Damn it.. some of you take my TCS for a laughing-stock, come here to be happy and cheer yourself up for the day is it? Damn it.. have you never thought of my feelings? Have you never thought that I, as a normal student of RJC, also have my fair share of grievances and sorrows?
Okay. Judging by that look on your face I guess you don't. Damn it! So for all that shit, I'm going to give you an angsty post tonight. After all, you'd probably think I'm some happy-go-lucky can't care for anything idiot. This is to show you that I'm human - and pretty much an angry human. Don't blame me for the rage I'm going to unleash. It's my duty as an angsty blogger that has yet to post an angsty post on his blog.
Now for my day that made me so bloody angry. Don't ask me why, I just woke up angry. It's like one of those days where you just wake up angry. So like today, I woke up and I was angry. Don't get me? Get lost you fool. I just went to have my morning shower and damn it, there was no hot water. I mean I wasn't out to scald myself but I was freezing cold when I left the shower. Damn, now that really made me angry.
I got really angry at breakfast because I thought I was going to be late for school. Actually it wasn't that I was going to be late - but my stupid demanding girlfriend (called Council) had demanded that I meet her at 7:20am in the morning. Well the anger that I first felt now carried over, because I was going to be late for my meeting. Getting really angry at that thought, I just grabbed my stuff and ran out of the house. So much for my anger. While I walked to school, the birds chirped happily above in the trees.
Just what the hell was wrong with them? Could they just shut the **** up? Bloody noisy flying creatures just had to make so much noise when I'm angry. It just made me all the more pissed off. I got to school and realised that I didn't wear my Councillor badge. Then some people started laughing at me and I got really angry. What's wrong with not wearing the RJ badge? Damn it am I not part of the school? My anger soon multiplied (like tenfold) as I went up to assembly and I found out that the stupid 25ths had already stepped down. Which means I don't get to hear their high-pitched voices which might sooth my angry senses.
Instead I hear Jason Lau's husky voice. Which I don't find anything wrong with it usually but on such an angry day, I just got angrier because I've been hearing boys' voices for 4 years. It's not that I was trying to fight for woman's rights as well but I. WAS. JUST. ANGRY. Like what the hell, the microphone wasn't working again and the voice was coming out all muffled. I angrily stormed off to Chemistry tutorial.
I'm usually in a good mood for Chemistry tutorial because much as I suck at the subject, I loved it. This morning no - I was angry. And the teacher was asking for tutorials which I didn't do. So I got pretty angry and soon my temper was at saturation point, kind of like your stupid alkanes on your stupid Chemistry tutorials. Yet again if you don't get what I'm saying get lost you fool. Go learn some Chemistry and go learn how saturated my temper was.
Then as you know alkanes have really low boiling points as compared to like alkenes or arenes. So I almost raged out loud. But I hit boiling point when my teacher asked me to go up to the board. Damn it HOW WOULD I KNOW HOW TO DO IT!! I shouted at him, "I don't know how the **** to do it la!" and he got angry. Which in turn got me angry because it was him who started all that shit. If he hadn't asked me to go to the board to do silly Chemistry questions, wouldn't everything be fine? Now he made me angry. And I was angry.
Another person was sent out of the class for not doing tutorials as well. And I was sent out for being angry, which gave me more cause to be angry. And great - that made us a lone pair outside the classroom while the other students stayed inside the class for Chemistry tutorial. I felt miserable, but more angry. What was worse was that like two electrons (in lone pair) we didn't like each other. So I just stood at one side to let my anger boil and boil while the other fagut just laughed away at me.
There was a free period so I thought my mood would get better. I went to library to watch Hard Gay but that only served to make me more angry when I learnt that there was no bloody sound. Stupid librarian bitches, could they not just BLAST SOME SOUND? It would alleviate my anger. But NO watching Hard Gay without the sound is like having prawn noodles without the prawn NOR the noodles. Like what's the damn point if you give me something without the main thing in that thing? You might as well not give me anything!
I felt like getting angry at the librarian, but I decided sleep would be a better option. All the prime sleeping spots were taken up though. More reason to be angry. In the end I went to sleep on one of the tables in anger, and if you know anger you know that it carries on into your sleep. I couldn't even sleep peacefully, I had some angsty and angry nightmare. It just raged on and on. By the time I woke up for Maths lecture my face was all red and I was well-prepared to chop up anyone who dared get into my way.
Maths lecture was stupid as usual and the lecturer only made me angrier with his silly quotes. First was Alexander the Great saying "Fortune favours the bold" - which I got angry because I wasn't bold, I was more like italic and shadowed. Then he came up with his own quote (I'm not joking about this one), Mr Kok - "Lectures favour the hardworking." Just what the fag is wrong with him? He's such a bloody elitist that I got really angry. I slept again in Maths lecture but the angry dreams kept recurring so well, I really got flustered by the end of the lecture where I learnt nothing at all. And certainly not anger management.
I got angry at break because the queues were bloody long. As in they weren't exactly bloody but my eyes saw red and my head was literally boiling with rage so I saw blood everywhere. Yes I was that angry. Then I learnt that I had to go for match support so I got angrier because I had to pon my favourite Econs lecture. In the end I went for match with lots of anger and on the bus I was constantly ranting loudly and angrily about how angry I was. In the end I spurted many words of anger and it hurt a lot of people. Then some of them got angry but what is wrong with them, I AM THE ONE WHO IS ANGRY.
Gah. Not going to talk about long angry bus rides anymore.
I got into Jurong East Sports Hall for support and that only made me all the angrier because the f***ing management refused to turn on the aircon even though we were there to cheer our team on. Now that really made me angry (as in more angry than any other thing today) because that made me perspire a lot. Which in turn made me damn flustered and pissed off! So being soaked in sweat I got even angrier. Then I started cheering like mad and lost my voice because being angry, I cheered angrily and loudly.
When I lost my voice, I reached breaking point. I went to get drumsticks (ie cheering tools) and started hammering on the ground hard. Then when it didn't break it occurred to me that I was quite weak and so I got really angry. I threw the drumsticks hard on the ground before stalking away. Then I discovered I made a crack on the ground - which got me quite angry because it makes me start to wonder what on earth (NO PUN INTENDED WHEN I'M ANGRY) those silly architects are doing. Bloody weak cement.
Having a French exam, I angrily walked out when we were leading 2-1 for Boys and when the Girls Team won 3-0. It got me angry when 1) there was no transport back to school and 2) I had to take bus all the way back for some stupid French exam? Damn it, when I walked out I saw the bus driving away. I got really angry because I thought the bastard driver was trying to dao me - which he probably was so I have reason to be angry!
I chased the bus with my angry heels pounding on the warm ground. Smoke billowed from my nose and my feet was combusting at an alarming rate. Some people took water hoses and fire extinguishers to douse my anger but DID I CARE? I was out to catch that bus. With my anger that spurred me on, I eventually caught up with the bus at the next bus stop. Then I generously showered some choice expletives on the bus driver which made him angry but DAMN IT, I have more reason to be angry!
I got up really flustered. I was really shagged by then so I angrily went off to sleep. Then as you know the anger got carried over into dreamland again so when I woke up I got really really furious at what the hell the world was turning out for me. And when I glared out of the window I found out the retarded bus driver had already driven on from RJC. What the heck! Damn it I missed my stop! That stupid fagut obviously had something against me, so I went down to give him Choice Expletives Part Two. Then alighted at the next stop with much anger.
I walked back to RJC with anger to meet up with YL. I was really angry by then - so I went to the toilet to cool myself off. However it didn't help when I went to pee and smoke was coming out from my boiling pee. Damn it, how irritating was that. Still boiling and raging, I went to wash my hands which instantly gave off smoke as well - kind of like when you put some hot metal into cool water suddenly. Those silly tripod stands and stuff. Crap, was I angry!
Got my bag, met YL and stormed off angrily to MOELC. It didn't help that my stomach was rumbling but we were late for the French exam. Our teacher had so very unkindly started off without us which made me really angry, like what the hell is wrong with him, couldn't he wait a bit? I sat down at my table with much rage and almost broke the chair. I could hear the cracking sound but I still held on. Then with much conviction that I should overcome my rage, I grabbed my pen and almost snapped it into two. I read the questions for the compositions.
My teacher went, "Yejie, tu es en colère?" (Are you angry?)
Me: "Va te faire foutre!" (no translation since I'm feeling bloody angry)
I wrote so hard that my pages tore and I got really pissed off. My teacher told me to go out and cool down but it turned out that it was raining so I got soaked. And even more angry. He made me waste all that time outside while the rest of the class finished their compositions. I got a zero for that segment which got me kind of angry. It's kind of angry because at this point I was just simply fuming. Like the tips of my fingers were experiencing sublimation and going off into gaseous state.
Put simply, I was ragingly fumingly goddamningly crazily boilingly flamingly furiously madly angry.
The listening comprehension was the final straw. Being unable to hear any shit that came out from the radio (much less any French), I just banged the table and BOOM it caught fire. The rest quickly used water from their bottles to put out the fire so okay I almost burnt down the container at MOELC. My teacher said he was going to report this to the authorities. Which means I might get hauled up for arson, what the flaming hell. Of course I was angry but I just slammed the door on my way out. I was going home.
While I was walking home on damp ground, I began to review the day. Like what the hell was wrong with the world, getting me angry so easily?
I came to one conclusion:
That the world is some screwed up place, only know how to make nice guys like me angry.Which got me angry again. ARGH. So I went home and had an angry dinner, took an angry bath, and here I am blogging with much anger and angst. These two words are pretty much the same to me. After all both words start with "ang" - dialect for "red" - and universal colour of anger. Don't believe go MSN and see what colour the emoticon for anger is. Okay so I got really pissed today. Angry, ANGRY!!! I'm just going mad.
Why all the anger and hate?
Don't ask me why. Just get lost and sleep you fool. Anger translates to sleep, but you'd probably wouldn't be angry. Just take it from me that anger is not good for your health. Now go screw off and learn some anger management.