Friday, June 02, 2006


Just to let you know, the local idiot on TCS will be doing Orientation for the J1s next year!

O-kayyyyyy so I'm g-o-ing t-o have l-o-ts o-f fun o-rganising it!!!!!!!

Anyway apologies for not blogging these few days.. I've had two full days in school so there wasn't much time to do anything. BUT tomorrow you will have a sneak preview of what we did in Bintan for CCAL Camp. And lots of exciting pictures/diagrams done by me using the wonderful program of Paint will be on exhibition as well!

So you should not only stay tuned, but stay online!

Yep so see you tomorrow. Once again sorry for the lack of posts! But since it's the holidays we'll be back!

Still before I leave I'll give you a short article (written by myself).

Short report on Orientation OGL pairing

Due to our extensive reading on GP packages about homosexuality and gender stereotypes, we have decided to apply this to our OGL pairing as well. Although traditionally the OGL has to be one male and one female, we must accept that society is changing and homosexuality is becoming more rampant now. As part of the RJC motto "Thinkers, Leaders, Pioneers" (or TLP for short, which in turn could stand for many other things ahem) - we have to learn to be flexible and adaptable to changes around us.

And in learning flexibility and adaptability, we become pioneers. The O-team 07 OGL pairing i/cs, which consists of an idiot who goes by the initials of WSX and myself (another idiot), have decided that we would start a new trend and allow male-male or female-female pairings. The exciting piece of news is said to excite homosexuals in the Council but some others have expressed regret and disgust at this new movement.

We did a short survey about our plan, and the responses were as follows:
(names not given to protect identity)


"Okay then I pair with you." (said from another guy)

"..." (with shocked look of expression)

"Wa lau you're damn screwed up la."

"What the hell lor."

Hmm looks like this movement of possible same-sex OGL pairing isn't very popular - but then as firm, strong leaders of the RJC population, we must learn to stick to unpopular decisions because we believe it's for the good of the people. Therefore if you have a problem, I suggest you stop bitching about it and accept the New Age Homosexual Society.

Judging by the responses of the councillors' faces, I'm guessing they DO want to bitch.

But since I judged responses, that would make me a judge.

Sorry man - judges' decisions are final and any appeals will not be entertained.

Though I will be glad to entertain if you ask nicely. - TCS

(article end.)

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