Thursday, May 07, 2020

name review: X AE A-12

i'm glad people are still doing insane things during covid time. i legit thought i was going insane, until the article i read on what elon musk has named his kid.

okay that didn't make me less insane, just him being out of this world insane.

wait... "out of this world"... sounds like how he would like it.

inb4 all the memes on how his kid's name (i refuse to even type it, i tried so long and still can't find the code to type the AE greek letter) could be a captcha or a registration ID. one of those randomly generated serial numbers. the internet has covered all the possibilities on how his name was derived.

then there are some people who worry about his kid being made fun of at school; but hey, did you really think that elon musk was going to send his follow-up robot/machine/homo deus to a place where he/it can meet other NORMAL PLEBS?

i hardly think so. school is reserved for losers like you and me.

from what i see, he merely gave his child a name the aliens could pronounce, because space is the future.

you guys read animorphs? (childhood flashback again)

on the planet where andalites came from, thousands of light years away, "Aximili Esgarrouth Isthmil" is a very easy name to pronounce.

for all you know, X AE A-12 is the equivalent of Dave on some foreign planet.

that would make so much sense no?

let's stop for a moment with the extraterrestrial theory and talk about earth - since i feel like i'm losing some of you with an alienating line of argument. i feel it is so much easier (and more fun!) to engage in some elon musk-bashing with "he's a crazy dude".

what did you really expect from a kid whose parents have names like "ELON" and "GRIMES"?

i mean, GRIMES? i once knew a Muk but Grimes is like calling your kid Gastly or Jynx. its beyond a pokémon name, it's a distorted pokémon name with negative connotations.

see, if your kid was called Scyther, that could be cool.

Gengar could also be cool.

Sandshrew is a bit more dodgy.

Caterpie maybe not.

but you get what i mean.

nevertheless, this genius of a Grimes took to Twitter to explain the name of their progeny, which in my humble opinion explains nothing at all.

look, if you were going to name your children after whatever you like, then i guess my future child is gonna be called..


ZZNC = 珍珠奶茶 (milk tea with pearl)
D2 = Dota 2
VW = Volkswagen.

just kidding! (get it..? kidding??) i don't really like VW.

i could go on forever, but i need to think about what to really name my child. after all, not being elon musk means i need to send him/her to school and having been a mean kid once, i know i'd make fun of a name.

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