Saturday, April 25, 2020

flatten the curve

today i want to talk about something very serious.

as you can see from the title, it's about flattening the curve. not sure if you have any opinions on how the CB has been going on; but if you ask me it's definitely not working.

the f**king CB (not literally), if anything, is making the curve much worse than before.

i've found a picture on the internet to describe what i'm talking about.






this is what my chopping board looks like. messed up.

i swear, i just went to sleep one night and the next day, the chopping board had a curvature that would make beckham proud.

as google can answer so many things now, i was ensured that i'd find out the reason for this unwarranted curvery. from my understanding, apparently it has to do with uneven moisture content on different sides of the board which causes expansion and contraction of the wood through absorption of water.

i shall have to be very careful the next time i go swimming and lay on the beach to suntan. for all you know that could cause some serious back curvature.

thankfully, there seems to be two simple solutions to flatten the curve.

the first is to leave it alone. when the damp side's moisture content lowers, the board moves back to its original shape.

the second is to use a hot iron or some heavy stuff to press down upon the board. the pressure eventually will flatten the board.

unfortunately, i only have one f**ked up chopping board, so i couldn't test to see which method works better.

otherwise, the humble little wooden chopping board could be an indicator on how to handle flattening other curves. after all, this is science, how can it be wrong?

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