blogs about mundane stuff but then again not the whole Singapore reads our stuff. And in any case it's as if they, like us, have got NO NEWS AT ALL TO REPORT and is making a mountain out of a molehill. Along with a fat guy and coffeeshop patrons.
So what on earth is going on, man?
Suddenly, I saw the light when I shifted the newspaper. The coffeeshop patrons weren't just coffeeshop patrons.. there was a VIP from England/Holland who had come to the Tampines coffeeshop. Then oh my god suddenly the article made so much sense. At least now it was something to report!
Just have a look at this:

In case you cannot read the wording.. the first arrow to the left was "he whacked people here" and the arrow to the right has the words "...and a man here". And where does the arrow to the right point to?
What the heck is that joker doing in Singapore? Don't tell me he flew that ten thousand kilometres just to get punched by an obese man? It just questions his commitment to Man Utd - he's so damn free that he can come to Singapore in midweek since Man Utd is evidently not playing till this weekend. So instead of training with the club he comes down to a coffeeshop to get punched. Funny chap.
But in case you Man Utd fans were worried about him getting injured, no fear. He already went to Tan Tock Seng Hospital for a checkup and was proclaimed fine by the doctor. He is in "stable condition" and has since been discharged. But then again he wasn't even hospitalised so it's no big deal, really. After all, isn't it normal to get punched in the Premiership? It's so typical of the English hooligan fans or some hooligan players to punch others in the face - tsk. Still, take comfort in the fact that Van Nistelrooy isn't injured.
The reason why Van Nistelrooy has come, is probably because he fell out with Sir Alex Ferguson. As you all who watch soccer would probably know, Sir Alex is a cantankerous bull with no bloody logic or any shred of humanity in him. So he left Van Nistelrooy on the sidelines for a few games. (Actually that made a lot of sense since we all know Van Nistelrooy's rubbish) However, this led to a spat between the two jokers and Van Nistelrooy, not having such a good temperament himself, escaped to Singapore to show his TEMPER! Believe me, this coming Saturday, you'll probably see Sir Alex scowling at Van Nistelrooy more than ever.
Which Van Nistelrooy would be more or less be asking for. Taking a flight to Singapore could not have been more stupid, the jet lag's terrible and that will affect his form in soccer. Basically, there is a lesson to be learnt here - that Van Nistelrooy is too free and he's really quite stupid to come all the way here. He's such a crappy striker and has such a rubbish personality, man. That fatty did well to punch him.
Anyway it's time for dinner and unlike my reading diet which can be forgone, I certainly cannot live without food. Ya you can say I'm greedy, but so what? I'll never eat till I'm 100kg. And even if I do, I won't go around to Tampines coffeeshops to punch people. Oh please, I'm not that free.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Roasting and burning
So you find my TCS posts are usually at night - because when the air is cooler I think better (actually do I even think when I post) and I won't doze off halfway while posting. And if you're thinking that SHERWIN SIM is the reason for the hot weather now, you're fooling no one. He's off in Guangzhou, China training with the other waterpolo people, and bringing thermal heating to the cold spring weather there. Ya lucky waterpolo players get to have nice cool weather in China as well as thermal heating -.-"
While we in Singapore do not have such privileges and have to stand such heat. Bloody hell, I'm starting to agree with MM Lee that the aircon is the best invention of the century. Last century, of course, not this one with only 6 years. If the aircon had only been invented 6 years ago, I don't know if I'll have one now. And I might just die due to heatstroke.
Nevertheless, what IS causing the heat is not important. The thing is, the heat is here now so we must find ways to deal with it. TCS, being at the forefront and at the top of things (summit, you see), will propose a few innovations to deal with it all. Hopefully it helps. Of course, though when you think of mountain "summits" you think of cool air, you must understand that Singapore has not many tall mountains. The top of Bt Timah Hill is still warm. So if the ideas seem stupid, it's not my fault. Blame it on the height of Bt Timah Hill. And the fact that Singapore sucks with such bad weather.
Thus, presenting to you..

In case you can't really see, there's a box round the whole Singapore. And in case you are aesthetically challenged, it's 3D. Get it? 3 dimensional. Meaning it's actually rectangular and it's in space. Can contain volume. Yep and unlike your silly Chemistry models I have decided to make it nice and simple. No more TRIGONAL PLANAR! No more TRIGONAL BIPYRAMIDAL! No more OCTAHEDRAL! Tetrahedral? NO! Not really anyway. It's just plain lovely rectangular.
So what is that box supposed to represent? Unlike your silly "THE BOX" during Z'Kardia, it does not serve any purpose similar to Pandora's. It is air-conditioning! Now how cool is that (literally)! We get to have nice little lovely aircon wherever we walk about in the island. Though of course you can expect to get a rude shock when you cross the Causeway (back to gay heat). There's advantages to being small - yes. The cost of airconditioning the whole nation will take less than let's say, airconditioning Malaysia.
Haha actually Indonesia also GGXX with their number of islands. Can't imagine how long they are going to take to do it. Plus with their number of corrupt officials.. I think the earth might spin on its axis to give Indonesia winter long before the aircon project ever gets done. That's assuming they even get started. But let's not dwell on that. The fact is we're lucky to be small and airconable that we should not laugh at others. Accept the fact that we are blessed.
Funding? Take from those who contribute to global warming: ie litterbugs and from supermarket cash registers. Since they use so many plastic bags a day, it's time to give back to the society. Taxpayers' money also can be put to better use, instead of funding some don't know what education. There will be no education if the sun gets too hot and kills all of us understand?! So let there be aircon, and let there be money to construct the aircon. We need great builders too, but that can be settled easily. Bob the Builder from RI shall be glad to help out. See, we do have local talent.
Proposal 2: THE GIANT FAN

We build some crazily big fan. Of course I can't post the actual image here, I'd need some few km long and few km wide flat-screen TV to do so. Just so you know it's damn big, I put the scale there. Go figure why is it so big. It's meant to be for the country and this fan could function somewhat like a windmill. Generates lots of strong wind currents which will ultimately make everyone feel nice and cool. And we could stick this huge structure right in the centre of the island where it is most effective.
Hence, I propose that the fan be built near the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio area. Actually, we could demolish RJC's A-C tutorial blocks (they're useless anyway) and then put the huge fan there. That way us hardworking students at RJC who always tend to overwork our brains (and get them heated up) can be cooled down by the giant fan. The only possible problem might be maintenance, when the fan starts to get dirty. Hmm perhaps we should send a few jokers up there to clean it.
Oh but there's another purpose for the giant fan. It's kind of sadistic, but hey, it's cost-efficient and saves money. You know the capital punishment of hanging? Well now we wouldn't have to waste so much money on buying rope and getting professionals to do the dirty job. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. We won't call it hanging ever again, next time judges will say "I sentence you to death by fanning". Ahaha then GGXX. Killing two birds with one stone (two convicts with one fan?), this is smart double-use of one product.
Of course, this problem is only temporary and only surfaces during school holidays. Who knows, things might get better when school reopens. After all, everyone needs to eat, don't they? So they go down to the canteen and who do we see? THE COOLIOS! Coolios, being so cool, will counter the bloody heat of the day and make your life better. Hence, don't keep thinking that the coolios are in a world of their own - hell no, when it comes to being cool and staying cool, they change our world as well. Bringing the temperature down and making things more bearable.
So be it the big aircon proposal or the giant fan proposal, it is for the sake of the bright young talents of the nation. By saying that I'm not referring to myself, but for JC students in general. After all, the brain works at the optimum temperature of 25 deg Celsius (it's proven), so the stupid temperatures of around 35 deg Celsius now is totally unacceptable. You can't change the sun, so change yourself to suit the situation! Man was made to adapt, not to die. (unless you're some fool who totally deserves to)
Hopefully some government official sees my proposals and implements them. Better yet if he rewards me with a Nobel Prize but no, I'm just doing this for the welfare of everyone. =) The world, or just Singapore, will be better if the weather gets cooler and if the temperature drops.
Hell, I hate the heat man.
Monday, March 13, 2006
The Conversation
Don't worry - this is not some sentimental post. In the modern world (especially in ahh jay see), you are taught to be ruthless and unfeeling. If you don't believe me, go ask Lagman of the Economics Department. Basically this post is about an old convo I had with an old acquaintance of mine. For identification purposes, let us call him X, from HCI.
Now please note HCI does not stand for anything in particular! I know you might be thinking "hmm.. Hwa Chong Institution" but no that's not true okay! HCI can mean anything from nothing to everything. It's just random letters, however you choose to interpret that. Of course, they can be roman numeral lettering, as H represents some big obscure number (if it even exists), while C represents 100 and I represents 1. Or maybe HCI simply stands for Hairy Chinese Idiots or Hydrogenic Carbonic Iodide. You never know when it comes to acronyms, eh?
Anyway, you're not supposed to bother about what HCI stands for. Leave that to the bored and the time-wasters. Without further ado, I bring you the conversation that we had.
He initiated the conversation (you think I'm so free?!)
The Starting Bits
X: hi
Y: hey
X: sian
Y (that's me if you haven't figured it out by now): ?
Y: why?
X: a lot of hmk
Y: then do it la. stop talking to me!
X: dowan. sian
Y: ...
(slight pause as I didn't say anything)
X: talk leh
Y: what you want me to say
X: anythin
Y: anythin
X: u dam lame leh
Y: i sprained my ankle cannot walk you still suan me?!
X: 0.O
X: whatever loh
X: sorry lah
Y: haha nvm
Y: how's sch?
The Tirade Begins (about school)
X: sian lah. (this guy got v little vocab)
X: a lot of hmk n dam little time to do.
X: den also cca dam busy.
Y: lol
X: everyday slp 3am loh.
Y: really? i sleep around there too
X: ya lah. jc all liddat wad.
X: then a lot of my trs like to kaobei.
Y: see your face of course kpkb la!
X: eh kaobei everyone loh. last wk pms scold like siao.
Y: everyday?
X: got her lesson then scold.
X: super pms loh... hate her lah
Y: eh talk about sth else. i don't even know your teacher pls.
X: okay loh
X: talk abt class... got any chiobu?
And here we go again.. talking about girls
Y: err.. wtf?
X: my class sux loh... only got 1 cb.
Y: cb = c***b**??
X: NO LAH!!!!!!!!!!! SICK
Y: you never specify how i know!
X: only got 1 chiobu lah.
Y: uh so?
X: then she alredi got bf... wah lau.
Y: lol LOSER!
X: but i tink overall our sch not bad leh...
X: go cca still got
X: i like
Y: haha wtf you damn pervert le.
X: so? i see alredi shuang mar. (talk about buaya)
Y: whatever
X: how's your sch? in terms of chiobu.
Y: no comments
X: your class leh?
Y: no comments (see, i'm damn kind right.)
X: wa lau...
X: why u evt also no comments!!!!
X: dam boring leh!
Y: nothing to say le. what you expect me to say?
Y: don't so 激动。i said no comments.
And thus it's ending?
X: dowan tok to u lah.
X: u so...........
X: rubbish wan.
Y: haha don't blame me. blame the school that has turned me into a dustbin.
Y: cos rjc = raffles junk centre.
X: =.="
X: lol
X: i gtg now lah.
X: tok to u sum other time.
Y: sure thing. was nice talking to you =)
X: =.="
X: byebye
Y: okay see ya.
I know that wasn't really much of a long MSN conversation.. but well, I figured it was crappy enough to be posted here. Hope you gained more insights on err.. my views. Just another full-of-shit day on MSN.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Back to the drawing bored
I think the school authorities have a lot to learn from this guy called Mr Wong Siew Hoong. Be it winning gold medals in sports seasons or having good O level results, he sure knew how to call a holiday. Or even if RI could not afford the holiday, they certainly could afford the assemblies. And for those who are ignorant to NMAs, they mean No Morning Assemblies. It's kind of a tradition at RI when we performed well academically or in the sporting arena. It means that we were spared for assemblies for a week and more sleeping time for everyone. Yay, joy to the world.
Unlike now at RJC where being top college and having the best results in the college's quarter-century history does not constitute even a no-assembly for one morning. I seriously find these people very sad, very very sad. So I was forced to slog for the rest of the term and yes after 68 long days we are finally done with the term! And given one week to recover. Which kinda sucks but DON'T COMPLAIN it's better than nothing!
Given TCS members' great abilities in wasting time, I am back here to offer you a few plans to make your holidays even shorter! We all know that time flies no matter what, so why not make it fly faster? One week is not a lot of time to waste anyway, so why not just waste it away? Face it, you cannot do anything meaningful in one week, or at least something significant enough to impact the world. So.. introducing to you the many time-wasting plans that we have!!
1. Prepare for Project Work (Satisfaction: 0/10)
PW is going to come up next term and we all know we are all going to be bloody busy. TCS believes in the spirit of pre-empting so you can start pre-empting the questions now! And start doing your project now! Just research on anything and everything and start writing your 2500-3000 words report. Then when school term starts you can go to your classmates and say "suck it man, I've finished PW!" while the rest of them all whine. Except those who will become your PW group mates, of course.
And then you better hope that your best friends end up in your PW group or you would have just worked for a bunch of freeloaders. Worse still if your deadliest enemy in your CT group.. aha that would be GGXX. So exercise discretion please. Alternatively you can use probability and start predicting in whose PW group will you land up in. Will waste you a hell load of time. Exactly what you want.
2. Revise Chemistry (Satisfaction: 0.5/10)
This is one of the most screwed up things you can possibly do.. because you know you won't be tested on the same topics for a while. The effects and rewards of this will not be seen till quite late in the year, by which time you would have probably forgotten what you studied anyway. Honestly, we all know that this is the choice taken by hardcore muggers or for those who really have simply nothing better to do. Even if you waste time, at least have fun doing it. Revising Chemistry? No way. (Not for me anyway but I'm putting it here so maybe some of you idiots out there can go kill yourself doing it.)
3. Art of Stoning (Satisfaction: 2/10)
Following Yuk's laws of Daoism, this skill.. needs lots of skill. As practice makes perfect, you must keep practising the art of stoning so you can be the perfect stone. Then people will walk by and say something like, "man, you rock!!"
The skill is also especially useful in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology or for that matter (not the particulate theory of matter) ANY SCIENCE LECTURE. Actually, any boring lecture will do. To be proficient in the art of Stoning is to just stone there while everyone thinks you're paying attention. Truth is you really couldn't be bothered. If you master this well, Term 2 will pass in a breeze and you can spend the June holidays stoning again. Only thing about this is that although it separates you from the world and will probably find you inner peace, the bad thing about stoning is that is separates you from the world and you're just really a dao piece of shit who will achieve nothing in the future. Now enough said.
4. Catch up on lost sleep (Satisfaction: 4/10)
If you've been sleeping late during school term, it's catch up time. Maybe you have had long nights just lying in bed counting sheep? Time to jump over the fence yourself and catch all of them back. There's a saying that goes "if you catch up on your sheep, you're catching up on your sleep" - which I find very true because I said it myself!
The holidays are indeed the best remedies for sleepless nights. The satisfaction lies in knowing that you have been well-rested. But of course you would have accomplished nothing in the real world - though you probably would have in Dreamland. Still, if you're one sleep-deprived fag, I say JUST DO IT. They didn't give us holidays for nothing. See, in Term 2 you're definitely going to be so much busier and there will probably be more sleepless nights. And hence sleeping now will prepare you for the future. Also, there's a four-week break after Term 2. Thus proving my theory that holidays are for catching up on sleep - the length of the holidays are inversely proportional to the amount of sleep you get during the term.
If you're this sort of guy, stop reading. Sleep NOW.
5. Computer games!! (Satisfaction: 5/10)
Gunbound. World of Warcraft. Neopets. Whatever it is.
You know you don't have time to read silly blogs - because leveling up is probably the most important thing in your life next to being the top player in the world, whatever game you choose to excel in. The satisfaction is in knowing that you are being a no life and you probably own everyone else. And err.. who cares where satisfaction is derived, I'm back to playing my games.
6. Go run like mad (Satisfaction: 6/10)
I figured I must promote my CCA a bit, since I'm injured and out of action for two weeks. See, believe it or not, running is fun. You get to go places, see places and get the satisfaction that you're keeping fit and keeping in good shape for Napfa. Take it as training and take pride in the knowledge that you'll probably own everyone in 2.4km. Running like mad sure helps. Go anywhere you want, perhaps somewhere like Orchard. It's been proven possible by certain jokers.
Oh, and before I forget, do bring a towel and a change of clothing. You'll find it useful. Don't run to Orchard and realise you are a piece of shit in a nursery, as in a flower nursery. Then you'd best go hide in the toilet, where even so you'll still stink. The toilets there are first-rate and sigh.. everything is perfect in Orchard. Wasting time in this way is good, for it at least ensures that you have a certain level of fitness when school reopens. Of course, that is also the prerequisite for doing this activity. Damn fun la.
7. Fragging (Satisfaction: 7.5/10)
If you've always had an innate love for the water and have always loved seeing things fly from high places, then I suggest this activity for you. For the ignorant ones, fragging is basically the art of "making water fly". And to make water fly, you have to first let it take off from high places. Granted, flying is not bungee jumping but there is no doubt that to fly, it would have to involve high places. I mean who the heck would fly at a low altitude?! That's just dumb.
The requirements for fragging are: lots of plastic bags, lots of water, the skill of being able to tie plastic bags with water in them AND most importantly, an adventurous soul. Fragging can be carried out almost anywhere and everywhere, though of course the most thrilling place to frag would be places with high population density or basically places with lots of fools milling around. One way is to find a hotel room that overlooks Orchard Road, and then when no one's looking up (which is highly likely), you put your plan into action!!
The thing about fragging is that you're unlikely to be caught. But unfortunately if you DO get caught you can be quite GGfied, because throwing down water might cause severe shocks or heart attacks to the people on the streets. Now this isn't funny, because when certain people did fragging way back in RI on a Sec 1, the victim could not walk for an hour for he was too stunned by the impact. Hence, fragging is not for the weak-hearted, if you're the victim or the aggressor. Fragging at RJC is also possible, and might be better, because no one is going to die of a heart attack there. Either way, wherever you frag, I'm guessing that it would be very productive usage of time. No, wait. Let me rephrase that.
I KNOW it's very productive usage of time. Now trust me and start filling up your plastic bags. If you're an environmentalist and are into that "save the world" shit, then just do away with the plastic bags and just use buckets to pour the water down. That way you won't be littering or using excessive amounts of plastic would you?
8. Plan for Council (Satisfaction: 8.5/10)
Refer to earlier post. And after you're done come back here to read. That 400-word essay isn't going to get you anywhere so you'd better start thinking about what interview questions they could possibly ask you. And also start planning your campaign. It doesn't hurt to plan early does it. Now at least for this the effect might be quite 立竿见影, because the Council hype is and will slowly build up when school reopens. Then you can put your preparation into good use.
Oh, and especially if you get in, the satisfaction man!! But if you don't you are a jackass and you've just wasted one whole week planning. Oh wait, you planned to waste the week away anyway so good job well done.
9. Go kite-flying (Satisfaction: 9/10)
I'm afraid this is the most satisfying time-wasting thing I can think of because satisfaction (or utility) levels tend to be different among different people. That is called differentiation. The thing about kite-flying is that it is a very stress-releasing activity and it helps to drown your sorrows. Oh wait, I mean it helps you to fly your sorrows. Also if you go kite-flying with a few friends you can try to kite-fight, which is kind of interesting if you know what I mean.
The only reason why this doesn't get a 10 is because of the trees surrounding the place. Singapore is a Garden City, not a Kite City - and hence the surroundings aren't really exactly friendly to kites. Still, with perserverance and determination, I'm sure you still can enjoy yourself while wasting time. Uhh and another possible downside is Singapore's rubbish weather. As you all know it tends to get rather hot nowadays and then it suddenly rains for no reason. Now that sucks - so if you intend to employ this time-wasting method you best go find an indoor place to fly your kites. Also possible.
The subjective time-waster: Find a gf/bf!
Now as a bonus I have decided to offer another time-wasting option to you. After all, nine options is such a weird number so I give you ten. This is subjective in the sense that your satisfaction level tends to vary a lot. After all if you look like Frankenstein, your rejection level will definitely be sky high so your satisfaction level, being inversely proportional to your rejection level, will be tending to 0. Of course it's also possible that it's like an asymptote because you still can get some satisfaction from scaring others.
But on the other hand, if you're some yandao who can get a gf easily or if you're some chiobu who will get some bf easily then no, that won't be very rewarding either. After all, if you get a gf/bf so quickly you wouldn't be wasting much time. The best is to be average and then explore the various possibilities of finding a gf/bf. Ah now that's fun. And in case you haven't figured out by now, gf = girlfriend and bf = boyfriend. Hence if you're already attached it's not applicable to you. Oh wait, you COULD use this also hahaha! But yet again this is only if you are brave and want more thrill in your life.
Nevertheless, whatever plan you want to use to waste one week's worth of free time, remember to exercise discretion for anything that you do. I won't be responsible for your actions, because I'll be busy flying my kites. Meanwhile, do enjoy the week ahead! =)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
SBS Hund's Rule
See, everyone takes the bus everyday. Okay maybe not. But for those who do, am I assuming that all of you are driven crazy? Hell no right? Okay some are, but my point is that it usually doesn't happen. Anyway here is the far from ordinary bus ride, and let me tell you why it made me go crazy.
When I stepped on the bus, this was how the situation was like. Not drawn to scale, so don't come and kpkb me by saying "the seats in front are shorter in length" than those at the back. I KNOW IT. So shut up.

In case the legend is too small and in case I've missed out anything (I think I did) - I'm the red guy who just boarded. And the blue Xs mark those idiots who were sitting down. I mean duh. Okay apart from the standing blue people, the rest were sitting down. Double duh.
As you can see, everyone's taking the aisle seats. And there is one stupid idiot just standing at the exit for I don't know what. Maybe he just loves to count the number of stages off the EZ-link card reader. Or maybe he just loves to explore the geometry of having a circle there with a line across the middle. It's inexplicable how bloody inconsiderate these guys can get.
So I thought, "shit it's gonna be difficult to find a seat" when things just became worse.
Doesn't this formation look kind of familiar? I mean if you take each block of seats to be an orbital?
Don't you see the seating arrangement is sooo frightening? Those bloody people obviously represent electrons in an orbital, while I, a new electron will have to decide which idiot I have to pair up with. And not to mention the seats at the back are at a higher energy level because I have to walk to the back of the bus to get to them.
And how do you walk to the back of the bus?
By using legs, of course.
And how do your legs work?
Because there is digested food in your blood going there.
And what does that do?
It gives you ENERGY to walk.
Hence, I can conclude that the orbitals at the back do indeed require more energy to get to than the front. Thus the higher energy level. And those idiots on the bus are really Chemistry freaks because they follow Hund's Rule so very strictly. How irritating it is when you find out that each idiot is spread out evenly on the bus, such that each seat contains at least one idiot and you have to make your choice where to sit?
It's like, you don't even know anyone and you're forced to be paired up with them like some electron. Kinda like orientation, huh? Well at least orientation you're in the same school but here you're only in the same bus. So what's the best choice here? When you're thinking of electrons, think as how electrons think.
Actions speak louder than words, so I did what I thought.
Electrons repel. So I just stood in the middle of nowhere thinking to myself how unlucky I was to think of Chemistry when I was just supposed to be innocently taking a bus ride. Bloody Hund is an idiot.
The Chemistry teachers might be right after all. Chemistry is damn applicable to your life.. and unfortunately at that.