Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Ho's Guide to Looking Sexy

It always happens like this. A few days before a test, I get stressed out, and I borrow a novel. The novel is such a godsend compared to whatever drivel I have been studying that I forget about studying altogether.

At 8.15am tomorrow, I will take my mid-term paper for Conflicts of Law. On my desk staring at me lovingly is an old worn-out copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I have already read through half of it over yesterday and today. It is a mind-blowing piece of work. 'Mind-blowing', as opposed to 'mind-fucking', which is what my law readings are.

At 8.15am tomorrow, I will take my mid-term paper for Conflicts of Law. I already know the answer. It's forty-two. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


I think a fever is what happens when the brain levels up to the next level of consciousness.

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