Saturday, September 30, 2006

To biology, with love

"Throw physic to the dogs" - one of the quotes from Macbeth or some other Lit book that I did in some point in time which I can't really remember so heck.

But anyway. Throw physic(s) to the dogs.

So you take Biology, then?

Okay! Biotech people are now highly favoured by the Singapore government, which I believe it's all thanks to the ageing population which asks for better healthcare and because Biopolis is right beside MOE headquarters. Hence they 耳濡目染 and love Biology so much.

500 students in RJC apparently love Biology that much, too. Let me therefore cater to this minority and post some Biology stuff. Or better yet for students in other JCs who haven't had their papers, they could have the privilege of getting MORE PRACTICE FOR PROMOS.

And RJC's Econs Section A, Chemistry MCQ and Mathematics 2006 promos papers are up for sale. I want to get them out of my sight so anyone interested can email me.

This time, my tips for Biology are going to be more serious. Not like the other time where I said osmosis will lead you to being smarter and sleeping on top of your Bio notes. You could try that in your sleep. Today, I will attempt to find the crux of Biology and present it all to you. Just by attending a few lectures, I believe I have gained adequate knowledge to whack the Biology paper and tyco an S. (Like I said many times before, ace students get lost you don't belong here.)

Here's all that I learnt for Bio. Quite obviously it isn't to be taken seriously. And if you really decide to use these definitions in your Bio test, it's not my bloody fault if you don't promote. Accuracy is not my key concern, luck is.

NOW. Here we really go.


Conjugation basically means bacteria sex. If you haven't showered for very long and you have bacteria all over you, then perhaps you can be considered bacteria. You will not be allowed to say "I want to have sex", because as a bacteria you should say, "I want to conjugate."

General bacterial structure refers to what these conjugators are made up of. There are many parts to a bacteria, namely the cell membrane, cell wall, capsule/slime layer, 70S ribosome, the storage granule, flagellum, pilus, plasmid, cytoplasm, nucleoid region and I don't really know what they all are for.

Eukaryotes are species with more than 1 chromosome in their bodies. Bacteria has only 1 chromosome, while humans have 46. Therefore humans are eukaryotes and I think that's part of phylogeny.

Bacterial chromosomes are not enclosed by membrane. They only are associated with small amounts of protein. Think of it as a human going naked and wearing minimal clothing.

Eukaryotic chromosomes are enclosed by membrane. They have large amounts of proteins. Means that probably you find these chromosomes in winter and they must be feeling really cold.

Binary fission is the process where circular bacterial chromosome replicates. If you see a useless friend of yours who keeps failing tests passing motion in the toilet (which I seriously hope you don't because it's gross to see others doing their business).. you could also consider that binary fission.

Meiosis is actually sexual reproduction. Anyone with sexual desires could be said to be wanting to meiosise. There is variation and this is actually advantageous in the sense that species which meiosise can adapt to their environment. Like how we don't have polar bears in Singapore.

Genetic recombination in bacteria is where you find that the resultant cell in the bacteria is a recombinant. Wow. You didn't know that.

I will post up part two tomorrow because even though last-minute mugging does not work, last-day mugging might. And you probably cannot absorb that much in a day.

I hope this helps. =)

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