Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Happy new year
Anyway it's the munjen new year and all of you will have received plenty of money in the form of munjen angbaos. I do hope there are some coins with you cuz im gonna teach you some tricks up my sleeeeeeeeves. So listen up.
Disclaimer: The following tricks are in no way associated with me or started by me. The following tricks are merely observations that i have made during my time in RI or my hypothesis. When i say they are tried and tested they do not necessary have to be tried and tested by me. And if you do happen to try them out please do not say that i taught you those tricks because i didnt! And if the tricks do happen to work always remember to share the goods with me cuz i taught you how to get them. Anyway if you do happen to be a victim of those scams, do not come and look for me because i didnt do it!
Trick 1
Have you ever noticed the drinks machine at the canteen? The one the sells bottles of coke, coffee etc? Ever grumbled about the price? Thought that it was too high? Well, you can get 3 bottles out of it at one go. Here's how:
Insert the required amount of money.
Press one of the buttons.
As the bottle gets loaded onto the belt, block it from coming out.
To do that you gotta stuck you hand in.
If the bottle doesnt come out, you shld get your refund.
Insert the money again and repeat.
Disclaimer 2: If you happen to injure yourself please do not blame me. And if you happen to get caught you are a stupid hopeless n00b so dont blame me again. And if it doesnt work and you lose your money, NOOB! NOOB! NOOB!
Trick 2:
Ever wondered how to con the machine that dispenses can drinks? I believe i have found the answer. Wait. Do not in anyway hold me responsible for this.
Get plenty of ice.
Melt them until they are the shape of a 50c coin and it is thin enough to insert the ice inside.
Wait for the right time.
Insert the ice.
The next person that inserts a coin will suffer. The money will not be able to be displayed and the money cannot be refunded.
Wait for abt 3-5 mins.
The ice would have melted.
and your coins will roll out!
Smart right?
This has indeed been tried and tested but not implemented. You shld be able to get lots of money at other's expenses. We call this opportunity costs and a self-beneficial relationship.
Beware of bitches though. It's their year.
Trick 3
Snack machine at RI.
Dont know whether it still works, but you can stick your hand in from the bottom to kope the snacks. If you need help, get a 15cm plastic ruler. Always work.
Anyway, do not come and look for me if something negative happens, but come look for me if something positive happens.
Monday, January 30, 2006
The New Year Marathon
So what's up?
Well apparently almost every Chinese in the nation has turned to joining Cross Country. On the 29th of January 2006, people were seen moving all over Singapore just to visit their relatives. If you let O be their origin (aka their home), you'll find that few will have (0,0) when you check GPRS (come on, who's gonna stay at home during CNY). Because when taken relative to O, the coordinates at their relatives' house will be (x,y), both variables not equals to 0!!
And there you have it, case proven that everyone moves about during CNY. Never mind if you don't get it, I'd like to start the New Year by making myself feel like some genius. Also, I made a resolution to have the dogged determination to sound as knowledgeable as I can possibly get.. and hence the above paragraph. Hope it's profound enough for you.
Anyway, let's get back to cross country. Attendance is compulsory for these two days (29th and 30th), and any other CCA will have to take a backseat. You don't see anyone going for any different sort of training do you? This was my training programme on Sunday, the first day of New Year:

Bloody tough man. At the end of the day I became so tired that I did something real stupid, but the details I have to leave out because I don't have the resources with me to show you how stupid that was. You'll just have to wait because 1) you have no choice, 2) I'm still damn tired and 3) the marathon continues tomorrow. The training isn't complete yet and tomorrow will be the second leg of the marathon. Of course I'll feel the fatigue, but I'm looking forward to collecting my certificates of achievement (presented in red packets) for every leg of the marathon that I finish. I believe that you enjoy collecting them too, so go and sleep now and prepare for tomorrow! I love cross country training man. Run like dog.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Welcome to the Chinese New Year!
So there was this time I was at a food court somewhere and there was this advertisement selling one-person's share of lo hei for $9.90. And I wonder... who's going to do a lo hei all by himself? Imagine yourself shouting "lo hei lo hei" all alone. I mean how sad is that. If it were me, I'd rather not have that lo hei, thank you very much. Sometimes, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
Anyway this is the year of the dog and this has plenty of consequences on all aspects of your life. As a self-qualified fortune teller, I shall give all of you the advice you need for the year ahead. Just like they do in all those books on chinese horoscopes they have in the bookshop. Thank me, I'm helping you save money. Anyway, here goes nothing (literally)
In order to get high marks, you have to go to obedience school.
To suck up, learn to chase after tennis balls.
To attract the opposite sex, leave your scent behind by peeing at strategic places, such as the canteen tables. More is always better. Do it on all the canteen tables. And smell other people's butts. Nothing promotes bonding more than a little butt-smelling. Plus, it helps you determine if they are in heat. If you follow this exactly, you would be attached...... to a leash that is.
3. Lifestyle
Last year was the year of the chicken and guess what, you had things like chicken little and more importantly the chicken dance. The chic move for the dog year is the dog move, which will involve you using your leg to scratch the back of your ear. Another cool move would be to keep chasing after your own butt. But make sure you tone it up first. Otherwise it will give you self-esteem problems.
4. Fashion
Obviously, the in-thing now is the collar, preferably tight and spiked, and for the really exceptional a leash, and for the very violent, a muzzle. Or simply be cool, by not wearing anything except the smiles on your faces, like dogs do.
It's a dog year. You shouldn't have to work. Someone should be feeding you. All you should do is act cute.
Most important of all...
Don't piss off any bitches. It's their year.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
A bit of everything
Zhenghong the kangaroo asks me to blog about training the way he does on his Kokster Club blog, which by the way (advertisement) can be found at http://koksterclub.blogspot.com (you could have a look but just don't forget us haha) - and anyway if you haven't known by now, I've dropped out of the WTF to cross Singapore. Which is why now I have funny training regimes to blog about - not the sad cases you get to read from YH's training accounts. Like how they cry EVERY TIME after training. Sad, no?
Actually, my current training is not much better. If you read Zhenghong's accounts of what training is like on his blog, you'll realise what a loser and a n00b I am. I'd very much like to say that his training is different from the usual standard, but I think I'm the one off the usual standard. After all, I'm a n00b and n00bs aren't expected to do a lot. So here is what you get when you put me into a CCA that I've had hardly (in fact none) any experience in.
On Thursday, my workout (it sounds more pro) usually goes like this. First up is warm up, which essentially is more tiring than the main set itself, especially since I have PE earlier on days like Thursdays. Then we go on to the main set, jog the curve and sprint the 100m stretch. Do it for 10 laps. Now I find this very enjoyable, especially the "jog the curve" part. Don't ask me why, figure it out yourself.
And if you thought that was bad, you'll find that the cool down exercises are also designed to kill, what with 15 minutes just run and run?! You go tell your local fatso in your class to do a 15-minute jog as a warm up/cool down and see what he/she says. But then again we aren't exactly fatsos so.. never mind. My point is, some people do 15 minutes for 2.4km okay! So our cool down is essentially more than what you'll ever do in PE lessons. Stop whining and complaining about 2.4km because YOU HAVE IT EASY!
Saturday training is much more bearable, because you are SUPPOSED to run into the forest *hint hint* and then disappear for a while, coming back in a time that you think you can make it in. Of course, as you all know, I am an honest (some say stupid) boy who doesn't cheat on the coach. So I run all the way to the end of the track and then turn around. Which gives you, of course, a total distance of 8km. And if you tell me, "that's nothing, Mok does 20+ km a training" you are probably right. BUT THEN AGAIN YOU TRY DOING 8KM AND TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL!
It can be murder at times, and what makes it worse is that it's slow murder. Lasting anything from 40-45 minutes for n00bs like me. The dy/dx of the slopes are almost like asymptotes so I think ODAC might be interested in scaling MacRitchie. Or your local rock climbers.
Anyway I thought you might like to have a graphic representation of what Saturday's training (with Mok) is like. He'll usually jog an extra 4km before he joins me on my 8km track, and I got this picture from the monkeys at Treetop Walk. Pictures usually speak more words than I can ever say, so here you go:

Things you should note about the picture:
1. Distance between Mok and I is not drawn to scale. (It's obviously more than just that small patch)
2. He has already ran 4km more than me, and I set off only a little after him.
3. I usually smile during my run, because I must believe that I'm having fun doing this crap.
Okay that's it for my coverage on X-country training.
Recently.. I mean yesterday, we had some celebrations at RJC. Which in my opinion was just nonsense because rock bands don't come down well with CNY celebrations. Others might beg to differ but I don't like beggars so don't present your case to me. That isn't the point anyway, the point was what I did AFTER the celebrations at RJC, if you could call it celebrations.Firstly, I visited my old teachers at RI. Which was kind of enjoyable since it's not very often that I see them and not get scolded. Especially now when I bet they start to miss me and say "why isn't anyone sleeping in class!!", etc. That's the way things work, the teachers NEVER appreciate you until you are gone for good.
Secondly, I went back to class with my old classmates. There we started playing soccer like we used to do in the old days and made a hell lot of noise with our "class cheers".. and then Danny Ong the maintenance fagut had to storm in and started scolding. (He was making more noise than us, maybe?!) He chased us all out and ended our soccer game, but that little dumb shit thought we were from RI so we got let off the hook. If he found out we were from RJC he'll probably get Hodge to give us white slips. Then we GG, but that didn't happen so screw those possibilities.
Thirdly, since there was really nothing else to do, I went for lunch with my old house master. Who happened to be having a meeting when I first saw him and who was going to have another meeting later just after lunch. Deja vu, no? Really reminds me of the old days, and I'm blogging this simply because I feel a need to. He told me to run for council but I figured I'd have better chance running to Orchard (again?) for OG outing. So anyway that's where I went to after lunch. Supposedly for OG outing.
The OG outing wasn't really an OG outing for various reasons - 1) there were less than half the OG present, 2) others were there to add to the fun, but they were not from our OG and 3) I don't think you'll call having a meal much of an outing. We stoned for a bit before the girls wanted to go shopping. Now if you know me very well, you should know that like most boys, I'm not the shopping kind of person.
In fact, I am ALLERGIC to shopping.
So what do you get when you put YJ and Adnaan in a posh shop in Orchard?

I had no camera with me at that moment, but the boys' expressions were very similar to this. A real eye-opener (stop looking at the picture!) for those who are still ignorant of the fact that boys simply cannot shop. Or at least, I cannot. Though I can stand around playing "The Price Is Right" with my OG mates haha. However, being allergic to shopping, I naturally got whooped when playing the game. Well, ja.. but at least it killed boredom.
But the opportunity cost of going shopping is a nice little nap at home. So seriously - what the heck, this is really not making use of my resources and not making sense at all.
Later the OG wanted to go watch a movie, but a few of us just couldn't go. Take me for example, having never watched a movie with my friends since 2002. And I didn't watch movies before that year, so I thought today's the day that I might catch a movie with my friends for once. Alas, as fate would have it, I had only $6 with me, meaning it was only enough to watch 2/3 of any show. I tried asking them if $6 could get me like, one hour of movie then I'll screw off. They said no. What the heck, I'm already running a loss at watching an hour of any movie at $6, so why can't they just be more compromising. Tsk! Talk about Singaporeans being inflexible, I think I damn well agree.
No money, no talk. No talk, no movie! They didn't want any compromise, I also didn't want any compromise. I no movie, I not happy. They no money, they not happy. Really, it's hard to satisfy everyone. Might as well make myself satisfied.
And so that is what I did. Went home to sleep and that really made my day when I woke up at night. Because as my utility (satisfaction in economic terms) level goes up, I enjoy my life more. I guess life is pretty much enjoyable if you choose to make it so. =)
And thus I guess we have come to the end of the post! Kinda sad, eh?
Aww, but that was just a little bit of everything that there was to say.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Physics Question
Seng Kong wants to shoot a ball into the net during a waterpolo match. Assume that there is no air resistance and taking g as 10m/s. Assume all other relevant information.
Calculate the height he jumped.
Calculate the distance away from the goal post.
Calculate the time the ball took to travel to the goal post.
Calculate the angle he bounced the ball.
Calculate whether the ball is on target.
Calculate whether the ball will be a goal.
1. First we assume the depth of the swimming pool to be 1.8m and we set the reference point as the surface of the swimming pool.
Resolve vertically:
Swimming pool depth - sengkong's height=1.8-.175=0.05m
Sengkong's arm's length= 70cm
Sengkong's length strength = 100N
Distance = 100N/Sengkong's weight= 0.5 m
Thus sengkong jumped 0.5+0.05+0.7=1.25 metres.
2. Resolve horizontally,
Sx=Ux T
Since sengkong shoots the ball at a very high velocity which is difficult to calculate, the distance is unknown. However, a rough estimate will give you the answer to be (5.00+-0.1). This is because the pool is 25m and it is divided into 250 parts so the smallest division is 0.1m and that is the least uncertainty. 5m comes from the new waterpolo rules more commonly known as shooting paradise.
3. Resolve vertically,
Sy= UyT + 0.5 AyT
Sengkong's ball has very fast acceleration and very fast velocity. The graph sketch for sengkong's shots are all exponential graph. Sengkong's shots can be considered a many-to-one function as every ball that goes to him will leave his hands very fast. Taking K as a konstant, we can see that time is inversely proportional to his acceleration and velocity.
We can work out time to be 0.5sec because that is the minimum point of the graph f(x)=sengkong. If you dont believe me do plot it out in graphmatica.
4. The angle he bounced the ball can be calculated from the different distances. Using pythagoras theorem we can find x to be the root of 25+50. Using binomial theorem, we can find y to be around 10. Together using trigonometry we can calculate angle theta using the formula:
tan theta= X/Y
theta=50 degrees
Since angle of incidence = angle of relfection provided there is no defraction of the ball, sengkong's ball will bounce at an angle of 50 degrees.
5. Whether the ball is on target can be calculated by the following formula:
LUCK * FORM * Fatigue * Number of trainings attended the whole year/ number of trainings attended the whole year *100%
This is a very complicated formula and students are not required to know this. Thus the answer given will be 96.7% rounded to the least sf as this is a multiplication.
6. Whether the ball will be a goal can be calculated by the following formula:
Keeper's luck * form * leg strength/ total leg strength * calf muscles * thigh muscles=
Since the keeper was luckless that day, chances of sengkong scoring is zero.
I think the ball hit the keeper's face and bounce back. If you plot the displacement graph, you can notice that there is a inverse function. Because the ball went there and can also be mapped back.
I think my physics very powerful. PROVEN!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
NICKY(not his real name)
1.Our dear friend nicky here has lots and lots of talents. First of all, nicky was a cricket player in primary 6 and he's skills soon earn him a call up to the National Youth Crikket Team. Being part of the National Youth Crikket Team, a visit by the PE teachers of RI was inevitable and soon he was in RI because of his crikket. As they say, the rest is history. [He never touch crikket again]
2. The second reason why Nickymade it to RI was seemingly out of gratitude. Nicky did CPR on the headmaster while he was unconscious thus saving his life. You may say that RI is not practising meritocracy by doing that by look at it from another point of view, if nicky had no done that there will be no more headmaster. So well done nicholas!
3. Nicky was the under-12 flyweight champion in judo. More information about his judo career is not known but there is a rumour that he once slammed a 100+kg person. Given his weight of around 50kg. I think it is a very believable story indeed.
Here are some of the more credible stories that i have heard about DSA:
1. There was a guy in RI that entered RI after he beat headmaster to a game of snakes. It was reported that headmaster was at the 90th square and he rolled a 5,4. Thinking that he had won the game, he let out a cry of triumph. Soon, he discovered that he had only rolled 9 instead of 10 and he landed on the 99th square leading to a demotion to the 70th square.
2. Some guy made it to RI because he was a scout in primary school and he collected alot of badges.
Anyway for those that dont know, i made it to RI because i won headmaster in a game of monopoly singapore version. I took control of queen astrid park and nassim road and built 2 hotels. He landed there and was ggxx-ed.
Before i end let me bring you 2 james miao jokes.
What should val change her surname to crowe?
So that she will be valcrowe!
What happens when the car runs over a dog?
It becomes a carpet!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The GP fagut
Here is my schedule for a typical day of mine. Everytime I wake up, I heard straight (sic) to the door to pick up my copy of Straits Times, where I start my reading diet for the day. As I go to school minding my own business, I make it a point to mind other's businesses as well by buying a copy of Business Times on the way there. It helps to boost the business of the vendor at times, so I am applying what I've read. Then as I left the MRT today, I picked up my copy of Today.
Economics is the first lesson - so it doesn't do too bad to bring in a copy of The Economist. Lagman says Econs is about conning others, so I shall con others and leave them in a mist, making them wonder if they've really been conned. After which will come recess, so I go to the canteen to read my Reader's Digest. It helps to digest my food, for the new information in my mind freshens the blood in my system.
As I go back for more science lessons with my American teachers, I have no choice but to start reading the Scientific American, another very useful magazine if you want to score in your science. Then if I have some extra time, I shall go to the library to read Time magazine. I like doing this sort of things during my free time so as to increase my general knowledge.
Then if I'm free at night after finishing all my tutorials at light speed, I will go onto the web to read Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus to improve my vocabulary. After all, GP is an important segment of JC life so all of you should really do that too! Catching up with news of the week with Newsweek is also equally important, for we should know what is going on in the world. Finally, with such a heavy reading diet, it's best we retain our roots and values and know what we stand for. So to ensure we maintain our Asian identity, we could end off the week by reading Asiaweek!
Ah, such is the life of a GP fagut.
DISCLAIMER: This article is entirely fictional. Probably more fictional than any fiction that you'll ever read and even the Straits Times, which my GP teacher for some reason thinks there is quite some fiction in it. Don't ask me why, I don't know anything.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A lesson by the Principal
So yj and I were innocuously walking out of school. And you people know the 'fence' between the amphi and the road? To call it a fence is quite inaccurate actually because it doesn't even reach my hip. Ok anyway we decided to go (cannot use 'climb' because we didn't even have to use our hands or jump) over it because it provided a shorter route to where our dear friend elangor was (that is another way of saying the gate for the uninitiated). And guess who saw that.
Of all the coincidences in the world, this just had to happen. I mean, what is the probability of us walking out of the school exactly as X was driving in? So shocking. I have no doubt that X has magik powers that are beyond us. Unless X was hiding in his car all the while spying on innocent little boys like us.
Anyway, the dialogue went something like this:
X: Hey you boys climbed over the fence just like that?
Innocent boys *turn around and you can imagine the shock on our faces*: Sorry sir
X: The fence is there for a reason.
Innocent boys: sorry sir
X: Next time climb over something else (err.. the Great Wall of China?)
Innocent boys: sorry sir
It's a typical conversation between a superior and inferiors. I'm sorry we didn't do anything funny then for the sake of your entertainment. We might be full of shit but we're not stupid. There are some people you just don't mess with. Come to think of it, I count it lucky that X didn't give us the dreaded white slips, considering they give it for something like not tucking in your shirt (poor Kenneth Kong). Maybe it was because X was in the car and it was inconvenient. Whatever.
But in anything, it is necessary to look at the bright side of things, and the thing I learnt today is that X drives a champagne-coloured seven-seater, whatever that implies.
Monday, January 23, 2006
The moral dilemma
As in, I'm really going to tell you a true story. The true story of what happened to me today - there's no moral of the story as it isn't really a complete story, I'm leaving it hanging so you can round it up for me. Perhaps give me some advice on what I should do the next time the same thing happens (though I hope not). But well, whatever it is, just read the damn thing la.
I was walking home today after another of my brain-taxing French lesson, when I decided to enjoy life a little bit. So I popped by the bubble tea shop to buy err.. bubble tea (duh!!). Then I realised I had a chocolate bar in my bag that was soon going to melt if I didn't eat it. Being a lazy and stupid boy, I didn't want to eat my chocolate in one hand and hold the bubble tea in the other, for I felt that things would get kind of messy. Thus, I just stuffed the bubble tea cup into one of my side pockets and started eating my chocolate.
Very cleverly, I walked towards the traffic light.. but stopped just 51m away from it so I could cross the road legally. The sign telling me to use the traffic light was just next to me, which meant that I was outside the 50m-radius of the traffic light and was eligible to jay, I mean walk across. Seeing a car come by, I decided to just take my chances and dash across before it knocked me down. Made it halfway across. Then as I crossed the second half, I heard a splat but kept running. I think there is no need to elaborate.
Now here's the dilemma, what the heck should I have done?
Choice 1 (Angel): Be a good citizen, go and pick up the bubble tea cup (empty). Then I should go into one of the HDB flats nearby, get a mop and clean up the road. After all, it is inconsiderate to let the drivers' wheels squash the icky pearls and dirty the road. Singapore is clean and green, and as a Singaporean I should do my part.
Why it's bad: Crazy ah! So many cars around, don't feel like living is it!
Choice 2 (50% Angel): Pick up the bubble tea cup so as to prevent cars from running over it. It's a potential hazard, much more than anything else. That is the most you can do, really.
Why it's bad: Want to do something, must go all the way. Picking up the cup but not the pearls is like making a girl pregnant and then taking care of her during pregnancy.. but after the baby is born you disappear. No point in being half-good.
Choice 3 (Philosopher): The cup would serve as interesting decoration for the road - for we should all embrace and welcome change. The sweet liquid would feed the ants well. The pearls could serve as lubricants should there be nothing left to oil the engines of the car. Either way, there is pragmatism in leaving the "resources" behind.
Why it's bad: Philosophers are seldom (or never) right. Socrates is an idiot and they say he's a genius. Which is like.. what the heck.
Choice 4 (Rationalist/Devil): Leave all the shit behind. What's the point of endangering your life just for the sake of having cleaner roads? What do you think cleaners are paid for? Anyway it would be kind of fun to see the pearls sticking to some cocked-up bastard's car wheels (you know, that STINKING Econs lecturer.. never mind). Oh that would so make my day!! Oops, I mean night.
Why it's bad: It's bloody inconsiderate. How can we be such irresponsible citizens?
Of course, I'm not going to disclose what choice I made. You are going to make the decision for me, and I am just going to sit back and take it all in. If you'd like to know, I really don't learn from my mistakes so there is a 99.9% (3 sf) chance that I might make the same mistake again the next time I walk back from French lesson, which is on Wednesday. Although to 明哲保身 (having one's safety as the paramount importance/protect oneself) is important, is it more important to have 公德心 (civic consciousness)?
I don't know. Which is why you are going to decide for me. =)
Such, indeed, is a moral dilemma.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Article review
You might call it impossible, but your GP teacher (and perhaps some others) would expect you to be that anyway. So the best way to achieve this omnipotent state is to READ THE NEWSPAPERS. Everyday that's what they expect you to do. Even the Econs tutor also tells you to read the newspapers, and not just the "Money" section. You have to read everything.
But then again, who is so bloody free to read the whole newspapers everyday? That is just nothing but sheer stupidity. And possibly no-life too. Even I don't do such a thing with my huge amounts of free time. Seriously, I think you might find flying kites with me at Marina Bay more enjoyable than reading lots of small print that costs 70 cents out of your pocket money. Sure, you think that isn't a lot, but multiply that with 365 days a year, you stand to lose a hell lot of money. That's your bloody opportunity cost shooting up.
I suggest we don't totally abandon the newspapers, for it is indeed essential to read up. (That was, by the way, positive economics.) But we must realise that much as we WANT to read everything (ya right), we do not have the necessary resources to supply our wants. Meaning we have a scarcity of time. So how are we going to get around this scarcity?
The solution is simple. I offer to you now, the MOST IMPORTANT PART of any newspapers that you will ever buy. If this part does not exist in the newspaper that you buy, then it's a damn lousy newspaper. Spend your money wisely elsewhere. We don't indulge our money in weak resources, we use our money to get absolute advantages.

Don't be surprised. It is indeed the most essential thing, applicable in every subject. Let me just show you how it works.
Chelsea played 22 games and has 61 points. Now a win would give you 3 points, a draw 1, and none for a loss. What are the possible combinations that Chelsea can have to get that certain amount of points? Of course, that's bloody easy, it's 20-1-1. Repeat the exercise with the other clubs and you'll find that the number of combinations would increase.. so it's lots of pure fun that will keep you occupied for many hours to come. After all, we don't often get to do arithmetic nowadays.
Why is Sunderland at the bottom of the table, and so far from 19th-placed Portsmouth? That is due to it's mass number. If you haven't noticed, the Premiership table is pretty much like the Periodic Table, since they both share the same initials anyway. Their players have more body mass (ie fatter), and cannot play football for nuts. Thus, as we all know, since elements with bigger mass numbers usually are very low down in the Periodic Table, the same must apply to the Premiership. Those teams with lots of mass just sink right down to the bottom. If you want to disprove my theory, you'll have to go check up all the weights of the Sunderland players and compare it with the rest. Send it to me in a report and maybe I'll believe you.
The ball doesn't just curve, it curves because of the laws of Physics. Newton's Laws of Motion also come into play here. How do you think a ball can speed up, stop or change direction then? It is totally reliant on the great Isaac Newton himself. Without Physics, there would be no footy and there would be no Premiership tables for you to enjoy. That's putting it very lightly. And oh, don't forget the mathematical aspect of Physics too, calculate surface area of the ball, pi multiplied by 4r². To find volume, 4/3r³ multiplied by pi. The list goes on and I think you get what I mean.
Chelsea have their Abramovich and that is why they are at the top of the table. If that isn't Economics, I don't know what you call it. Gate revenues and season tickets are very much part of every club's culture. Without sponsorship or TV revenue, how do you think the clubs get to function and buy players? Money revolves round every club, like it or not. If you would carefully review the table, you'll realise that most poor clubs are down the bottom. Except jacked Portsmouth who just got their sugar daddy (that Russian idiot whose name I forgot) a little too late, now they are still struggling. It's just the laws of Economics. Ceteris paribus, Chelsea will win the Premiership. Oh, and the opportunity cost of Liverpool not buying Michael Owen is potentially lots of goals, though they do save up on his wages and earnings. Such is the microeconomics of the Premiership, learn it well and it will serve you well.
What keeps the players running for 90 minutes, 45 a half? Is it the heart pumping blood to the lungs through the arteries, or is it the flow of blood through the veins that gives the players the energy to run? Carbohydrates, proteins, fats - all part of the players' diets and totally essential for them to keep dribbling, passing, tackling and scoring. Without knowledge of Biology, everyone would just fall dead on the pitch like Mark Vivien-Foe did for Cameroon a few years back. Oh, and what do you think physios are for? Biologists rules the field pretty much as the economists do.
You could go read BBC for the match reviews - that's literature. Or players like Roy Keane saying, "the ref's a bloody wanker". Which is essentially quotable quotes which you can always quote and use in your literature response. You could also add in your own personal response like, "yea, Keano's right, the ref is indeed a bloody wanker." Metaphors and comparisons can be made too. An example would be Trevor Sinclair who famously proclaimed that "scoring against Man Utd is better than having sex." I'm in no position to judge if that is indeed true.
History of Premiership clubs winning the title. There's nothing much to say about that since History is really a very boring subject. Sucks to those taking this trash. =X
Now, finally, we come to one of the subjects least ventured. Even though it's difficult to see what the table offers in French, the possibilities are limitless if you choose to see it. Of course, those nationalistic bastards will hardly report on Premiership stuff, but if there's a will, there's a way. Here we go:
"Tenu en échec par les amateurs de Burton (0-0), formation issue de la cinquième division, Manchester United doit rejouer mercredi soir son 32e de finale de la Coupe d'Angleterre. Eliminés de la Ligue des Champions, dans le doute en Coupe de la Ligue anglaise après un résultat en demi-teinte à Blackburn (1-1) au stade des demi-finales aller, les joueurs d'Alex Ferguson n'ont plus vraiment le droit à l'erreur. Il n'y a finalement qu'en Championnat où les Red Devils, deuxièmes derrière Chelsea, prennent encore du plaisir bien qu'il aient été cueillis à froid dans le derby face à City ce week-end (3-1). Néanmoins, il leur faut jouer ce match piège avant de pouvoir en découdre avec Liverpool, dimanche, lors de la 23e journée de Premiership."
Not my fault, they really don't like reporting on Premiership matches. Oh well, so having found out about how useful and informative a Premiership table can be, I hope that you will take the time to read it in a more in-depth way. Don't forget that looks may deceive, and there is always more to it than what meets the eye. Now I shall be off to further review today's version of the Premiership table, and perhaps if I'm free the next weekend or sometime during the week (which is highly likely since I don't do tutorials), I will write a review for your perusal.
Meanwhile, just make sure you do your reading. If I've inadvertently left out any subjects that you might want to challenge me to include and prove to you that there exists an aspect of the Premiership table that I haven't covered, then do it. I shall be very glad to explain it to you. (Like how you can learn Theatre Studies & Drama from Hernan Crespo - that guy's a f**king diver.)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
First things first. Always be on the alert. If you really didn't see him, it isn't a dao anymore. It means you're blur like sotong, and that I had your balls for lunch from the yongtaufoo stall and that you got no balls. So look out for people just so you can dao them. Actually I shouldn't have used the word 'him', or her for that matter because if you are going to dao someone, you obviously don't feel any emotion for that something. Nor do you give a shit about this object's feelings. Therefore, when referring to the target, we use the perfectly neutral and objective 'it' as a pronoun.
Being dao says something about you. It all depends on what(who) you are doing it to. I'm not going to be offensive (or maybe I'm just lazy) so I'll leave it to your imagination.
Anyway, here are the nine commandments to being dao, gathered from observations all around the school.
1. Walk in another direction.
2. Pretend to be drinking and concentrating on the cup.( To further reinforce your statement, you can drink from an empty cup)
3. Stare into space angrily. I bet nobody will approach you.
4. Walk past as though it does not exist (Make sure to stare casually at it as though there was nothing)
5. Look at the sky as though there's a shooting star.
6. Stare at your wrist as though looking at your watch (even though there is none)
7. Immediately bend down to tie your shoelaces (untie them if they're tied already)
8. Take out a book to read (all the more better if you're universally known as a lazy idiot who gets by school through plagiarism)
9. Close your eyes and pretend to sleep while standing with only one leg on the floor.
Some preconditions (There are some people you simply don't dao)
1. You don't dao someone who is holding a gun that is pointing at you.
2. You don't dao the only 2-metre-tall person in school.
Hard Truths
There's no way to dao if... everyone's a complete stranger, meaning you are anti-social, or you dao too much.
Don't dao if... nobody cares about you anyway.
Dao me if... you're irritating. please.
Practise daoism today.
P.S. Don't worry, we at tcs are not dao. We're just yandao.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Red Light District
The scout would like to add that the commodities on offer in that particular district has an absolute advantage over the horses(whores) in other more popular area like Geylang or Orchard Towers.
Back to the point of the waterpolo-ers visiting the red light district. A hearing bug planted on the coolio mat bag of one of the waterpolo-ers (there are only two mat coolio bags in the polo team. One from ck and one from yh. Ck wasnt there so guess who had the other coolio mat bag) caught one of them confessing:
" Wah rj so many girls. I got stunned. 10 years in a monk sch. Cannot take it anymore!"
That explains the visit to the red light district by those polo-ers.
The mysterious scout then went forward to interview the polo-ers. They were apparently drunk and high evidently from alcohol. Their faces were bright red and when questioned about what they gpas were all three replied with much difficulty: "1!". However, our mysterious scout still managed to get them to pose gay-ly for a nice cudly picture for memories.
That's all for today. Press refresh 10 times and you will see an article proving yh is gay.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Short announcement
Anyway, if I didn't make it clear earlier (which I don't think so), TCS will be organising a little competition for all of you readers out there. Anyone can take part, just remember to send to our email (highly unutilised) or just post on the tagboard. And for the benefit of Seetow, POST. Not spam. This applies to everyone else so any spammer will be automatically disqualified for the competition.
As for the prize.. YH has it at the moment. We'll reveal it to you when the time is ripe. Meanwhile you could just read YL's post on Rainy Wednesday.
And in case you were wondering about how crazy I am, I think I'd better clarify some doubts. I certainly DO NOT run every morning, although I do run often enough to make others think I'm mad. Anyway, running has been proven to be a healthy habit by many scientists and health experts - so instead of seeing me come back from my run every morning, why not join me? We could do with a healthier school environment and more people passing Napfa. It's all for the reputation of RJC, and it would be nice to do your part for the school.
Just that I might want to limit the number of runners every morning because 1) too many runners spoil the track and 2) there aren't enough trees around to give out enough oxygen for all of us. And we might give out too much carbon dioxide, not exactly a bad thing, but useless to the environment. Must always consider every factor. Okay that's it for now, I'd better stop typing before I really talk too much rubbish.
Rainy Wednesday
(I know it's an old YJ joke but I just can't resist)
Anyway I had to do a piece of homework for GP. Finding examples for the statement "Media messages have social and political consequences". And I thought about the bloody war in Iraq.and how it doesn't fit the criteria for the example because it doesn't really matter what the media says. People still die. And it's half a world away so nobody cares. Everyone says "Aww that's so sad" but instead feel even better because they're not in Iraq.Therefore it is essential that my example is something closer to home. Like weather forecasts. For example, if I know it's going to rain tomorrow, that means I can't fly my kite in school and yj can't do his morning run. which is sad. On a larger scale, if the weather forecast had notified everyone of the tsunami beforehand, then nobody would have died. It's all the weather forecasts' fault. It's due to it that so many people died last year. Therefore we can see that the lack of media messages also has dire consequences.
And this brings me to the freaky weather yesterday. If the weather forecast had told me of that, I would have been in a temple praying the day before instead of doing my homework. And the worst thing was it was during training. It rained. Very heavily. and then stopped. and the cycle continues for n times where n=infinity. Perfect weather. For catching pneumonia that is. And then me and yj went for french class where we had lots (lots!)of fun.As detailed in yj's post yesterday. Sorry my post is abit lag. You can thank my computer for hanging and restarting for m times where m also = infinity.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
the french story (part 2)
If you've been reading Chinese literature and have been reading about the three heroes in Romance of the Three Kingdoms (namely Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei) taking on various challenges in the three-kingdom war, you should get an inkling of what I'm talking about. And if you follow the storyline, you'll know that they all died at the end.
We attempt to avoid that fate, for we are no ordinary idiots. If you look carefully above, we are BLOODY idiots. Blood saves lives, so we might well save our own lives. We will change history if necessary. But the leader of us three, namely Tea Zhi Hao, doesn't take history and has no interest in changing it. He has dropped out of the French revolution. (I can hear boos already, but keep it up because he deserves it.)
Well, that is indeed very sad to hear. Very disheartening. Very not Z'Kardia. Just where is the resilience, just where is the fighting spirit?!
In any case, although our leader has dropped out, YL and I will remain determined to stay on. This is because we need to preserve the legacy of the FRG, the Front Row Gang. Losing Zhi Hao was like getting FRAGGED, but let's not make any lame puns with the word although I just did. We now are searching for a suitable replacement who will be willing to take up the fight with us. Also, since Wei Ren has shifted to taking Zhi Hao's place, which is next to mine, the corner seat in the front row is now vacant.
So basically, the seating plan is now (empty) (Wei Ren) (me) (YL).
Anyone who wishes to join the FRG is welcome, so long he has an intense desire and an undying passion for French. But all these aside, let us move on to today's lesson.
We still entered in spectacular style, only this time it was different.
YL: Bon..
Me: ..jour,
Karthik: Monsieur!
If you were thinking the first lesson was bad, just imagine this situation. Just sit for two hours staring at the wall ahead, and hardly absorbing what the teacher says. Ignore everything on the paper because it's not only Greek to you, it's French. Just stare at the ceiling, at the floor, left and right, everywhere except your paper because it's giving you a headache. And also your teacher who is asking you to go online everyday to read French newspapers.
I therefore can make a few conclusions about H2 French lessons.
1) French lessons are basically putting one hand on the dictionary and the other hand on your forehead. (The hand on the dictionary is to check every word that is written on the worksheet, while the other hand on your forehead is to prevent your head from just collapsing flat on the table.)
2) An article a day, keeps M. Chan away. (If you keep reading your articles online, perhaps the teacher will stop bugging you about your lousy standard of French.)
3) A DELF certificate in hand is better than H2 preparation for A levels. (Because a DELF certificate cannot kill you but the preparation certainly will.)
4) I really don't belong in this class.
But on the brighter side, we learnt the French word "sommet" - which means "summit" in English.
Great, so now we can have a fully translated blog title.
"Sommet de dire coq." (Summit of talking cock)
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
However like all ekonomiks model and theories, sometimes our hypothesis dont work. After much reasearch again we have come up with some of the possibilities and exceptions. Just like the oxidation state of oxygen is -2 unless it's hydrogen peroxide and OF when it is different. Then again, that's YJ's favourite subject so you all should consult him on that.
Anyway, here are some of the exceptions
1. Totally uncool people like Changxun(who called me a JIN) occupy the table. [nah just joking, shane boy is a nice guy]. The more likely situation is that people like us occupy the table.
2. No one's there. That will only happen early in the morning or during lessons when there are not enough people to occupy the table. Or when everyone's sent to detention for dyed hair. A highly possible possibility but then again, we are swimmers. We drink milo. We are champions!
3. J2s occupy the table. J2s, as much as being older, have every right to be cool too. You cant expect them to let us noobie j1s steal the limelight right.
4. A particular someone is there so everyone has to siam.
But dont worry, as long as you think you are cool, just join in the queue for your entrance pass to the coolest(hottest when sherwin is around) part of the canteen.
Then again fear not when no one's there. The Flaming Lemon Tea will still be there around to help you out. Led by Adnaan our president who downed 10 cups of lemon tea in one day, FLT seeks to...erh....drink LOTs and LOTs of lemon tea. And we do mean ALOT!
Drinking lemon tea not only makes you high, it is also proven to be healthy or at the very least, safe. An experiment by two of our members showed that urine that passed out after at least 5 cups of lemon tea is still WHITE and not yellow contrary to beliefs. However, some of the negative consequences of drinking too much lemon tea include... the lemon tea not being sweet at all when other people give comments like " it's fcking sweet. It's damn sweet. Wah lao, how you drink when it's so sweet."
Team Mascot Soma Sundram Shivanesh is currently tied with the president for the record of 10 individual cups per day. Although still in infant stage, FLT has already planned a club outing to the NKF for all members to have their kidneys checked and to undergo dialysis as well. This important outing is not to be missed for all members and all who seek to join the club. After all, your lives are at stake here!
Anyway to all members, BE THERE OR BE DEAD!
Monday, January 16, 2006
the french story (part 1)
YL was released from class at 2pm, while I had class up to 3pm. When I arrived, YL was already waiting for me to begin our corrections for Texte B of the Diagnostique Test. If you can't remember what that was, it was something which we both failed very badly, and our teacher called M. Chan didn't hesitate to write one big fat "F" right on the piece of paper. Oh, he also bothered to write a "0" in front of our mark, as if to emphasise that he didn't mark wrongly, we were that stupid.
Boy, weren't we demoralised. But then again, despite being stupid, we still believe that we are model students who are very passionate for French. And at precisely 3:15pm, I sat down on the seat opposite him trying to complete our French corrections.
By 3:16pm I got up to do some spying around the library. Not my fault, there were some suspicious characters hanging around the place and I just had to check them out. Plus, if I didn't check them out you wouldn't read the shit that I usually blog about. Sure, it's trash and gossip, but this is a talk-cock blog, not your local GP bulletin. So if you're here trying to pass GP, I'm not sure if I actually care.
But back to the point, I wasted quite a lot of time while YL passed his time a little more productively talking to his ex-classmates. I say a little, because when I got back that dumb fagut hadn't even started on his essay. I mean, the least he could do was to read a bit of the passage right? Well, no way. He was just talking trash with his two friends, waiting for me to do all the work for him. Tsk - see what I mean about being unfocused? The moment I sat down, I started working feverishly on the passage.
And I'm very proud to say we managed to complete a summary of approximately a hundred words in exactly an hour and a quarter of solid concentration. Though we definitely spent more time than we wanted to in the library. See what I mean about being French enthusiasts? I think YL and I certainly deserve accolades for working that bloody hard. I don't even see any other people taking H2 French doing corrections in the library, tsk. What's happened to the passion? We were so engrossed in doing our work that we even forgot about the time.
So we had to quick-march to the MOELC in order to prevent ourselves from being damn late. I bought some fries on the way to consume in class, though we had quite a lot of it on the way. And according to plan, we were exactly five minutes late for class, the rationale being that the first five minutes in class is usually wasted in talking rubbish and taking attendance. By coming just a little late, we were maximising our time in school.
Coming in from the classroom door, we said "good day" to the teacher in spectacular style.
Me: "Bon.."
YL: "..jour!"
The teacher wasn't exactly amused. But we just sat down and began a session of intensive French, with debating coming first. Which day were we to have French lessons? Now thanks to some inconsiderate people, we've had to skip our training (today) just specially to come for French. Totally disgusting - and although we have a fiery passion for French, the teacher was just too lazy to come teach us on Tuesday. Like what the heck, he claims he's got a "social life". Why couldn't we just get a French teacher who was like us? (However, I'm very glad to know that my Econs lecturer, Mr. Lagman, doesn't have a life like me - he said it himself.)
So we wasted quite a lot of time debating. After which we went on to do some grammar. And if you'd really like to know, famous entrepeneur Tea Zhi Hao was also in our French class. I'm featuring him this time because he's really an integral part of the French Front Row Gang (FFRG) whose part in the French class is basically to sit in the front row and just prepare to be bombarded with whatever the teacher has to offer. Often without understanding.
Before I go on to what we were discussing in class, let me give you a brief introduction of Tea Zhi Hao, commonly known as Été. He plans to build a HUGE business empire after he leaves school, and hire his former FT, commonly known as Chausette Chia, as his personal slave. That's quite an ambition, isn't it? Nevertheless, he's another guy with a fiery passion for French and so we three (him, YL and I) wound up all dying together.
In any case, the lesson was pretty interesting. We managed to discuss everything from Zhi Hao's crushes to Hongkies.. and about the usage of the masculine and feminine nouns in French (see, I told you we love French). Zhi Hao was saying that Le Hongkie (masculine) could refer to YL, while La Hongkie (feminine) could refer to someone else from the same country as him but I will not name due to the sole reason that I still want to live for many more years to come. But thinking back on it, I think the discussion was rather futile. Hongkie, starting with a silent "h", really shouldn't have any sort of verb. It's just "l'Hongkie". Sorry to those non-French people who don't understand this, it's really a French thing.
And plus, I composed a song during French class! Here it goes:
(sing to end of "You Are My Sunshine" tune)
Baudelaire C,
en Hackett C.A.
de Moderne Française
Beautiful, don't you think? What was more, I just simply koped it off the bottom of the worksheet. Hell, care to join me in French MEP dans la classe de M. Chan? I think I'm going to sing it everyday in school as part of my effort to push for an A grade in A level French. We also made lots of sentences to show off our lingustic ability, especially Zhi Hao. Here is a selected quote from him, mixing Hokkien with French:
"Je veux HOON KEE." (I want cigarettes)
Professional mixing of both languages, eh? I think it's excellent. Basically, after a useless debate in French class, we started working pretty hard on our grammar - what with nouns and proper nouns. The teacher very cleverly asked us "what is a noun" and expected us to tell him in French. As if it wasn't hard enough in English. Well, I must say I put in a whole lesson of really hard work (I laughed really hard) and it paid off (it paid to screw off from the stuffy classroom).
And the teacher forgot to collect the Texte B summaries which we spent so long doing in the library. What the heck.
I think we're going to ace French. I know this entry sounds pretty trashy to all of you who does not take French and for you who are not in our French class, but trust me, if you do come to our French class for just one lesson, you'll see the vibrance of the FFRG.
We're the French revolutionaries, man. Revolutionary in the sense that we must have been the three worst students to ever take H2 French. Of course, no prizes for guessing who is the worst among us three. The one who didn't even meet the recommended mark for French prelims but still wanted to weather all storms bravely. Heard the winter's pretty bad in France.
But then again, no one's forced me to quit yet. So if you're thinking that I'll be bidding French goodbye soon, I'm sorry, no French kiss to H2. I'll just continue with composing songs in French class, and eating French fries that I bought from Macs (I liked today's eating session). And though it's evident that my French is far from the desired standard, I really think that my enthusiasm for the language is unrivalled by anyone.
YL can testify to that. Don't we all love French.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
To improve my Economics
By the way, if you'll look at your notes carefully, Lagman has a source called Sloman. Think they are from the same family, eh?
So, I'm here to try to improve my Economics by studying human behaviour. You can somewhat call it a continuation of YH's post yesterday, but I won't go so far to draw a map or graphs. I'm just here to practise my Econs, so lower your expectations if you are expecting something really enlightening.
Here are the following cliques in RJC, membership is not official but you might get certain privileges if you do. Examples include:
1) More hits on your blog. (see, our readership went up because of YH)
2) Free lemon tea. (if you know how to abuse)
3) Free tuition from the smart alecks in your clique.
4) A wider network of friends so you can abuse.
Either way, let me give you a brief introduction on the different cliques you might get in RJC. Before I start, I must apologise to anyone and everyone that I might offend, because I only tell the truth and this is the trends that I observe. I don't know the art of bullshit (important in Economics), so I'll try to tell you everything that should be there. Ceteris paribus, of course. Assuming all else remains constant. (I do apply my Economics terms.)
Let us now move on to the various cliques. It's a little repetition of what YH has written, so just bear with me while I go through the first few cliques again. The cliques are arranged in a certain order, which I like to call random order.
A. Coolio Clique (5 star advantages)
Joining the best clique in RJC can ensure you the above four advantages, plus many more you cannot see. Of course, membership criteria is bloody stringent so you either have to be DAMN COOL or you'd better get lost. Some prefer to barge their way in, they die trying. Their guts are to be admired, but let me tell you that you don't get anywhere with that. Especially if you used to spike your hair and cheat in your CCTs and act like nothing's happened. In any case, if you're with them you're in for a good time. If you're a neutral, then they won't care about you and vice versa. Anyone against them cannot live in RJC. Simple as that.
Oh by the way, from YH's diagram, I think the table of the Coolio Clique operates from as early as half past six in the morning, easily more than an hour before assembly. I know because I've been there and already saw the early birds flocking to the table (catching early worms?) The boys to girls ratio was imba but I'll just let you keep guessing about who outnumbers who. And if you're asking what on earth I do in school that early in the morning, I go to run 2.4km, and no I'm not joking. I still have no life.
B. Coolio Clique B (4 star advantages)
The only thing about this table is that they still have to report directly to Coolio Clique. Sure, you get your advantages as well, but it's not as clearly seen. For example, you don't have James Miao the genius to teach you, and this is a great loss in your academic pursuits. Some people in this clique are surely capable of upgrading to Coolio Clique, but hell, why upgrade when you get to be boss of your clique? It's less dangerous to go against them but you'll just have to hope they don't raise the matter to higher authorities, ie Clique A.
C. Wannabes (3.5 star advantages)
The thing about this clique, you feel as if you're back in RI again. Comprising mainly of RI students, these people sit and stone wanting to be upgraded to the Coolio cliques. Shit, I'm really repeating what YH was saying so you'd just better go read his post. Advantages include a good talk cock session of the good old days in RI. Not bad for the secschick one.
D. NC Clique (3.5 star advantages)
NC doesn't mean anything except.. non-Chinese. No, I'm not being racist, but it's true they cannot be as cool as the Coolio Clique except for Narpal (he's like, whoa!!). They are, however, super sporty and would love to discuss soccer with you if you'd take the chance to know them. Most of them are nice people, so it's really great to be with them. Only thing, you will feel out of place if you are a Chinese. They are a little out of place there, so just don't hang around too long or you'll be a Cyrus or Carl, who has since transferred to ACJC to be a coolio (wannabe).
UPDATE!!!: One of the members of this clique has kindly stated the joining requirements for this table.. and the ruling is that even Chinese/Munjens can sit at this table so long he/she does not speak Chinese. When asked about what languages should be spoken there, he says "Eng-ger-lish onnnllyyy", so please do take note if you'd like to join this table. Pretty cool.
E. Lemon Tea Clique (3 star advantages)
You don't see this clique all the time (若隐若现), though they are there. It's kind of a 海市蜃楼,and the advantage here is predominantly the free lemon tea. Someone will just buy the lemon tea, you sit down and then take a cup while they all drink up. Then you act as if you forget to bring your wallet or just forget that you're supposed to pay. Either way, this is a good clique if you like lemon tea. Just remember that it's forty cents a cup and ten cups would cost FOUR DOLLARS. Also, a few minutes after Lemon Tea Clique is the Canteen Toilet Clique. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a James Miao to figure that out.
F. Mugging Clique (2 star advantages)
Moving away from the Canteen to the SFL (Shaw Foundation Library, though interesting variations have already sprouted), we find that a few people already have their books open at the tables. Started mugging -.-" so early in their JC life. You could call them no life and un-cool, but their results are no less than sterling. Joining this clique won't give you popularity to run for Council, but it sure as hell gives you good grades for scholarships. But it gets really borrrrrrring after a while, I think you'd rather fly kites.
G. Fake Mugging Clique (1.5 star advantages)
You could call it a Talk Cock clique, for that is where I belong. Also situated in the library far away from the coolios in the canteen, I spend almost all my free time here with my books in front of me, though you'll find more mugs in the canteen than at my table. We are the bane of the Mugging Clique, and of librarians, for we tend to make lots more noise than we intend to make, and often about things that we shouldn't really be talking about. The advantage you get here is entertainment, which comes to nothing either way. Your popularity remains at k (constant), while your grades certainly don't go up, except for the bullshit subject Economics. So I guess joining this clique is ALMOST suicide.
H. Gypsy Clique (what advantage..?)
Reason why above is ALMOST suicide, is because THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SUICIDE CLIQUE! Whoo, comprising of solely one member, this clique is not really a clique, but a cli* (that's what the sole member can be described as). Sorry if you're disturbed by my use of language, but that's exactly what he is. Oops, did I just take the first step in revealing his identity? As the name suggests, this guy has got no permanent clique, for even losers like myself can form a clique of my own. Tsk, wonder what he's up to?
In any case, if you think this guy is a Survivor-style person who can adapt well, you're very wrong. "Gypsy" is only a polite name, for we also occasionally do like to call him "leech". Kenny's blog contains full of useful information on what you need to know about him, and I think it's seriously worth a read. If you're a lazy fagut like I am, I'll put the link here for you: HERE. Of course, most of you would have probably read it already but it doesn't hurt to read again. I can testify to the information on his blog, having very fortunately spent four entire years in RI with him (seems so long ago though). Trust me, I could tell you many stories about him if you want. It's part of the culture at my clique, yea.
But all you have to know is that this clique is dangerous. It is out there to offend (others) and kill (yourself). Only join if you're sick of living. Or if you like life on the edge, this is really for you. Advantages include free punch (note, NOT fruit punch) and the thrill of like you're gonna be bashed up any moment. I'll pray for you if you want to join Clique H.
So basically that is all I want to say about J1 cliques in RJC. I won't say it's a comprehensive guide, for there are certainly lots of areas to improve on. You could tell us your own clique and register it with TCS, we'll have some free advertising for you. But for now this will do, both for knowledge's sake and for Econs practice. Ceteris paribus, hopefully I'll get to level up soon.
In the spirit of economics, you must see what you WANT before you join any clique. Supply and demand. If the clique is short of someone to laugh at and you're in demand, then just join in. Advantages are galore, and economics is about making use of it. So make sure, need it or want it, you get into the clique you like. Either way, economics is about winning so make sure you win when you join a clique.
Damn, I love economics.
(By the way, I just noticed that captains of the yellow houses in the Rafflesian family usually share the same birthdays. And I base my sample on only two people, so don't just generalise or be a Philo bastard.)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Tribute to YH
Let's see what he's done for the past year (meaning from 14 Jan 2005).
1. Had his birthday on the same date last year.
2. Won track and field for Bayley.
3. Became first team waterpolo keeper. (haha)
4. Won swimming carnival for Bayley, though I screwed up and made them 4th.
5. 1st in House Carnival squash.
7. Won House Championships. (duh)
8. Won the JC orientation performance thing.
9. Owned everyone.
Basically I just wanna say happy birthday. And don't let the Cl from the H2O from RI pool get to you. Arsenal's leading Middlesbro 3-0 now, and I think that's very significant (YH supports Arsenal).
Aye anyway all the best for the upcoming year!
Anyway, for those of you out there who haven't wished him a happy birthday, it's time to pay your tributes before his brudders come and hoot you. It's only nice to say happy birthday. Why? Because yh is funny, witty, intelligent, cool, selfless, honest, caring, kind, considerate, romantic, friendly, cheerful, generous, loyal, righteous, courageous, disciplined, passionate, confident, loving, filial, hardworking, daring, sociable and any other positive adjective that you can think of. In brief, he's a nice guy. And most important of all, he's a member of TCS, so happy birthday yh!
You Wanna Be COOL?
You wanna be cool? Then stop wasting your life on lemon tea and quit the FLAMING LEMON TEA[will blog about it later]. Come take a seat right beside me as we observe the situation in the canteen.
The many free hours between lessons are not for drinking lemon tea alone, it's for setting your target on which cool clique you wanna join and prosper. Well, here's my observations for the past few days.

I hope you guys can see it. But anyway here's what it is all about:
Coolio Table Number 3
Coolio Table no.3 is for all coolios wannabe...but cannot be. There are only a few members in it, most prominently being kane and i. The coolios in table 3 seek acceptance into table 1 but knowing that we cannot make it, do not dare to make the first move. So, cooliosT3 will sit there and talk cock amongst themselves while looking enviously at cooliosT1 and waiting for their invitation.
That day, kane and i were sitting there and talking cock while looking at T1. Danny, a member of T1, soon turned around. IT WAS OUR CHANCE TO GET IN! Our eyes lit up at the prospect but Danny soon dashed our hopes. A wave of his hand indicated that the table was full and we were not to be accepted into the coolioT1.
{anyway danny didnt really do that. we DECLINED the invitation! heh}
Moving on we have coolio table 2. Table 2 consists of some basketballers and some waterpolo players and some other random people. Im not saying that they are not cool. But it is probably true that they are not cool enough. The key word is enough. Anyway, the coolios of T2 are way better than us so we better not talk too much. But at least they are talking cock amongst themselves which is so much better than waiting for an invitation to table 1.
But the special characteristic of T2 is its proximity to T1. So every now and then you will notice certain people sitting at the edge of the table TRYING as hard as possible to listen to the conversation of cooliosT1 and trying to gain an entry pass. Examples of those people include a certain fruit that we all known of. Im tempted to post a picture but i shall not for the fear of being backstab. Read kenny's blog for more information.
Okay the most important of all. The coolio table 1! Consisting of mostly poloers and swimmings and the judo-fencing-volleyball-blahblahblah clique, it's the dream of all rafflesians to gain entry to the biggest coolest table in the canteen! Now let me introduce you to certain key players in the table.
1. The BigCool(s).
The BigCool(s) are the main coolios of the table, the ones that have really INTEGRATED themselves into the table. Duh that must be chenkai!
2. The SmallCool(s).
The SmallCool(s) sit at the side of the table, with lesser participation in the conversations. But nevertheless they are still in T1 so all due respect to them.
3. The LoudMouths
The LoudMouths are never part of the table. They come and go. Like the housefly and mosquitoes. The Loudmouth will come, talk very loudly, attract everyone's attention for that 30 secs, doing something stupid, and move off. Of course they hope that you will remember them.
4. The Mosquitoes
The Mosquitoes are worse than the LMs. They hang around there, TRY to talk, TRY to integrate themselves...but fail...AND they refuse to buzzzzzzz off.
That's all for T1.
Now for the even hotter table, cooliotableA.
Coolio Table A is extremely cool and extremely dangerous. If you are a girl, you can join easily. But if you are a guy, be prepared to take on as many as six girls all by yourselves and impress them if not you better not join. WARNING: COOL and DANGEROUS. Potential big source of fire and scandals.
It is indeed interesting to observe all these different people and all the stuff they do. Bottomline, you are either born cool or you are not cool If you are not, then go drink 11 cups of lemon tea in one day and beat adnaan's and shivanesh's individual record and maybe you might get an invitation to that table.
Friday, January 13, 2006
A Stupid Post Simulating Countless Other Blogs so that You Pple Will Appreciate the Unique Posts that TCS Presents to You
yada=mundane stuff that wastes precious minutes of your life
( )=my own comments because i can't stand how boring it's getting
emoticons=irritating things that people use to fake their feelings
There you have it! The typical blog post brought to you after extensive research!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
For the love of Chemistry
Here are my Chemistry credentials:
- All Chem CTs, except the last one, scoring below 40%
- Always doing with smart people for Chemistry projects, thus resulting in high CA in Sec 3
- My overall result for Sec 3 Chemistry was 50%, don't ask me why
- Never passed a Class Common Test
- Cannot do mole concept even with textbook next to me
- I titrate using a filter funnel and a beaker. Only.
- Failed almost every SPA test, if not all.
So I had to walk into LT2 with apprehension, perhaps a little excitement after leaving Chemistry untouched for two months and a little more. The lecture basically started with the school values, which was dumb considering that isn't the Chemistry teacher's job. She's like damn Mdm Leong, if any of you can even remember that old hag who teachers Lower Sec Science. By the way, she's the nicest old hag I ever know.
Well we were treated to lots of Winnie the Pooh pictures, evidently her favourite cartoon (wtf), as she says. Then she came up with a list of rules in lectures, what with punctuality, proper attire, respect, no doing tutorials during lectures, pay attention etc. Haha after reading the amazingly long list, I realised that she left something out. Something which I loved to do in my four years in RI and which still appeals to me now.
Now they didn't say I couldn't do that! On top of that, the lecturer also mentioned that a Chemistry rep has to be appointed from each class, who will do lots of bullshit such as collecting notes, corresponding with the teachers, etc. Well I thought I was possibly the worst guy to ask, for I'm as lazy as can be, much as I love Chemistry.
Thankfully, the lecturer saved me again by saying that the Chem rep needs not to be good in Chem, he just needs to love the subject!! I think my passion for Chemistry is as fierce as the combustion of petrols (see, I know some Chemistry), so that job is mine. No one is going to take my place, okay. I AM GOING TO BE THE CHEMISTRY REP. Plus my love for the other subjects means I'm effectively going to be Maths rep, Chem rep, Econs rep and French rep for my class. Damn, I just love to serve others.
Who needs thinker, leader, pioneer when you have a servant to slog everything out for you? Service gives me great satisfaction. So I really think I'm going to volunteer to be the Chemistry rep.
Anyway, we had a little quiz after that, which I think I should not get a complete zero as long as at least one answer is D. Don't think my luck can be that bad right? Anyway, this was done using probability, one of Chandy's strong points (he has plenty), so I bet I won't do as badly for this as I did for my French. The worst case scenario is scoring one out of ten, then I'll look bloody pathetic.
Still, who says you need to be good in Chemistry? Not like this is going to be graded anyway (like gay RP), and not like it's going to affect my chances of being Chem rep. After all, I collected the scripts after they were all finished (it's not easy to NOT finish the paper), so perhaps it's just my destiny to be Chem rep.
That position is so going to be mine. I love Chemistry.
I got hit by this load of disasters (it's got nothing to do with orientation), and that is why I'm here to babble some rubbish to all of you. I understand I haven't been updating for a while, but you must also understand that I have my reasons.
1) I've got an average of 1.5 lectures a day, and my brain needs thrice the time of the duration of the lecture to recover, during which time I have to go to RJC library to stone. (or if you'd like, Shaw Foundation Library)
2) I went to run 2.4km this morning at RI track and the stupid roof just disappeared from the canteen. I got very emotionally disturbed after that.
3) There are still no toilets in RI Senior Block last I checked.
4) The classrooms at the bottom floor of the Senior Block are actually occupied by Sec 1 n00bs, which is really disgracing the name of the Senior Block, what the heck.
5) I'm secschick.
In any case, if you get too bored with waiting for updates (thanks to those factors above that disrupt me), you could always read our glorious TCS archives - it's worth a look in because I did lots of stupid stuff last year, while YH and YL have lots of interesting articles also worth re-reading. So I suggest you go have a look at the archives if you're too free.
But that is not my point today. I'm going to brief you on the on-goings of what is happening in our new and happening school called RJC. Trust me, it's something you all would want to hear. Even if you don't want to hear it, it's perfectly fine. Because I don't know how to put sound effects into my post. You'll just have to READ it for yourself.
I know I should have posted this long ago, but during orientation I was kind of busy shuttling back and forth so I'm afraid it has to come no earlier than today. Our fellow NBA member evidently tried his luck at buayaing, but has results no more successful than my Physics Class Common Test just two terms ago. And very coincidentally, he has landed up with the same fate as that test paper.

As Buckley House would put it, GGXX. But at least Yuk managed to maintain his position above all the tissue papers.. I can't imagine Yuk being at the same level with mucus and phlegm and all that ucky shit that you losers study in Bio =X but what the heck, I really pity him. I saw it on the second day of orientation, amazing how some people can pick up girls so fast and get dumped before you even know it.
Yuk has since rejoined the NBA. (Actually, he didn't even quit because he's rather sneaky.) YH has tried being a princess, though he didn't quite keep up the act for the whole show. Umm, and my highly amusing OGL who so often gets laughed at actually laughed at me for my short pants, wtf. If I didn't mention it earlier, I'm telling you now that all three of us seem to be really out of luck recently.
I don't know if YH and YL might like to consider that "out of luck", but I know I am.
Have you noticed that it's been raining a lot lately? Just last Sunday it literally rained for the bloody whole day, like why would you even call it Sunday when you don't even see the sun? I'm kind of thinking that the name is somewhat of an oxymoron - but oxygen is not present in acid rain, and nor are morons (though it would be quite funny). So perhaps it's irony - but then again neither is iron present in acid rain.
Whatever you want to say about the rain, it's just stupid for it to happen on a Sunday. And it has been happening like every other day, so it's been really dampening my spirits a lot. Like how am I going to do my Maths tutorials when I keep hearing silly dripping sounds outside the window all the time? Impossible. Chandy would be so disappointed in me, and if you've been reading what I've been saying on December 15th or so, you'll know why I can't disappoint Chandy. He's like, beyond godlike.
So now everyday we have to face this dreary crap.

I can't imagine how much longer it'll last. Really, it's starting to piss me off, because I guess some inconsiderate bugger would piss in the sea and that would come down as rain, but never mind that, I'm sure we all would like to see some sunshine for once in a while. The batch song also goes on about "we'll walk out to the sunshine together", BUT WHAT SUNSHINE IS THERE TO WALK OUT TO? I'm thinking they could start changing the lyrics to something like, "we'll walk out to all get drenched together." Might make more meaning now in this wet, wet January.
When I look at the picture of the rain again, I can't help but think it's like a diagram from Lower Secondary Science - what with positive and negative charges and thunderclouds. Haber Process. I just miss those days doing tests on that. Pity it's only January and there are hardly any tests to take, much less get some aid from the weather. (If you don't know how it rains, you could always look out of the window for reference.) But like I said, we haven't been having much good luck lately so the coming of aid at the wrong time is really no big surprise.
Ah well.. guess it's really 祸不单行。Proven the way H3 Maths students are supposed to prove silly old hypotheses which doesn't really need much to be proven as it's common sense.
..I think I'm really talking a lot of absolute nonsense, don't you think?
To be more precise, typing it out. All for the sake of showing that I've been really unlucky. But never mind all that I've said above, the best is yet to be. For today, YL and I proceeded to our French class happily anticipating the return of our French diagnostic test results. If you haven't heard about our mugging session on the day we were to sit the test, I'm telling you now.
It was a rainy (ie usual) Monday afternoon and we were at the RJ library. We had our lesson at half past five and it was like, two o'clock. First we sat around discussing about orientation and about buayas and gays and everything under the sun, only there was no sun and it was raining heavily. But I guess you get what I'm talking about. And we shot rubber bands around the place to see who could hit the ceiling. We did all that for an hour with our French books in front of us on the table, but still unopened and unread (except the title).
Well at three we resolved to be more disciplined so we just flipped (the books) for a bit before I realised some people I knew were upstairs. I said I'll just go and talk for a while, I'll be back down in a jiffy to continue mugging. So I left YL to continue mugging while I went up for a little chat, which lasted all of an hour and forty minutes, by which time YL had fallen asleep like LONG LONG LONG AGO!! I went down, a little regrettably, to stare at my watch saying a quarter past four.
So you thought we were going to make the best of what little time was left? Well actually we felt a little hungry, so we just proceeded to the canteen for a meal, before proceeding to the MOELC. I'd give myself a 5/10 for time management, for at least we went to MOELC very happy and full. Then the diagnostic test came which essentially digested all our food and diagnosed us with non-Frenchicitis. Zhi Hao got so sick over the test that he suffered a severe mouthbleed. He knew I wasn't a good friend of his then (refer to YL's post).
And that was our mugging experience. Now on to the Results Show, fast forward two days later to today.
Our footsteps were as heavy as the rain when we sat down and we were prepared to walk out anytime. Out of 26 scripts, there were barely 11 passes. The front row gang of Zhi Hao, YL and I already had our fates sealed by then. I was hoping to get a nice number if I failed.
Well, I scored 6/20!! Do I hear applause? I was like laughing at how bloody pathetic I was when YL got his paper back. Then there was even more cause to laugh because.. not only was it 祸不单行,it was also 每况愈下!!But because I'm generally a nice guy and don't like to embarrass people, I'll let you people guess his marks. I'm not here to prove anything except for the fact that I'm the ultimate loser who still is clinging on to H2 French because I can't very well take Physics. Aha.
I consider it a miracle today that the teacher didn't ask us to quit French right there. I resolve to work harder the next time we go to RJC library. Or if you like, SHAW FOUNDATION LIBRARY. (What the heck, they named it after our Dining Hall, which incidentally serves the worst food in the world.)
In any case, as the rain keeps falling down, so will our luck. Tomorrow I will have my first-ever lecture in Chemistry (for RJC), and I heard that there's a Pop Quiz. Well since it's meant to be "pop", I will not attempt to abuse the system. Just do it the French way, man.
Before I end off my post, I'd like to give you an account of my visit back to RI on Monday. Grace Chong was on the board of absent teachers, a board I LOVED to check and a board I LOVED to see full. Then as I walked out of the General Office, I saw her walking in!!
Aha, so she was late! Get your pink form, Miss Grace.
She asked me though, "What are you doing here? No classes?"
Me: Have.. (classes.) But I skipped Chem lecture specially to come back and see you.
I thought she would be touched and maybe go alter my Chem grades to GPA 4. But guess what that ungrateful teacher (make that ex-teacher) of mine said?!!
"You ah.. expected la."
What the heck! Cannot remember my name still want to suan me! To think she'd rather bother remembering how electrolysis works instead of remembering her model students - tsk. This is a true report of what happened on Monday morning, if you don't believe me go ask YH. He was there to see me get humiliated.
But you know, whatever, I'm off to bed.
With those irritating raindrops still falling. But at least that's one good point - heavy rain makes good sleeping weather!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
and we will all look cool!
on a more random note, david kan kraked a joke right before trng that left us all stunned.
David: Where can you find extra trunks(swimming trunks)?
Sherwin: I have extra!
Chenkai: Outside Mr. Lim's office there's extra trunks!
David:.....The trees over there....
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
TCS Hari Raya Special
I stepped into the school at 7.20. For the very first time, i was on time. I was not early. It takes effort and skill you know, you cant just come as and when you like especially when you live in somewhere far away like sengkang the jungle. For those of you who still dont know where sengkang is, it's kinda near the jetty you board the boat for obs. Get my point now?
Okay, i struggled to school, sang a birthday song for my ogmate and i went to class. Having no idea of what's the first lessons, i had no choice but to return to class and...check it out. Ah! To my pleasant/unpleasant surprise, ultimate enthu kia of 1s06k has already reached there(not me!). Let's just call it UEK alright? UEK started off by collecting everyone's photographs, which was actually my job as a civics rep. (I dont mind that someone is doing all the sai kang for me. I just want the credit) After that UEK moved on to start a class contact list. Im totally impressed. I thought I was already enthu enough to the entext i feel extra, but UEK is like totally out of this world man. Enough whining! When there's someone who bothers to be the UEK of the group, why not let that person be? haha
Lectures started soon, not too long, the sleep monster waged a war with me as my eye lids became heavier blahblahblah I slept. But that's one really cool teacher in RJ and he's name is PVSS. Reminds me of some kinda high class polyester or whatever man. Nice name.
The horrrrr, we went to CK's house before trng and had a game of winning eleven. To that person who might read this blog, it's not hard to find where you are supposed to shoot haha. But it was a brave fight! You denied danny a chance to win(actually you won on penalties in the end). So by hasty generalization again you are better than James MiaoMiao cuz Miao lost to danny!
Here comes the fun part(pun pun pun). Training. With fear in their eyes, the poloers inched towards the swimming pool after changing up. Inch by inch they move nearer to the pool fearing the ice cold water. The time was up, they had to jump in. The water was bloody fvcking cold. Like.. ice cold. Like...some ice bath. Like...as if weiren jumped in. Like...COLD! BRBRBRRR
Anyway coach was smart to start drills first so that the poloers cannot play spot-the-yellow-ball-flying when it was dark. Drills was okay. But swimming was not.
As i have said before, china coaches cannot subtract and divide but today we were wrong. From the usual sets of 2km, yesterday we swam a mere 1.2km. But here's the catch: For every lap, we had to do 10 pushups. Simple addition would means 50 pushups for 100m. Total 1.2km=600 pushups. Add in the discounted rate of pushup for one set, squats for another set, each d00d had to do 300/300 pushups, squats. All in all, the polo team clocked over 5000 pushups and 6000 squats! GODLIKE!
Okay basically the team powered/struggled their way through the sets. Naturally surviving on adrenaline, the first set was okay. Lactic set in and everyone(maybe not all) was pwned. Conclusion: a total ggxx for the team(maybe not all again).
That was basically all, not to mention the murderous amounts of chlorine we have in our swimming pool. James Miao, Danny Goh and I were crying our way to Longjohn for our dinner and we cried through our dinner and we cried our way back. The streetlamps had spectrum of blue and orange, like as if we were in fairy land. Bloody pool maintainence pple. I think if we continue to train in RI we will all go blind.
Now im off to celebrate HARI RAYA! K BYE!