Thursday, April 06, 2006

Blog surveys

I hate doing blog surveys. Have I mentioned to you that they are just plain dumb?

Like why bother asking 20 questions on one topic just to find out a fact when you can just do it in one? And why beat around the bush when you can just come clean with it?

Let me give you a classic example.


A typical blog survey would give you tons of situations and how you would respond to them. Totally unnecessary. That is just a waste of time. You could just ask one question "what is your sex?" and then if the person's sex is male, his brain is male. If her sex is female, then the brain is female. Simple as that. So why do people take so much time to make blog surveys, I don't know. Maybe they're too free like me.

Oh and by the way I realised something. The BRAIN is a DAMN OBJECT!! It's not even a living being or a mammal, so what the hell is this issue about your brain being male or female? Of course when you learn French, you have to learn the "gender" of a noun when you learn it. And brain - "cerveau", happens to be masculine.

Erm so what is the problem here? If you follow the French, then all brains are masculine. No dispute about that.

And if you don't follow them, brains are sexless. So once again I've proven the stupid topic irrelevant.

Don't do this survey if you haven't already done it.

And there might be a counter-argument that there are also surveys like "which character are you in LOTR?" - which you cannot possibly answer in one question, since we have to see a person's personality before deciding who in LOTR does he get to be.

Well let me give you a few-line proof.

A person loves himself above all. (unless he's some low self-esteem fagut like me, then he's just a weirdo so you can just ignore him) -- (1)
A person loves others like himself. (going by the theory that people are more like currents than magnets, and like currents attract. reason why we are not magnets is because we don't attract metal duh. but we do move about so we're currents.) -- (2)

From (1) and (2), a person's favourite character in a show would possibly be the one most like him. Simple as that. If you want to prove otherwise, you can go do the long blog surveys and find that the result will be the same. I've tried it before when I was too free. The character I got was my favourite character.

Eh then maybe I'm not so weird after all. Ya whatever.

In any case the only surveys which you should be doing are those of this sort:

How good is TCS?
- Good
- Damn good
- Just that bloody damn good!
- Too good

Yes because it's one that is truly reflective of your views and opinions, one that shows your personality. If you chose the first option you are obviously some liar. If you chose the second, you're a little disillusioned. Choosing the third option displays an adequate level of intelligence while choosing the fourth displays high moral conduct and great judging abilities.

Basically, just remember that all blog surveys are useless except for those that we provide. You could express your views at the tagboard and your answer to the question above, no worries, I won't take any offence. It will be nice to know about the "intellectual status" of others anyway.

Right that's all for now. And now I've to change the "good" in my mind to the economic "good". You know, from the adjective used to describe TCS to the noun used in Econs class. Yes I've bloody Econs tutorial first period tomorrow and I had better change my tuning. Otherwise I'll fail another Econs test. Okay whatever byebye.

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